Home > Frayed (Willow Springs #1)(64)

Frayed (Willow Springs #1)(64)
Author: Laura Pavlov

   My stomach dipped and my chest tightened at his words. Jesus. Is this what it felt like to get a father’s approval? And damn if it didn’t feel good.

   I cleared my throat. “Thank you, sir. That means a lot to me.”

   “We’d like to have you to dinner tonight, if you’re free. Maybe give us a second chance? I know you two spend a lot of time together, and it’s about damn time we got to know you better too.”

   I leaned back in my chair. “Is your wife okay with that?”

   “It was her idea. She didn’t feel like you’d receive it as well if she came with me today, but she’s the one who asked me to extend the invitation. She’s desperate to patch things up with our daughter, and she knows getting to know you is a part of that.”

   I crossed my arms over my chest. It wasn’t the most genuine of reasons to get to know me, but for Adelaide, I’d do it. Because she needed to patch things up with her mother.

   “Okay. I’ll be there.”

   He smiled. “Great. So now that that’s behind us, tell me about the football program at TU. I can’t wait to see you play for them.”

   I spent the next hour and a half chatting with Ellis Edington about football, and school, and his time growing up in Willow Springs and becoming the mayor. Turns out his journey wasn’t all that different from mine. He didn’t come from much, but he went after what he wanted.

   And I’d go to dinner tonight because I loved my girl, adored her crazy baby sister, and admired the hell out of her father. Was I guarded when it came to her mother? Sure. But I was all about putting this shit behind us and moving forward.

   And what better time to start than now.



Chapter Twenty-Three


   Dinner was going better than I’d ever imagined it would. I was shocked when Mama told me Jett was joining us. This was her version of an olive branch. She’d also had a heart to heart with me about why she’d hidden those college acceptance letters from me. Turns out part of her obsession with me and Alec being together and attending the same college—with me living at home—was all a way for her to keep me close. My mother was even more controlling than I’d ever realized. I guess the idea of me spreading my wings terrified the hell out of her. I didn’t think what she did was right, but I understood her fear. And we were working on mending our relationship.

   Mama T had even come over after school today and she’d asked me all about the colleges that I was considering. I knew my mother must have talked to her because she’d barely acknowledged me for months. And it felt good to put it all behind me and focus on the future. I loved Alec’s family, and I didn’t want to lose them just because we weren’t together anymore. I’d known them my entire life. And I still held out hope that Alec and I would be friends again someday. But with him trying to hurt Jett right now, I didn’t see a way for that to happen. Maybe time would heal all of these hurts.

   Mama asked Jett dozens of questions about what he planned to major in and when he’d leave for school. She wanted to know what his long-term goals were and how long he planned to play football. I held his hand beneath the table as he fielded the grueling interrogation with ease and confidence.

   Jett Stone had nothing to hide. He knew what he wanted, and he made no apologies for it. And I loved that about him. He never wavered when it came to his hopes and dreams, as he’d been planning them his entire life.

   My sister made googly eyes at my boyfriend the entire dinner, and I couldn’t help but laugh. And Daddy and Jett had somehow formed a friendship and shared an easy comfort with one another now.

   “Thanks for having me, Mrs. Edington.” Jett helped clear the dessert plates and said he needed to get home.

   Mama dropped the dishtowel on the counter and my father, sister, and I all followed her movements. We were on the mend, but we had a long way to go and I didn’t totally trust her just yet. And I’d be dammed if I’d let her do anything to hurt Jett again.

   “I’m going to say this in front of my family, as I think pulling you out on the front porch for another chat might put everyone on edge.” She chuckled, but I could see how nervous she was. “I owe you an apology, Jett. I was wrong and I’m embarrassed about how I behaved. And the things I said about your mother were unfair and cruel.”

   He nodded. “I appreciate that.”

   “I know I can’t fix things over the course of one dinner, but I’m hoping you’ll give me a chance to earn your forgiveness over time.”

   His hand tightened around mine, and I knew he was uncomfortable with the whole exchange. I’m sure he wondered how genuine she was. I wondered the same thing and I’d known her my entire life.

   “I’m good with that.”

   “Good, because we sure enjoy having you around,” Clem said, wriggling her brows and breaking the ice the way only my sister could. We all broke out laughing and I walked Jett outside and down the driveway to his bike.

   “Thanks for doing this tonight,” I said, wrapping my arms around his middle and breathing in all his goodness.

   “Of course. Your dad’s a cool dude.”

   “No one has ever called him cool. He’d be so excited right now to hear you say that.” I laughed, because my dad was the sweetest guy, but his cool factor was not high.

   “And Clem’s pretty awesome.”

   “You’re only saying that because she has a mad crush on you.”

   “And I have a mad crush on you, Ace.” He kissed me.




   “Yeah? And my mom is at least trying, right?”

   He nodded. He didn’t trust her. I saw it in his eyes, but he wouldn’t say it aloud. “She is. And I want you to get to a good place with her because I know it hurts you to not have that.”

   “We’re getting there. And Mama T was actually friendly to me today for the first time in months. Maybe everyone is coming around.”

   “Maybe.” He ran the pad of his thumb over my bottom lip, and chill bumps spread down my arms. I wanted to climb on his bike and kiss him. Touch him. All the things that had been consuming my every thought. But I knew there was a good chance my mother was watching us from inside. “So, tomorrow, I’m leaving school a few minutes early. Can you meet me out at our spot on the lake? I have something for you.”

   “Oh, you do, do you? Does this have something to do with prom?” I teased. Everyone was starting to ask their dates to the dance. Each one more creative than the next. But I didn’t care how he asked me. As long as I was going with Jett, I’d be happy. He wasn’t a showy guy, but he was the most thoughtful boy I’d ever known. I knew he’d do something that actually meant something to me. Because that’s who he was.

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