Home > Possessed by Passion(193)

Possessed by Passion(193)
Author: Bella Emy

“He went to Sanborn and then he just...disappeared. The police were no help, so I went to find him. But all I found were terrible stories. I don’t know what was true, but I do know that place took him. It’s evil and you shouldn’t go there. Ever.”

Tommy shivered.


“I know you think I’m a rambling old woman but—”

“I believe you,” Tommy interrupted with a quiet voice.

Confusion flitted across her face.

“I have to go back there,” said Tommy.


Tommy nodded.

His mum’s pale eyes widened.

“Paul’s missing.”

Her head dropped and for the longest time she stared into her lap.


Her chest rose, and she let out a slow, trembling breath. “I know I can’t stop you.” She heaved herself to her feet. “Wait here.”

As she walked out of the room, Tommy caught his breath as he glimpsed her eyes shining. He’d never seen his mum cry; not when Dad had left, not even at her sister’s funeral. It sent a cold dread rippling over his skin.

She returned shortly carrying a small, brown fabric pouch and handed it to him. He took it and started to pull at the frayed string around the top.

“No. Don’t open it. It’ll irritate the heck out of your skin and eyes.”

“What is it?”

She sat down next to him and rested her hand on his thigh. “When I went looking for your father, I was given this by someone in Sandborn. They told me some fantastic story about monsters and such. Told me this would protect me if I ever crossed paths with it. It’s powdered mistletoe and angelica and some other things I can’t remember.”

“Did you?”


“Cross paths with anything?”

“I’m not sure. I saw...something. It stalked me as I walked near the forest.”

Once again, the dark figure reflected in his wing mirror sprang into his head. He shivered.

“For once, I pray Paul’s been arrested and you have to go bail him out. But if he’s not...” His mum squeezed his knee. “Throw that powder in the face of anything that comes at you. It should slow it down. Be careful. I can’t lose you both.”

Tommy didn’t ask who she meant when she said both. Did she mean him and his dad or him and Paul? He didn’t want to know. He hadn’t given up on his brother yet.



Chapter Four

“Wow!” Beccy said as she walked into Liam’s apartment.

Liam smiled and followed her inside, carrying her suitcase. He looked around and tried to see it through her eyes. He loved the sleek lines, and slate grey colour scheme but now wondered if it was too masculine or American Psycho for her to feel comfortable.

“It’s beautiful,” she said and spun around. Her brown eyes shone with excitement. “Can I look around?” She dropped her eyes and added, “Master.”

“In one minute. We need to talk first.”

He took her coat and guided her to the large sofa in the living area. She perched on its edge and looked up at him nervously.

Liam cleared his throat. “Rules.”

Beccy clasped her hands together in her lap and gave a short nod.

“Rule one: I don’t expect you to call me Master. I only want you to use that when you feel I deserve it.

“Rule two: When I call you Rebecca, you are my submissive and must act accordingly. Otherwise you are Beccy and my guest. My home is your home.

“Rule three: You are not allowed to touch me or enter my bed without my permission. Understand?”

A look of disappointment filled her face. She nodded and said quietly, “I understand.”

“Something wrong?”

She shook her head. Liam raised his eyebrows and gave her a disapproving look.

“Are they the only rules?” she asked quietly.

Liam held back a smile. Beccy had seemed to enjoy herself the most when he had given her strict rules to abide by in their online playtime. “These are the rules for now. I will add to them as and when needed.”

A cheeky smiled appeared on her lips.

“Okay. Beccy, knock yourself out. Look around. Snoop in all the drawers and cupboards if you want. You already know everything about me. I have no secrets from you.”

“You kept one thing form me.” Beccy sprang to her feet. “I didn’t know how loaded you were.”

Liam laughed. “Sorry to disappoint. This place comes with the job, but I did decorate it myself. What do you think?”

Beccy picked up a mustard coloured cushion and hugged it. “It’s very stylish and sophisticated. You missed your calling.”

She dropped the cushion back on the sofa and walked over to the bookcase. Liam watched for a minute as she ran her fingers along their spines. Her movements were so graceful but somehow childlike at the same time. His eyes wandered down her body. Although she wore a black, thick-knitted jumper, her hourglass figure was still apparent. Her long legs, clad in black tights, had the muscular shape of a runner’s, but she’d never mentioned that she worked out. Maybe a question for later, but for now, Liam’s mind was too busy with thoughts of seeing her naked and bound on his bed, over the dining table, and over his knee. His pulse throbbed in the depth of his stomach and sent a warm wave of excitement through his body.

“Rebecca.” The firm tone in his voice filled the room with a tense charge.

Beccy’s arms dropped to her side and her shoulders rose and fell as she took a deep breath. She turned, and for a second their eyes locked. Desire flashed in her brown eyes, and Liam had to fight the urge to take her there and then on the sofa.

Her head dropped, she walked over to Liam, and knelt on the grey rug. Over the last few months as he had sat in his apartment, her avatar had carried out this simple task on his screen many times, but to have her there, in the flesh, kneeling on his rug took his breath away.

He walked as calmly as possible out of the room, wondering if she snuck a quick peek at him, and returned a minute later carrying a riding crop. He looped his hand through handle and then tapped her under her chin with the end of the crop. She raised her head.

Stern faced, he moved the leather tongue to her cheek and pushed gently. She turned her head until she was looking at the sofa. Confusion creased her forehead.

“Tell me what’s wrong.”

Her eyes darted about.


“Is that how you found the sofa?”

“I think...” Panic filled her face.

Liam moved the crop, sliding it slowly down her back, and gently tapped her backside.

“The cushion,” she blurted out suddenly.

“Well? Did you find it like that?”

She leaned over and quickly straightened up the cushion.

“I’m Sorry, Master,” she muttered returning to a kneeling position.

“Look at me, Rebecca.”

She titled up her head and looked at him. Her glistening lips slightly parted, and Liam wanted nothing more than to lean down and kiss her.

“You will make sure that everything is returned to its place after use. Failure to do so will result in punishment. Do you understand?”

She nodded.

“Good.” Liam didn’t give a damn about the cushions. The cleaner had been in that morning and straightened them up, but it gave him an excuse to ease into their roles. “If you follow the rules you will be rewarded. Tell me, in what way would you like to be rewarded?”

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