Home > Forever Summer :(Beachcomber Inn Book 1)(22)

Forever Summer :(Beachcomber Inn Book 1)(22)
Author: Melody Grace

Noah had to laugh at the almost-apology. Mackenzie headed back outside, leaving Noah and Jake on clean-up duty. “Way to have my back,” Noah joked as they started on the dishes.

“Any time.” Jake grinned. “Except …”

“What?” Noah asked, bracing himself.

“Mac’s right, it took me a while to get my act together over the two of us,” Jake said. “But now, looking back, I wish I hadn’t wasted so much time. I knew that she was the one from the very first time I kissed her.” He shrugged. “I guess I wonder how much heartache and drama I could have saved us both if I hadn’t tried to fight it for so long.”


Dinner came to an end with plenty more teasing and laughter, and soon enough Noah said his goodbyes, but as he drove back through town, Jake’s words lingered in his mind.

Was his friend right?

Was he just wasting time by telling himself this thing with Evie was off the table? He had plenty of reasons not to go diving into something, and Lord knew, she did too.

But that kiss …

That wasn’t a “see you around sometime” kind of kiss. It wasn’t a “sure, I’ll call you once my schedule frees up” or “maybe, if we’re both free on an empty Friday night” kiss.

No, that kiss was the real deal.

And he wanted more.

Noah found himself driving down to the beach and bumping along the sandy road towards the Beachcomber Inn. The place sat silent in the last rays of twilight, surrounded by building equipment and trash piles.

“Hello?” he called out, finding the door half-open. One of the contractors was halfway up a ladder.

“Hey, Evie’s out back,” he called down to Noah. “Tell her I’m just finishing up.”


Noah made his way through the house, impressed by all the renovations they’d managed in such a short time. With all the ugly, peeling wallpaper gone, the floors stripped, and the dusty old furniture removed, he could see the bright, airy potential of the place.

He found Evie on the back porch, sipping from a steaming mug as she gazed out at the view. He paused for a moment, watching her. She was always in such a fluster of activity. He didn’t think he’d ever seen her like this before: so peaceful.

So beautiful.

He cleared his throat, and Evie turned. “Noah!” she exclaimed.

“Hey. I was … just in the neighborhood,” he lied. “The place is looking great. They’ll be done soon.”

“Here’s hoping. Except that’s when Cooper’s enormous bill will come due,” Evie said with a wince. “But you don’t care about that. What brings you here?”

“Well …,” Noah started. “I figured it was about time I came and asked you out to dinner.”

Evie blinked at him, her cheeks turning pink. “Dinner?” she echoed.

“A date,” Noah clarified. “Dinner, ten-pin bowling, fries with ketchup instead of mayo,” he quipped, trying to hide just how nervous he was suddenly feeling. “Whatever the lady wants.”

“Oh.” Evie opened her mouth, then closed it again. “I … umm …”

“The drive-in opens for the season tomorrow night,” he said. “Or we could stick with the classics: dinner somewhere with a view. Not that anything could beats this place,” he added. “I’m not sure I’d get anything done, waking up to a view like this. Although, I guess that’s the point, right? For all your guests.”

Noah finally forced himself to stop talking. Way to sweep her off her feet, babbling like a fool. What had happened to his usual charm? There was just something about this woman that made him forget all his smooth talk and pick-up lines.

Evie waited another excruciating moment, then finally answered. “I can’t, not tomorrow,” she said. “I have a friend visiting from out of town.”

“Please, don’t let me stand in the way of a good time.”

A woman’s voice came from behind them, and when Noah turned, he found a tall woman with wild dark hair hauling a suitcase out onto the porch.

“Jules!” Evie cried, running over to smother the new arrival in a hug.

And was it just him, or did she seem just the smallest bit relieved?






Evie hugged Jules long and hard. “You have no idea how happy I am to see you!”

And not just because her well-timed arrival had saved Evie from having to make a decision about Noah’s invitation. He’d taken her by surprise, just showing up like that—right when Evie had been lost in memories of their kiss.

Sensual, heart-pounding memories.

Get it together, Evie.

Jules stepped back. “It’s good to see you too, babe. And very, very good to see him.” She fluttered a wave in Noah’s direction. “Hi there. You must be the firefighter.”

“Noah.” He shook her hand, looking amused.

“I’m Jules,” she said, looking him up and down so blatantly Evie winced. “The best friend. But I’m just here for the weekend, so if you want to move that date until next week—”

Evie elbowed her.

“OK, OK.” Jules grinned. “It was lovely meeting you, Noah the Firefighter. But now us girls have some serious catching up to do. I’ll be hearing all about you, I’m sure.”

“See you around.” Noah gave them a smile and left them to it, as Evie dragged Jules inside.

“Way to be subtle,” Evie said, her cheeks burning.

Jules smirked. “I think subtle went out the window when you stuck your tongue down his throat.”

Evie couldn’t help but laugh. “Fair point.”

She hugged Jules again, overwhelmed with affection. “I missed you! Why did I move three hours away from you?”

“You mean five, in traffic,” Jules corrected her. “A family with Dakota plates got a real nice view of me peeing in the bushes on the side of the highway.”

Evie laughed. “So, do you want to see the place?”

“Absolutely!” Jules beamed. “Show me the place that captured your heart and stole you away from me.”

Evie took her around the house, laying out all her plans. “I’m going to have all kinds of local history books in the library here, plus good juicy beach reads … and an old record player in the lounge, so guests can play their favorite music … and wouldn’t this make an amazing breakfast nook?” she said, showing off the little alcove overlooking the bay. “You could sip your tea and eat scones while watching the sun rise.”

Jules groaned. “It’s all so picturesque,” she said. “Meanwhile, I’m elbowing my way through the subway Hunger Games every day. Did I tell you some jerkwad nearly shoved me over in line at the ATM? I thought I was getting mugged, but nope, he couldn’t wait another five seconds for his money. And you know how he took his cash?” she added. “Dollar bills. That charmer was heading straight for the strip club.”

Evie laughed. There was nobody quite like Jules. As welcoming as everyone in town had been, there was no replacing her best friend’s boundless enthusiasm—and her outrageous sense of humor.

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