Home > Possessed by Passion(199)

Possessed by Passion(199)
Author: Bella Emy

Through the cellar door, Tommy heard the faint rattle of chains. He shook his head and stared at the bite marks in his forearm.

“Tom! Get that thought out of your head.”

“But she bit me...she’s got to be a...will I be one too?”

His father buried the knife into the door. “This isn’t a movie—not some Hollywood blockbuster. You’re definitely no Tom Cruise. It’s real life. You know what your brother would be doing? Besides laughing his head off at you, he’d be getting answers. Come on. Get it together you snivelling momma’s boy and repeat after me, werewolves don’t exist.”

A wave of exhaustion washed through Tommy. He’d not slept in twenty-four hours. His arm throbbed, and his eyes itched like hell. He was done with being told what to do. He got to his feet.

“Fuck off, Dad,” he muttered to the empty room and pulled open the cellar door.



Chapter Nine

“Hey, sleepy head,” Liam tapped Beccy’s arm. Her eyelids fluttered and a small grumble escaped her lips. “We’re nearly at Sandborn.”

Beccy sprung up in her seat. She blinked rapidly as she looked at Liam with unfocused eyes.

“Do you want to go straight to your aunt’s house or to yours first?”

“Just a sec.” She rubbed her eyes and arched her back before settling back into the set. “My aunt’s first. I need to see the note. Then mine to check on Shadow, see if he’s been fed.”

“Okay. You’ll have to direct me.”

“It’s easy. Follow the signs for Sandborn Manor. Her cottage is just at the edge of the estate. It used to be the old gardener’s cottage or housekeeper’s or something like that.”

“Yes, m’Lady. Who lives in the manor?”

“No one now. It was one of those stately homes you could visit, but they ran out of money, and it’s been closed and abandoned for years now.”

“Hmm, wonder if we could go inside. I fancy being Lord of the Manor and have you as my serving wench.”

“That could be interesting. I think I’d make a very good serving wench.”

Liam slowed the car down as they turned onto a narrow lane flanked by tall, thick hedges. The low winter sun dazzled him for a moment, and he pulled down the sun vizor.

“Not too long until it’s dark. Let’s hope we don’t come across any scary, yellow-eyed monsters.”

Beccy frowned.

“Like the ones from that weird rhyme you told me.”

Her hand shot up to her face. “Oh, my contacts. I forgot to put them in.”

“Don’t worry. We’re not going to see anyone. My plans with you don’t involve any socializing. Is it really that big of a deal round here?”

“Yes. You know how superstitious some folks can be and there was a spate of murders a few years ago around here. I don’t remember them—I was only a baby. One person who survived apparently said the attacker had yellow eyes. That refuelled the old superstition.”

“I’ve got some sunglasses in the glovebox. Put those in your pocket in case we meet anyone.”

Beccy smiled gratefully and opened the glovebox. As they passed a sign announcing their arrival into Sanborn, Liam saw a tatty and faded signpost for Sandborn Manor. He turned off the road into an even narrower lane and hoped they wouldn’t meet any cars coming the other way.

“Ooh, Gucci,” she said, taking the sunglasses out and slipping them on. “Very posh. I’d better be careful with them.”

“One scratch and I’ll put you over my knee.”

“Now I’m torn,” she chuckled. “I don’t want to damage them but...”

“Don’t worry. You’re racking up quite a list of things to be punished for.”

“How have I—” She broke off and pointed ahead. “It’s just up here on the left. See where the wall starts? Just a bit up from there.”

Liam nodded and flicked on his indicators when he saw the entrance,

“Good idea putting the indictors on. You need to let all the traffic know you’re turning,” Beccy said with a smirk.

“Are you being insolent?” Liam said and raised one eyebrow. “That’s another one for the list.”

Beccy grinned as they turned into the entrance between two large crumbling pillars. Through the trees Liam glimpsed flashes of a large red brick house with soaring gables and clusters of tall chimneys. He let out an appreciative whistle.

“Yeah, it’s quite impressive. It was used by the army during the war, then used as a boys’ school for a bit before being restored for tourists to visit. Now it’s just been left to rot away. Sad really. See that turning to the right through the trees? Aunty Di’s place is just up there.”

The Jag juddered as it followed the track through the trees and came to a stop in a clearing around a two-story, ivy-clad cottage. Before Liam had a chance to turn off the engine, Beccy had unclipped her seatbelt, opened the passenger door and had one leg out of the car.

“Wait! You don’t go in there without me,” said Liam with a glare.

He grabbed their coats and hurriedly joined her at the front of the car. She reluctantly slipped into her coat. Liam followed her along a gravel path to the back of the cottage.

“Aunty Di,” Beccy called as she took off her sunglasses and opened the faded green backdoor.

Liam put his hand on her shoulder and pulled her back. “I’ll go in first,” he growled.

“That’s not very gentlemanly,” said Beccy. She pouted but stepped aside.

“Who ever said I was a gentleman?” He raised his eyebrows.

Liam walked into the gloomy kitchen. Beccy followed closely behind and switched on the light. It revealed exactly the sort of kitchen Liam had expected to see. Thick wooden work surfaces, a deep ceramic sink, and a gleaming black stove made Liam feel he had stepped back in time and wouldn’t have been surprised if Vera Lynn’s voice came floating from the other room.

Beccy picked up a handwritten note from the table. “It’s her writing. A bit shaky, but hers.”

“Has that put your mind at rest?”

Her face crinkled as her eyes darted about the kitchen. “I guess it should, but something feels off.”

“Let’s look around the house, but maybe it’s all as simple as it seems. She’s decided last minute to visit a friend. Perhaps she pocket-dialled you by mistake. Now her phone is broken or out of charge. She might even have arranged for someone else to feed your cat.”

“I guess.” Beccy sighed. “I know you’re probably right and I’m over thinking this.”

“Maybe she took the opportunity of you being away to go to visit her secret lover.”

Beccy shrugged and smiled thinly.

“Come on. Let’s check the house then get you back to yours. You can check on Shadow. I’ll cook you something while you take a bath and unwind. Has your period started yet? You’ll need some tampons.”

Beccy blushed. “No, not yet. Probably tonight or tomorrow.”

Liam wanted to kiss the glowing patches on her cheek but didn’t think he would be able to stop. Instead he said, “Lead the way.”

They walked from room to room with Beccy needlessly announcing each room as they entered. Upstairs she paused outside her bedroom.

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