Home > Possessed by Passion(349)

Possessed by Passion(349)
Author: Bella Emy

“It’s just sautéed steak strips with mixed veggies and rice,” she said. “I hope you like it.”

“Steak, I love.”

“What’s that on your knee?”

They both looked down at his jeans.

“Oh, I slipped and cut my knee. I couldn’t find a Band-Aid.”

She dropped the giant spoon she’d been using to stir the steak and veggie mix, rushed into the downstairs bathroom, and returned with a box of mixed-size Band-Aids.

“Roll your jeans up. Let me fix this,” she said.

He tried, but because they were slim jeans, he couldn’t get them up far enough. The only way to get to the knee would be to take the jeans down, exposing his boxers.

“I’ll do this in the bathroom,” he said.

“Don’t be silly. You won’t be showing more than I’d see on a beach,” she insisted.

“Actually, I’d be more comfortable in the bathroom,” he said and blushed. Then realizing what he was admitting, she handed him the box and turned to the stove to stir their dinner.

That was awkward, she thought. He can’t be that interested in me, can he?



Chapter Thirteen

“I really admire the work you do,” Travis told her as he dug into his meal as though he hadn’t eaten in a while.

“Thank you. I enjoy it. A real history buff, I do research on the homes I work on if they are of historical significance. Not all are. Some are just ten years old or so and the owners just want a fresh look all around. Those are boring. But houses like this one and the judge’s home, those fascinate me.”

“I bet,” he agreed.

“In fact, I’m stealing away from here for a few hours tomorrow to meet with a Marion Fairbanks at the Nashua Historical Society to do some research on both houses. I can’t wait to see what I find out.”

“Let me know. I love that stuff. Marion will be a huge help. She knows this city. She co-authored two volumes of The History of the City of Nashua.”

“Have you been here all your life?” she asked.

“Yes. Went to Nashua South. A Purple Panther inside and out. Played second base. Do you like baseball? We have an AA team I like to watch at Holman Stadium. I’ll take you some time if you like.”

“I’d enjoy that,” she said and thought, he’s looking long term, but I want to move this along slowly.

“This is delicious. I’m not much of a cook. I microwave everything.”

She laughed. “My ex was the cook in our house. Gourmet food. I’m more a meat and potatoes lady. But he liked to cook, so I stayed out of it.”

“What happened there if you don’t mind my asking?”

“It’s still raw. It’s only been a month. But, I won’t lie. He cheated on me after six years of marriage.”

Travis whistled. “That stinks. What a jerk. I’m sorry that happened.”

“It’s okay. I’m learning to deal with it. Have you been married?”

“No. Haven’t found the right person yet, and I’m still trying to figure out what I want to do with my life.”

She fiddled with her wine glass. He seemed happy with his work when he came to measure and sell the windows a week before.

“You don’t like what you’re doing?”

“No. I could hang windows in my sleep. I need to be doing something physical and something different every day. I like working with my hands. What you do seems like just the right fit for me, but I’m not sure how the family would react if I bowed out of the family business if you know what I mean.”

He sipped his second beer of the night.

“Does your dad depend on you to keep it going?”

“Not really. I have a sister and two brothers working there. The place wouldn’t fall apart without me there. It’s just, well, it’s never been said out loud, but it’s just always seemed expected that we’d all fall into the family business. So that’s what I did. I just didn’t realize how quickly I’d get bored with it.”

“Now that stinks. I can’t imagine going to work every day to a job where I was bored. I wouldn’t want to get out of bed. Hey, you worked right along with me. You’re welcome to take a job with me. We offer some of the very best opportunities and benefits in the construction industry around if you’d be interested.”

Taking a sip of water she’d also left beside his plate, Travis then responded, “That’s a generous offer for someone without experience. I’d have to think about it and feel out some family members before making a decision like that. But I do appreciate the offer. Thank you.”

“G & J is always looking for hard workers. You had me when you offered to clean up. Newbie’s never seem to understand how important that is.”

“Well, we clean up when we install windows. I’m used to it.”

“Enough talk about work. Would you like dessert?” she asked.

He pushed his chair back and rubbed his stomach, which was trim. “I don’t think I could eat another thing.”

“Just brownies with walnuts and vanilla ice cream and if you are really full, you could skip the ice cream.”

“How about I take a raincheck and get a brownie tomorrow? I’d like to stop by after work and help some more if that’s okay. You only have a week and a lot to get done.”

“I’d appreciate that,” she said. He’s moving fast; am I ready for this? she wondered.

“This time, I bring dinner, and we can have your brownies for dessert. Okay?”

“Sounds like a plan, Stan.”

“Remember, I don’t cook. Do you like Chinese, Thai, Mexican?”

“Chinese sounds great.”

“Chinese and brownies tomorrow night,” he said. “Now, let me help you clean up the dishes.”

They worked companionably together with Alexa playing one song after another as they named them and laughed at those choices they hated and those they agreed on. When the dishes were done, she was worried he might make a plea to stay longer into the night. She was tired and didn’t want to encourage him to stay. But he must have read her mind.

“Well, I’ve got an early morning, and I bet you do too. I’ll see you tomorrow night.”

“Goodnight, Travis. Thank you for your help,” she said as she watched him climb into his truck and drive away.

What a nice guy, she thought.



Chapter Fourteen

Travis, true to his word, showed up every night that week, and they got a surprising amount of work finished. He was a quick learner. He’d spoken to his dad, two brothers, and his sister, who worked for the company and plead his case to move into a new career with G & J Renovations.

“How did they react?”

“At first, they were shocked as if I’d pissed on the family coat of arms, but after I explained my reasoning and the benefits G & J offered and the fact that more and more, our company was stressed by the demand to feed so many family mouths, they began to see my reasoning.”

“So, you’re coming to work for me?” she squealed.

“If you’ll have me,” he answered.

“Oh, yes,” she said and hugged him. She stepped back like he was on fire. “Oh, sorry, that’s so unprofessional. I’ve never done that before, but I never got to know one of my future employees so well before I hired him or her, either. This is different.” She reached out her hand and he reached out his. Although, she used hand lotion several times a day, both hands were calloused. “Welcome to G & J Renovations New Hampshire. Let’s call Rex and tell him the good news. He’ll send the paperwork for you to sign.”

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