Home > Frayed (Willow Springs #1)(13)

Frayed (Willow Springs #1)(13)
Author: Laura Pavlov

   “Who gives a shit what these people think about you, Sherman. You’re a brilliant fucking dude. I’d much rather be the valedictorian than be on the homecoming court.” I tipped my chin, and he got all flustered and knocked his water bottle off the desk. He and Adelaide bent down to pick it up at the same time, and he jumped up and slammed his head into his desk, causing his glasses to fall to the fucking floor.

   If I’d known a little compliment was going to cause the train to come off the tracks, I would have kept my damn mouth shut. Adelaide was down on the floor reaching for his glasses and she looked up at me, eyes watery, and face flushed. She shook her head as if she couldn’t contain herself another minute. Sherman started hysterically laughing and tears ran down Adelaide’s face as she lost it. Jesus. These two were ridiculous. And I fucking joined in. Because seeing Sherman Saxe fumble around was funny as shit.

   “Everything okay back there?” Mrs. Cunningham asked. “Calculus isn’t supposed to be this fun.”

   “Sorry, Mrs. C.” Adelaide and Sherman returned to their seats.

   “I don’t know what just happened. I guess I uh, what would you say, Jett? I lost my shits?”

   My head tipped back again in laughter. “No need to make it plural, buddy. Just shit.”

   “Well, thanks for saying that. I’ve worked hard for my grades. And to be honest, I was happy to see you both on the court. My two best friends.”

   What the…

   Adelaide’s plump lips turned up in the corners. “We’re an unlikely group, but here we are.”

   I shook my head. “You’re both too smart for your own good. Sherman, you text too much. Ace, you have shit taste in dudes. But you’re both all right.”

   She rolled her eyes, and Sherman smiled, his gaze bouncing between her and me.

   The bell rang and I high-fived Sherman and told Adelaide I’d see her on the field.

   It was game time.

   Time to focus.



Chapter Five


   Alec scored a touchdown and relief flooded me. He hadn’t had his best season this year, and his dad was all over him. He wasn’t going to play after high school, and I didn’t understand why Boone Taulson felt the need to ride him so hard.

   He’d been really stressed out lately and I was happy that he scored because hopefully it would help his mood. He was mad about Coco going to the dance with Shaw, because it meant the two groups would be taking photos together. Alec was not a fan of Jett, and he didn’t care for Shaw and Jax. I didn’t know why. We’d all grown up together.

   His disdain for Jett had only worsened this year, so I kept my newfound friendship with him and Sherman to myself. This morning he’d ranted about Jett driving a motorcycle and how stupid it was. He complained about how Jett didn’t throw him the ball enough and ripped my head off when I asked if Jett made that decision or if Coach Stephens did. I understood his frustration, as we were all feeling it with it being senior year when so much change was upon us. It scared me too. But Alec and I would be fine, just like we always were. It was our last year of dances, and seeing the same friends every day, and going to school with the same people. The thought made my stomach turn.

   The game was tied, and tensions were high. Karina and I were not seeing eye to eye on what cheers to call, and Coach Hansen told me to call the cheers for the rest of the game. Of course, that pissed Karina off, so she talked over me every time I spoke. I’d never understand what the girl’s problem was, but this rift between us had become exhausting. Between cheer practice, and National Charity League which my mother chose to sign me up for every possible volunteer position, and my class load—I was stretched as far as I could go. Catty fights with Karina were not high on my list.

   “Hey, I don’t want to keep doing this with you. You call the next one. I’m fine with it,” I said to her, as the football coach called a timeout. This was my olive branch.

   “Oh, really? So, you decide who calls the cheers now? I know you think you’re the queen of Willow Springs and the boss of your boyfriend, but you do not call the shots on this team, Addy.”

   “What? This is me trying to meet you halfway. What is your problem?” I mean, the girl slept with my boyfriend. And she hates me? I was trying to move past it. I didn’t blame her for what happened, I’d blamed Alec. But it didn’t mean I liked her. She wasn’t nice, she talked smack about everyone, including her friends, and she was catty as hell. But I didn’t want to fight with her all year. We’d be heading into basketball season next, and we would have to cheer again together.

   “You’re my problem, you prima donna, spoiled bitch,” she hissed before flipping her hair over her shoulder and laughing.

   Wow. Tell me how you really feel.

   “Fine. Let’s go with East Texas for the score, next. Everyone line-up. On three,” I shouted loud enough that they could all hear me, and we took our positions for the next cheer. The only saving grace was that Karina and I were both flyers, so I didn’t have to worry about her intentionally dropping me. Because I wouldn’t put it past her.

   During halftime, my mom called me over before we ran out on the field to perform our cheer, and she handed me some lip gloss. “Here, Addy.”

   Clem ran up and I hugged her. “How did your race go?”

   “I won.” She beamed, and I pulled her in for another hug. “I’ll tell you all the details tonight.”

   “I’m so proud of you. Can’t wait to hear all about it. I’m sorry I couldn’t be there.” I’d seen Clem race a few times and she was amazing. She squeezed my hand.

   “You need a refresher,” my mother said, handing me her compact powder with the little mirror inside.

   “Oh my god, Mama. You’re so shallow. Her gigantic bow won’t allow anyone to see her face anyway,” Clem said to my mother and I bit my lip to keep from cackling.

   “She’s got a point,” I said.

   “Clem, someday you will understand how important this is. Your sister is out there supporting our boys and the game is tied.”

   Clem rubbed her temples. “Mother, please. She’s out there dancing in a skirt, shaking her tail. Why is it Addy’s job to support the boys? They should be cheering for her.”

   My mother stilled and turned to face my sister. “I cannot do your whole feminist thing right now with a tie game. Go up and sit with Daddy and stop with this nonsense.”

   Clem went to open her mouth and my mother held her hand up. If Mama were a superhero, she would be The Great Silencer. If she didn’t like what you were saying, she ended the conversation. She shut it down. It was a brilliant strategy, actually. This is why she always got her way. But I had a feeling Clem was going to challenge her for years to come. My sister stormed off and my mother shook her head.

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