Home > Holding You Close (Ex-Con Duet Series # 4)(27)

Holding You Close (Ex-Con Duet Series # 4)(27)
Author: Kennedy Fox

She laughs as a big smile fills my face. “I'd just taken a pregnancy test yesterday because I realized I was late. I didn't want to say anything until I had blood work done because I don't trust those plastic sticks.”

“What did I do to deserve you?” I ask as a few tears of happiness roll down my cheeks. “You're pregnant with my babies. We're going to have a family together.” I try to take in the moment and enjoy it. Sitting on the edge of the bed, I kiss Katie with so much passion, we nearly lose control.

“I'm so happy,” I admit.

“Me too,” she whispers. “Seems as if it's real and confirmed then. Apparently, I'm nine weeks. The estimated due date is in December.”

I grin. “Guess I better light a fire under my ass to get that house finished well before then.”

Katie chuckles. “That would be a dream come true.”

“All of this is.” I run my fingers through my hair and softly touch her cheek.

“I think I've experienced every emotion on the spectrum today,” she says when I tuck loose strands of hair behind her ear.

“Me too, sweetheart. But right now, I'm on cloud nine. I never thought I’d have the opportunity to be a dad, especially with you.”

She meets my eyes and hesitates. “I was scared to tell you too soon just in case I miscarried.”

Her admission has my heart cracking into a million pieces. “Katie,” I hum, forcing her to meet my gaze. “We'll take it one day at a time, and no matter what happens, I'll be right beside you the whole way, okay?”

“I don't want to take this happiness away from you,” she admits. “I’m worried, especially now that I’ve learned it’s twins. I knew there was a possibility I was pregnant, but with two babies? Noah,” she says. “It’s even riskier to carry multiples.”

I move as close to her as I can. “First of all, you've already given me so much, too much. Your love is enough, Katie, and there are days when I feel like I don’t deserve you. I don't expect anything else. What's supposed to happen will happen, and we'll take precautions along the way to make sure you're safe, and the babies are too. And if something does happen, I wouldn’t be upset with you or think you’re taking anything from me. You’re the most important thing in my life. I love you with every ounce of my being, every inch of my heart, and I'll stand beside you through thick and thin. We’re doing this together.” I interlock my fingers with hers and press my lips against her knuckles.

She leans back against the pillow and slightly relaxes. After placing her hand on her stomach, Katie grins. “They're going to have the best dad in the world.”

“And so will Owen,” I say, and don't have to explain myself any further. I plan to be in their lives permanently, and I’ll do whatever I can to provide for them both.

“I love you,” she tells me. “So damn much.”

“I love you too. You're my everything.” Leaning over, I lift her shirt and kiss her stomach. I don’t fully understand how our lives will change, but I’m welcoming it with my entire being.



Chapter Thirteen






After I was released from the hospital yesterday evening, Eric drove us home. On the way, he discussed returning to Vegas in a few days, considering Brittany’s no longer a threat. For the first time since all of this started, I felt like the stress has finally dissipated. Until he leaves, Eric's staying in Everleigh's spare room because there’s central air and the basic essentials. I owe Eric so damn much because I'm not sure Noah or I would be alive without his help.

My mother brought Owen back after dinner, and he was very clingy, not that I minded. He's never seen me in the hospital, and I think it scared him. I've tried to assure him I'm fine and everything is okay, and I stayed with him in his room and held him until he fell asleep.

Noah even spent the night with us. He slept in my bed for a bit and held me, then went to the couch before Owen woke up. Because the doctor was so adamant about me resting, Noah wanted to make sure I did. The stress and trauma combined with dehydration could’ve resulted in tragedy, but I try to push those thoughts away. I'm overwhelmingly grateful we’re all okay.

It was shocking to learn I was having twins, but to see the amount of pride and excitement radiating from Noah made me so happy. I'd been nervous to tell him, trying to find the right time, wanting to be certain it wasn't a false alarm. Now that he knows, things feel different between us. In a good way, though, in the type of way where I know we'll always be together. I'll do anything to protect these babies, and I pray nothing happens. I'd be lying if I said the thought of miscarrying again hasn't plagued me, but Noah is gentle and understanding, and it’s only been twenty-four hours.

I sleep in and wake to the sound of my bedroom door opening. Noah enters with a tray full of food, and Owen carries a glass of milk and orange juice. Sitting up, I rest my back against the headboard and smile.

“Good morning,” Noah hums, setting the tray on the bed as I brush fallen hair from my face. My eyes go wide, seeing biscuits and gravy, sausage patties, bacon, and a fruit bowl.

“Happy Mother's Day, Mom!” Owen says, handing the drinks to me.

“Thank you, sweetie,” I tell him, meeting Noah's eyes with a soft smile. “I totally forgot.”

“We've been just a little preoccupied,” he reminds me, and I nod.

“One second,” Owen says, then runs off. Noah takes the opportunity to lean in and steal a kiss.

“You're so beautiful in the morning,” he whispers against my lips before pulling away.

Owen rushes back with something in his hand. When he gets to the edge of the bed, he passes me the item wrapped in pink paper.

“You got me a gift?” I ask.

With a big smile, Owen nods, eagerly waiting for me to open it.

I tear off the paper, and I'm instantly in awe. Owen drew a picture of him, me, and Noah standing in front of the new house. I swallow hard, hoping I don’t cry.

“You like it?” He smiles wide.

“I love it, baby. It's incredible.”

Noah leans over and looks at it. I watch his eyes soften as a grin touches his lips. “This is awesome!” Noah encourages.

“Last week, my teacher let us make gifts for Mother's Day, and I asked if I could draw a picture instead. I've been practicing a lot with my comics.”

I open my arms, and Owen falls into them. I squeeze him tight. “Thank you. I love it so, so much.”

“You're welcome, Mama!” We break apart, and he snags a piece of pineapple from my fruit bowl with a laugh.

“Are you hungry?” I ask, offering more.

“We already ate,” Noah tells me with a wink. “Enjoy your breakfast and meet us in the living room when you're done,” he adds.

“Breakfast in bed. I can't remember the last time I've done this,” I admit, taking a big bite of eggs. Noah and Owen leave, and I nearly inhale the food. After I'm done, I get dressed and walk into the living room that’s full of balloons and several dozen roses.

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