Home > Possessed by Passion(159)

Possessed by Passion(159)
Author: Bella Emy

Cassius dumped Detective Carter into the backseat, strapped him in with two seatbelts, and slammed the door shut. He spun, his eyes glowing black. “Two months ago, a serial killer used my club as her personal hunting ground. She murdered a lot of innocent people before we stopped her, and I'm not going to let it happen again.”

“Stopped her... As in, arrested her?”

Cassius’ mouth folded into a thin line. “She didn’t survive.”

Lara shuddered and wrapped her arms around her waist, allowing the space between Cassius and her to grow. “Did you kill her?”

“No, she was shot by the police.” Cassius turned. Pulling open the driver door, he sank into the seat. “I think we should make two stops tonight.”

Lara frowned. “Where else do you need to go?”

“I’m dropping you off with Detective Ross.”

“I don’t need a babysitter,” Lara snapped. She marched around the front of Cassius' car and climbed into the passenger seat with a growl. “Nor am I hiding out with some pudgy, donut-eating cop while you deal with Milo. He’s my problem.”

“Milo is everyone’s problem; he’s already killed three people. And, as much as Detective Ross would love to hear you describe her that way, that is not the reason I’m leaving you at her house.”

Lara swallowed her waspish retort. “Then, why do you want to get rid of me?”

Cassius pinned Lara with his dark gaze. “Because you’re terrified of me.”

“I’m terrified of Milo,” Lara replied, her voice soft. “You had plenty of opportunity to hurt me, you didn’t.”

“Maybe I'm biding my time, waiting until your defenses are down.” Cassius ran his tongue across his canines, they flashed in the moonlight.

“You work with the police... to protect and serve, isn't that the motto?” She crossed her arms, and arched an eyebrow daring him to contradict her.

“It's their motto.”

“What is yours?”

“Always ask for a second taste.” Cassius grinned, revved the engine, and peeled out, the tires squealing.

“I want to go with you to see Ethan.” Lara's gaze slid to Cassius, focusing on the muscle pulsating in his jaw.

“You’ll be safer with Detective Ross.”

“I’ll only be safe once Milo is locked up, or whatever you do to ghosts that commit crimes.” She chewed her lower lip. “He will be locked up, right?”

Cassius’ hands kneaded the steering wheel. He shook his head.

“Milo gets to go free?” Her head whipped around, her eyes drinking in Detective Carter’s unconscious body. “What kind of justice is that?”

“I didn’t say Milo wouldn’t be punished.” Cassius sighed, his shoulders rolling forward. He glanced at Lara. “Although the Mendsville police force is ahead of most other towns when it comes to regulating the paranormal community, it doesn’t have a containment unit.”


“There’s only one available option when dealing with a vindictive spirit... exorcism.”

“So, the death penalty? Doesn’t he get a trial or something?”

Cassius choked. “Are you fighting for your ex-husband’s rights as a supernatural being?”

“No,” Lara drew out the word. “Milo needs to pay for his crimes.”

“And he will.”

“Is that why you’re going to see Ethan? What paranormal creature is he?”

Cassius snorted. “Ethan is normal.”

“Normal?” Lara frowned. “As in human?”

“As in he has no talents that will further his career in Mendsville, which is why he was transferred out of the department.”


“He’s Detective Carter’s brother,” Cassius cut her off. “In my experience, the possessing spirit has a difficult time holding onto the body when the original inhabitant is encouraged to fight the invading entity by someone they love.” Cassius jerked his head back at Detective Carter. “Ethan is the only person that bastard ever cared about.”

“Now, I have to meet him.” She folded her arms, as if signaling the end of the discussion.

“Fine, but you are not to interfere, no matter what Milo or Detective Carter says to you during the ritual.” Cassius’ eyes glowed. “Swear it.”

“I swear.” Lara drew an “X” over her heart.

Cassius yanked the steering wheel to the left, and the car slid sideways around the curve, the backend fishtailing. Lara slammed into her door, fumbling with her seatbelt to ensure she was secured in place. Tucking a strand of loose hair behind his ear, Cassius straightened the car with a bored expression, as if his alarming driving were commonplace. Less than a minute later, the car skated around another corner. A tiny squeak escaped Lara’s clamped lips.

“I’m an excellent driver,” Cassius said, placing a gentle hand on Lara’s trembling arm. “I’m asking you to trust me.”

Lara nodded, unable to reply. She feared if she opened her mouth, she would just start screaming and never stop.

“We need to hurry, we’re running out of time.” A moan accompanied his statement, and Cassius’ eyes lifted to the rearview.

“Can’t Milo just possess Ethan?” Lara twisted in her seat, staring at Detective Carter.

“Okay, Ethan has one skill.” A whisper of a smile crossed Cassius’ face. “He’s unpossessable.”

The car’s headlights passed over a small house, one of twenty cookie-cutter frames which lined the street Cassius had turned onto. He drove into the driveway, parking beside a dark compact car, and pulled out his phone. He typed a quick message, then slid the phone back into his pocket, and climbed from the car.

A small sliver of light appeared in the downstairs window. The younger version of Detective Carter darted from the house, wearing only boxes and white shirt, his mouth pulled into a frown.

“What happened to Dane?”

“Possessed by her ex-husband,” Cassius replied as he dragged Detective Carter from the backseat. “Nasty spirit too, tried to stake me before I knocked him unconscious.”

“I don’t have any of the necessary supplies to perform an exorcism.” Ethan stroked his chin. “Do you know where to get them?”

“I know a guy.” Cassius jerked his head toward the car. “Detective Ethan Carter meet Lara Angelov.”

“The black widow?” Ethan leaned over and waved at Lara through the open door. “I’ve heard so much about you.”

Lara blushed.

“It wasn’t her, jackass,” Cassius bit off as he walked around Ethan, Detective Carter slung over his shoulder. “Her ex-husband was responsible for all of her fiancés’ deaths.”

“Then, it’s lovely to meet you.” Ethan held out his hand with a grin. “I never thought you did it.”

“Thank you,” Lara replied, accepting his hand. Her eyes flicked to Cassius, who stood impatiently tapping his foot.

“I may have supernatural strength, but I don’t enjoy standing here holding your brother,” Cassius grumbled.

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