Home > Holding You Close (Ex-Con Duet Series # 4)(3)

Holding You Close (Ex-Con Duet Series # 4)(3)
Author: Kennedy Fox

“Yeah.” He blows out. “I agree. I just...I could’ve sworn she was in my room.”

Curiosity fills me. Is it possible she stopped by before Gemma and Jerry arrived? Absolutely.

Considering he's awake and talking, the last thing I want to discuss right now is Brittany.

“I was worried about you, Noah. I thought...” My voice cracks, and I choke up. “I thought I was going to lose you.”

With a tight squeeze of my hand, he tries to reassure me. “I'm not going anywhere, sweetheart.”

His words make me smile, but I also know we can’t control every situation. “I was scared. The blood and the way your truck looked. I just...I thought the worst.”

Sucking in a deep breath, he turns his body toward me, and I stand to help adjust his pillow.

“It happened so fast,” he says.

I can't even imagine what it was like. “They said the truck hit you off-center, and if it would've been two feet to the right, you probably wouldn't have walked away.”

He tries to suck in a deep breath but winces instead. I give him all the time he needs, and before I say another word, my phone dings. Pulling it from my purse, I unlock it and see a text from Gemma.

Gemma: Belinda just met us for lunch and said Brittany showed up for her shift today and acted like nothing happened. No comment about yesterday. Do you think she knows about Noah's accident?



Katie: If he was going to pick her up and never showed, wouldn't she question it? All of this is strange AF.



Gemma: Yeah, I agree. Belinda did mention she was driving a rental car and had her SUV towed.



I narrow my eyes and reread the message.

Katie: If you wanted your story to be believable, wouldn’t you tow it somewhere too? I’m not buying this, but I'll figure it out. Also, your brother's awake now.



Gemma: I agree. Something weird’s going on, and I'll tell Dad about Noah. Yay! Please tell him I love him and I’ll see him soon. I'm sure we'll be back after we eat. We're just down the street at a cafe grabbing a sandwich.



Noah clears his throat. “Who's that?”

I give him a smile and lock my phone. “Gemma. Just letting her know you're awake. They're eating, then they'll be back. She said she loves you.”

“Tell her I said it back, please,” he says and sucks in a ragged breath. “Were they worried?”

“Yes, we all were. You had a room full last night. Even Owen was stressed,” I say.

Sadness meets his eyes. “I'm sorry. I hate that I’ve put y’all through this.”

“You're alive, and that's all that matters. It was a wake-up call, I think. A reminder that life is short, and we don't always get second chances. Not that I ever have, but I promise I won't take a moment with you for granted, Noah. I just kept thinking...what if I lost you?”

“Might be broken and bruised, but I'm here, baby.”

I lean over and press my lips against his, and the emotion pours through me. When I move back to my chair, I meet his eyes again. The nurse enters, and she's pleasantly surprised to find Noah awake.

“Good afternoon, Mr. Reid,” she tells him. “I'm Tracy, your nurse. How's your pain level today?”

“I'm okay,” he tells her. “Could use some water.”

She nods. “I'll bring some. Anything else?”

“I don't think so, thanks.”

Tracy leaves and eventually returns with a small pitcher of water and some ice chips. “Press your call button if you need anything.”

“Thanks,” he says, and she leaves. I pour a glass of water as he tries to sit on the edge of the bed and put his feet on the floor. “I feel like I got my ass beat.”

I hand him the cup, and he drinks it in a few gulps, so I give him more. “Last night, I just remember wanting to talk to you. You called, and I dropped my phone on the passenger side floorboard.”

Staying silent, I just listen.

“Then the crash happened, and I saw my entire life flash before me,” he says, and I can tell sitting upright is taking a lot out of him. When he drinks all the water he wants, I help him lie down.

“What else do you remember?” I study him.

“You showing up and me telling you that I loved you. Then you said it back.” His gaze pierces through me.

A smile touches my lips and grows wider. “I do love you.”

“I meant it, Katie. I love you so damn much. It was one of the last thoughts I had before everything went black.”

“You mean more to me than words can express.”

I move forward and kiss him. Emotion pours out of me in waves, and I sink toward him when his tongue swipes against mine.

“Lie down with me,” he says, holding me close. The hospital bed is small, but somehow, we manage it.

Noah chuckles. “Maybe I should get into more accidents.”

“Maybe I should kick your ass?” I look up at him with a smirk.

“I might like that.” Noah wiggles his brows. “I’ve missed you.”

“Same,” I admit. “I'm happy you're awake.”

“There's no other person I'd rather see right now than you,” Noah says. “You're so damn beautiful, Katie.”



Chapter Two






I've only been home for twenty-four hours, but it already feels like a lifetime because I can’t do much. The doctors stressed that I needed to take it easy, and Dad said he’d make sure I did. Now that he’s retired, I’m positive he will. The ride home from the hospital was absolute torture because I felt every bump and pothole. It took a while for me to make it upstairs and get settled in bed, and I’ve been in here ever since. For most of the afternoon, I’ve been in and out of sleep, but I called my parole officer and let him know what happened. He was gracious enough to reschedule our meeting as long as I called and checked in with him regularly. When Katie got off work, she brought Owen to visit, and I assured him I was fine.

This morning, I woke up with aches in muscles I didn't even know existed. Getting comfortable enough to fall asleep was nearly impossible, but the pain meds helped, even if they don't last long. Doing basic tasks like showering or brushing my teeth seems to take every bit of strength I have, but I manage. The last thing I want to do is ask my dad for help regardless of how many times he's offered. I think this accident shook him up as much as it did Katie and Gemma.

After I'm ready, I go downstairs and attempt to make myself something to eat but settle for toast. I slap some butter and jelly on it, then go to the living room and sit on the couch. Though I turn on the TV, I'm not listening because I'm too lost in my thoughts.

I know what I heard at the hospital, and I'm positive Brittany was there with a man. The only thing I haven't figured out yet is her motive to kill me. Hearing that she's responsible for breaking the window at the gym and the pipe bomb that was thrown through my dad's window makes me fucking sick. All this time, she's probably been busy trying to impress me to make it easier to take me out. Too many scenarios float through my mind as my cell phone rings.

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