Home > The Biker's Lucky Charm (Royal Bastards MC : Charleston, WV Book 5)(16)

The Biker's Lucky Charm (Royal Bastards MC : Charleston, WV Book 5)(16)
Author: Glenna Maynard

I gaze at him in complete shock unable to speak as I hold my fingers up feeling the sticky warmth coating my fingers where I touched the back of my husband’s head.

“Pam,” Vince barks. “Snap out of it.” His fingers wave in front of me. “Hey.” He shakes my shoulder. “Have you drank anything tonight?”

I shake my head. “What?”

“Have you been drinking?”

“What’s that have to do with anything? My husband could be dead and it’s my fault. It’s my fault.” My body shakes as the cold and wet of the rain seeps through to the bone along with the weight of reality. My teeth chatter as my body trembles with worry.

“Babe.” I press my lips to Link’s hoping by some miracle that luck shines down on us and saves my husband. “Open your eyes, honey. Brant, please. Come back to me. Come back.” I press my fingers to his neck in search of a pulse as sirens howl in the distance.


Someone wrapped me in an itchy blanket. I can barely hold the cup of coffee I think one of the police officers gave me.

“We really need to check you over. You could have whiplash,” a nurse tells me, softly.

“Not until I know he’s okay.”

“At least let us find you something dry to wear. You’re soaked through.”

“Fine.” I only agree because maybe I can think clearly once my body regulates itself back to room temperature again.

The older woman gives me a hospital gown and socks. I sit on the edge of the exam table once I’ve peeled my wet clothes off and changed into the dry. They drew my blood when I first arrived. I guess the cops wanted to make sure I’m not under the influence. I know they are only doing their job. I have nothing to hide. I told them I had a few sips of beer earlier when we first arrived at the clubhouse.

Vince is getting his head looked at and I’m not sure where Link is. They aren’t telling me anything. All I know is that he is alive and breathing. For now it has to be enough. I can’t afford to fall apart.

Until I hear him cry.

“Mom, mom,” echoes down the hall, and I know that call. It’s Connor. I rush into the corridor head snapping back and forth both ways listening. A mother knows the sound of her child.

Zoe walks out of an exam room with my boy on her hip as he chews on his fingers with tears coming down his cheeks.

“Zoe,” I call out with a slight crack in my voice from all my tears.

She spins around at the sound of my voice, eyes widening as she takes in my appearance. I catch a glimpse of myself in the reflection through a glass partition. Sopping wet hair dripping down my back. Eyeliner smeared under my eyes. Shivering in a hospital gown. I look like something washed up out of a well from a horror flick.

“Jesus, Pam. What happened? I’ve been calling. Link said he couldn’t get you on the phone, he was supposed to meet me but never showed.”

“Meet you?” I ask but then see the stitches on my baby’s head. “What happened?” I reach for Connor.

“He hit his head. Gave me and Kimber quite a scare. He’s a tough boy though.” She hands Connor to me and I kiss his cheek, hugging him tight as he whimpers. “Are you okay?”

I shake my head and bite back my tears. “You wouldn’t believe it if I told you, but there was an accident Link he’s...”

Her face pales. “He’s what, Pam? Where’s my brother?”

“I’m right here,” his gravelly voice croaks from his wheelchair as he is wheeled toward us with a thick white gauze wrapped around his head.

“Honey.” A tear rolls down my cheek. He has no idea what seeing him is doing to me in this moment. I thought I’d lost him.

The same nurse who was seeing to me offers me a weak smile. “Your husband was lucky. He has a cracked rib and a concussion. Some contusions. We’ll be keeping him for the night to observe him to be safe, but he’ll be fine.”

“Thank you. Can I sit with him?”

“Until we get him set up in a room but visiting hours are over.”

“Why don’t I take my nephew home. He’s had a rough night. Kimber should have the car pulled around.” Zoe Touches Link’s hand lightly. “I’m glad you’re okay.”


“Babe, your ass is hanging out,” Link says with a hint of amusement in his voice.

I roll my eyes at him. “My ass hanging out is the least of my concerns.” I take his hand in mine after pulling a chair next to the bed he’s resting in while they work on getting him admitted for observation. I brush my fingers over his rough knuckles. “I thought I’d killed you.”


“It was me you ran into.”

“Why did you leave the fight?”

“I saw Danika follow you to the clubhouse. Just tell me why? What is it about her?”

He squeezes my hand hard. “You thought I was with her behind your back?”

“I saw the two of you. She was touching you and you had your hand around her throat.”

“To choke the stupid cunt. I gave you my word. Nav told me someone wanted a private word. I figured it was Vince. She said she wanted to apologize but didn’t want to upset you. I told her she needed to get lost. Came back out and you were gone. So was Vince. Were you with him?”

I suck in a breath. “He jumped in when I was about to leave said he wanted to talk. That’s all it was. I was dropping him off and planned to go get Connor from your sister.”

“You leaving me?”

“I thought about it?”

“With him?”

“Vince? No. I’m sorry I got pissed and just assumed the worst.”

“Can’t blame you for that. It’s on me.”

“I love you, Brant. Only you.”

“Good ‘cause I’d hate to kill you if you try to leave me seeing as your my lucky charm.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Never had anything good in my life till you came into it. Look at all you’ve brought me. Given me lots of good. Took a chance on me even though I didn’t have a damn thing to offer in return.”

“I’m a pain in your ass.”

“A sexy pain in my ass. C’mere.”

“I’m right here.”

“Closer. Get in this bed with me, woman.”

I do as he wants careful not to touch his injured side or his head.

“Think I can get you in a sexy nurse outfit when they let me outta here?”

“I think we can arrange that.” I kiss him soft and sweet with tongue. Lots of tongue.






“Don’t put that in your mouth.” I grab the paintbrush from Connor, and he smacks at me. “No hitting, mister meanie pants.”

“Are you sure it’s not too bright?” Zoe looks at me and back at the cotton candy blue wall.

“It’s fine.”

“I like it, Mom,” Kimber tacks on.

It took us a few months, but we finally found the perfect location for the daycare. Zoe is finishing up updating all her certifications but, in another month, or so we will officially be opening our doors.

“Are you only saying that because you’re ready to get out of here or do you really like it?”

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