Home > Possessed by Passion(114)

Possessed by Passion(114)
Author: Bella Emy

His warmth seeped through the blanket. Her body relaxed of its own accord, molding her closer into him. His spicy male scent filled her senses with his essence. This is the most intimate encounter I’ve ever had and there’s nothing sexual about it. She snuggled closer against him.

Malik shifted. The movement jogged her awake. Daylight had broken and she lay curled in a fetal position in his lap with her head on his shoulder. Sometime during the night, the comforter had unwrapped and shifted, so it covered both of them. His arms were still around her, but his hands cupped her breasts.

She smiled as she ran her fingers through the hair on his chest. Is he groping me, or am I groping him? She snuck a peek. Yup, he’s naked. It seemed like the most natural thing she’d ever experienced.

He pulled his arms back and arched his back in an awkward stretch. “Sorry love, but I’m starting to feel a little cramped.”

She kissed his jaw as she rose, pulling the comforter up with her. Her cheeks heated as his long form lay exposed.

“So, what’s on the agenda for today?” He rose and stretched, unabashed at his nakedness.

She hurried inside to avoid temptation. “You are staying here for a bit. I actually have to do some work for my real job. Remember I told you about that little boy, Toby? My special case? He has a family interested in him, and I’m going to do a home visit for possible adoption.” She hesitated. “Even though I’ve thought about adopting him myself.”

“Why haven’t you?”

She puffed out her cheeks. “Money, mostly. It’s not a cheap process.”

He chuckled as he followed. “You do realize that I’ve been around a lot longer than you. I’m perfectly capable of leaving the house and entertaining myself.”

“I can’t have you coming and going. One of these neighbors will call my father, and I don’t want a lot of unnecessary explanation.” She explained Edward’s aversion to all thing’s witchcraft.

He headed to the spare room. “No one will see me. I’m not human, remember? I do have a few—err—demon tricks. If I don’t want to be seen, I’m not.”

She turned to where he had been, but he’d disappeared. “Well, don’t get lost.”

“You don’t have to yell.”

She shrieked. He stood in front of her, kissed her quickly, then vanished again. Moments later, he walked out of the bedroom, fully dressed.

Her brows raised. “Damn. You do have demon-y powers.”

“Have a nice morning. I’ll be back after lunch.” He disappeared.

Jealousy flushed her cheeks as she dressed. Who could he possibly be going to see? He told me about all those easy bimbos back in his day. Is that where he went? Can he follow the past life regressions to find their current forms?

She shook her head. Does that even make sense? Her breath exhaled loudly. I meet my first demon, and he’s a whore. Go figure.

She caught sight of herself in the mirror and burst out laughing. “You idiot. You turn him down flat, then get pissed because he might be going to get some. Get a grip, lady.”

In her office, she lost herself in paperwork until it was time for the home inspection. The family had decided that they wanted to adopt a sister for their current child. With all the pieces in place, it was an easy approval.

Pleased that it seemed the adoption would be a success, and relieved that it wasn’t for Toby, Tori stopped at Starbucks for a latte. She caught herself searching the crowd for the handsome gargoyle. Quit thinking of him as a gargoyle.

Then what, a demon?

Can’t he just be a man?

She stopped at the park down the street from the group home. Ducks strutted around seeking handouts while others floated on the water. She stared over the water as the sunlight seeped into her bones.

What’s he doing right now? Who’s he with? She shifted on the bench. Why do you care? Don’t get attached.

Her heart skipped a beat and she stiffened. You ass. You already have. You fell for a gargoyle, for Christ’s sake. A friggin demon. What were you thinking?

Destiny. Nothing she had any control over.

No, last night was just—nice. It didn’t mean anything. Just because I enjoyed a cuddle doesn’t mean I fell in love.

A duck quacked.

Does it?

A couple walked by and nodded in her direction. She blushed, as if they heard her internal battle. Her phone beeped.

The display read La Petite.

Toby’s missing.

She dropped her latte and ran.



Chapter Eleven

Staff members met her at the door.

She tried to control her panic. “What happened?”

A teacher stepped forward. “Toby got into a fight with Robbie again. Robbie said the only reason people did stuff with Toby was because they felt sorry for him. And—” She hesitated, looking at Tori.


The teacher continued. “And that Toby acts like a little bitch because you baby him so much.”

“Oh, for fuck’s sake. I give him extra attention because he’s always in trouble.”

“Language, Ms. McIntyre.”

She spun around to find Malik behind her, brow raised.

She didn’t even have to ask how he was there. “Language is the least of my worries right now.” She looked back at the teachers. “Does anyone have any idea where he went?”

“According to the others, Toby disappeared on his way to art class. Since that classroom is in the wing closest to the woods, that’s our best guess. We just didn’t want to start searching until you got back.”

“Have you called the authorities?”

A nervous shuffle. “No, we waited for you.”

Relief washed over her. As long as we find him, that’ll save me a whole lot of paperwork.

“Okay, everyone take a wing and search it. He may just be hiding, daring us to find him. I’m going out to the woods.”

Malik followed. “I’m going with you, of course.”

Tori ignored the questioning glances from the staff. She waved her phone. “Call or text if you find him.”

A nature trail ran through the wooded section of land. She started to call his name but stopped. “If he’s out here, he’s going to hide. He certainly isn’t going to answer. He likes making it a long, drawn out game.”

“He keeps you on your toes. Let me give it a go.” He stilled and closed his eyes. His face went slack and his eyelids twitched.

“There’s a waterfall nearby?”

“A small one, if you can even call it a waterfall.”

Malik headed down the path. “That’s where he is.”

She hurried to keep up. “You have some pretty impressive demon-y skills.”

He glanced sideways at her. “Demon-y? I believe that if I had a demon-y card, it would be revoked. My abilities aren’t always used for good. Nor am I usually so restrained.”

In a fluid motion, he stopped and grabbed her shoulders. He kissed her hard and deep, demanding. She instinctively responded, shocked and aroused all at once. With a will power she didn’t know she possessed, she stepped away.

“We can’t be standing here making out when a child is missing.”

Malik ran a hand through his thick hair. “He’s fine. An extra minute won’t hurt him.”

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