Home > Lethal Game The queen of paranormal romance(33)

Lethal Game The queen of paranormal romance(33)
Author: Christine Feehan

She should have found that first, but she’d been so worried that she couldn’t do it. “Malichai, honey, I need paper and a pen.”

She was already at the small desk under the window, looking back at him for confirmation. She detested going through his things without his permission, but she really didn’t know how much he was comprehending.

He didn’t respond and she found what she was looking for in one of the drawers, snapped on the light over the desk and drew a map of his bone, numbering every crack. She wanted the healer to see what they would be working with. She was as careful and as accurate as possible. Using Malichai’s phone, she snapped a picture of it and then sent it to Ezekiel with the text stating it was of his bone, a three-dimensional drawing numbering every crack and the infection seeping out of it. It was the best she could do. Now it was a matter of waiting.

She went back to the bed and once more used a cool, wet cloth to try to get Malichai’s temperature to come down. He didn’t open his eyes, but she knew he was aware of her presence because he kept reaching for her. She put lip balm on his dry lips and tried to shush him when he so obviously wanted to talk to her.

“Honey, just conserve your strength. I think your brother is taking care of things very fast for us. It won’t be long, and I’ll work on your leg and then they’ll be here to really help you. Just try to ride it out until then.”

“I have things that have to be said.”

Her heart clenched hard in her chest. Did he think he was going to die? She didn’t want to hear the things he thought necessary if that was the case. “You can say them after I work on you. Right now, it’s imperative you stay as strong as possible.”

“If something happens to me, Amaryllis, you promise me you’ll go back with Zeke and the others to Nonny. You’ll be safe there.”

Why would she want to go there without him to be reminded every single day she’d lost him? There was no way she was going to promise him something like that. No way.

He waited for her answer and when none came, when there was only silence and the cold cloth moving over his forehead, he caught her wrist. “Baby, this is serious. Sooner or later, Whitney is bound to find you. Even after Zeke gets you the perfect ID, something could trip you up. A random photo of you taken by some tourist at the wrong time.”

His voice was so low, barely a thread of sound, but each note thrummed through her body, touching her soul. Mattering to her because she mattered so much to him.

“Nothing is going to happen to you, Malichai. I’m going to heal your leg and then by tomorrow your brother will be here with some big shot healer that really knows what he’s doing and he’s going to save the day.”

Malichai still didn’t open his eyes, but his hand unerringly found hers and he wrapped his fingers around it, pulling it from his forehead to bring it to his mouth. “You’re going to save the day. You always do.” He kissed her fingers.

His lips felt hot and dry. His breath hot. But the gesture was so sweet her stomach did that slow roll that sent butterflies winging their way through her entire body.

She was desperate to change the subject. If he insisted on talking, she didn’t want to talk about him dying, or her leaving. “Do you really think Anna and Burnell overheard those people in the magic shop talking about killing the maximum amount of people?”

He was silent for a moment. She listened to his breathing. It was a little scary when it was so shallow. She wanted to snatch up the phone and tell Ezekiel to get a move on. To hurry.

“I think any time you think something like that is said, it warrants investigation. Now that someone has murdered Anna and Bryon, I would say chances are very good that something isn’t right in that magic shop.”

“That really makes me worry for Miss Crystal.”

His lashes fluttered. “Stay away from there, Amaryllis.”

“You were going to set yourself up as bait. I could do it. I’m very fast in the water and I’ve had comparable training in hand-to-hand combat if someone comes at me underwater.”

He did open his eyes then. All that gold glittered and gleamed dangerously now behind a haze of fever. “Don’t you dare.”

She wanted to smile at the absolute dictate. Her sweet Malichai thought that would stop her. Nothing stopped her when she thought something was right. In this case, she wasn’t certain.

The phone buzzed and she snatched it up to look at the message splashed across the screen.

Plane in air headed your way. Mordichai, Rubin and I are on board. Joe, our team leader and healer, is looking over your drawing now and will be contacting you under ten. Malichai needs liquids. Hydration. Do you have IV set up?

No on IV, no access. Yes on liquids. Will wait for call.


It was amazing the relief she felt knowing they were on the way when just a couple of hours earlier that would have panicked her. She got an arm behind his back and helped him half sit so she could hold a water bottle to his mouth.

“Drink, honey. Zeke’s on the way with Mordichai, who I presume is your brother, and Rubin, who you told me was with you when you saved those men on that mission. They’ll be here soon. Someone named Joe is going to call me and guide me through helping you.”

He drank some of the water, but most ran down to his chest. He lay back without commenting. She closed her eyes and pressed the cold bottle of water to her forehead. Every minute that ticked by seemed like an hour.

The phone rang in some program she wasn’t familiar with, but she answered it and immediately realized it was one much like Face-Time, but probably a secure one. Even though she wanted this more than anything, she felt all the color draining from her face. Her hand trembled as she answered.

On his side, the picture was shadowy, but she could make him out, just not his facial features that clearly. Just as she didn’t want Whitney to know about her, neither did the man who at the moment was her lifeline. She was just grateful that he was willing to do this for her.

“Amaryllis here.” Her heart pounded. She had zero confidence in herself when it came to using this particular gift. One had to learn. To practice. Especially before attempting on a human being.

“Your diagram was particularly helpful. Are you ready? Ezekiel and the others have been conferenced in, but they will stay absolutely silent.”

“They told you I have never done this, right?” She wanted him to know.

“Yes, but you can follow my instructions. I’ll be with you every step of the way.” Joe’s voice was calm and steady, but more than anything filled with confidence. “Your instincts will kick in.”

She started to protest but Malichai unexpectedly reached out and enveloped her hand with his. Just his touch gave her a level of composure she hadn’t had before. Deliberately she looked at him, let her gaze drift over his face, taking in his tough features. She leaned into him and brushed his lips with hers. Her stomach did a slow somersault.

“I’m counting on you talking me through this,” she said aloud to the healer. She forced a smile at Malichai and whispered to him, “We’ve got this, don’t worry.”

“I know you do, baby,” he murmured.

She hoped so for his sake. She could live with him having one leg, but she knew he would still continue to be sent on missions whether he had one leg or two—and he’d go. She brushed one more kiss on his lips and then she moved down to his calf once more.

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