Home > Possessed by Passion(373)

Possessed by Passion(373)
Author: Bella Emy

“They won’t. Besides, didn’t you show me all you knew on how to survive?”

“Yes,” he answered.

“Okay. Then let me use it if I have to. I’m not afraid and you shouldn’t be either.”

“I’ll try not to be, but if they do it again, we leave.”

“Okay. Stay with me for a few nights and they will forget. Humans are weak and they need instant satisfaction. If they don’t get it, they move on to where they can.”

“You’re right. How was your night?” he asked calming down a little.

“It was...interesting. But you go first. How was she?”

“She will be perfect. It will take a little to win her trust. Her last relationship wasn’t a good one, but I threw on the charm.”

“What is with humans and their shit choices on who they date?”

“That isn’t the problem, my love. The problem is they don’t value themselves or each other. They are all looking for what they can get from the other person instead of asking what they can give. I knew you weren’t like that the second I saw you. It was another reason I knew I had to make you mine.”

He had his lips on mine before I could speak another word and, like always, my body responded despite my wanting to talk to him about the man I followed home. If he could have read my mind in that moment, he might have stopped. The way he was desperately clinging to me and trying to climb inside of me, I didn’t think he would have noticed if I’d have grown an arm in the middle of my forehead.

I gave in and let him take me to new heights. The passion was more intense than it had ever been, and I gave into him completely. Folding up in his arms, I was swept away with his love and dove into the feeling headfirst.




“You never told me about your night,” Regan said when we woke up the following evening.

I was still in the same spot I had fallen asleep in. He was so confident about his body, he loved to walk around naked in front of me and then stop me from having my way with him. It was his little game of cat and mouse. I didn’t hate it, but sometimes I wished he would give in. That was how he was though. Things had to be in a certain time for them to work with him.

“It wasn’t bad. I wandered around and found this river I didn’t know was here. I found a man walking along it and followed him to a bar. He seemed like a good pick for our hunt, so I followed him some more. He lives alone from what I could see. There wasn’t a single thing in his place that said there was a woman living there.”

“You went into his place after just meeting him?”

“No. I stayed outside and looked through the window. I wasn’t going to do anything dumb to get us in trouble.”


“Anyway. Like I said, I think he would be perfect. I should be able to seduce him in no time and win his trust to get him for our celebration.”

“So, what’s the problem? I hear hesitation in your voice.”

“He wasn’t alone at the bar. In fact, there was a group of men with him.”

“Okay,” Regan said and looked at me like I was speaking a different language. “I don’t see what the problem is.”

“I wanted to talk to you before I went any farther with it because of the fact he was with a group of men. What if we take him and they come looking?”

“Oh, my love,” he said and moved closer to me. “Come here.”

He sat on the bed still naked and held out his arms for me. I went to him and he pulled me in closer. The feel of his body on mine was turning me on and I wanted to take him again.

“You go for him. I want this to be the biggest one yet. The fact he has a group of friends makes it that much more exciting. Don’t ever meet them and don’t let him take any pictures of you, for more than the obvious we blur in shots, but that way they can’t identify you. Find a name you like and use it. That will be who you will become with him. Figure out your backstory and make it believable. We will have our night we so desperately deserve and then we will move on. By the time they even realize he is missing, we can be on the other side of the country. I was thinking about maybe taking you overseas to Transylvania. There is a deep, rich heritage of us there as you know.”

“I do know, and I would love to get away with you. I think we should do it, right after our hunt.”

“Passports for us are an issue, but I know someone who flies, and he can get us on a plane without one. He also won’t tell anyone who we are or where we are going.”

“How do you know you can trust him?” I asked. I shouldn’t have questioned him, but he was asking me to completely trust someone I didn’t know to keep me safe.

“Because his mother was turned, and he knows what it’s like for us. He helps us in any way he can. It was the only thing he could do after he found out. You know it isn’t easy for a human to understand us.”

“I do know.”

“I don’t think you fully get it though. When we met, you knew the same as I did that we were destined to be together. You accepted your fate and took on the role as my bride with a flair I hadn’t seen before. It was as if you were made for this life.”

“I was, Regan. I was made to be right here by your side.”

I ran my fingers through his short, blond hair and watched his eyes roll into the back of his head. He loved when I did that, and it wasn’t long before I saw what I wanted to see. He was going to be mine again before he left me for the night.

I let him move me onto the bed and watched as he climbed on top of me. I waited to feel him fill me up and when he wasn’t going fast enough, I thrust my hips up at him.

“Slow, my love. Take your time and feel it all.”

His lips landed on mine before I could respond, and I let him set the pace. It was slow, sweet, and amazing. Making love to him, even after a hundred years, always felt like the first time.

When he was done and he knew I was satisfied, he jumped in the shower to clean up for his date. With the weather turning colder, night grew longer. It was good for us because it gave us more time to seduce our victims. But it also meant he was going to be gone from me for that much longer and that was the part I hated.

“You know I’m yours forever. Stop worrying about somebody else taking your spot next to me,” he yelled from the other room.

“Stop listening to my thoughts,” I screamed back.

“I will when they aren’t so ridiculous,” he said laughing.

“Well, have you looked at you lately? I don’t know how you do it, but I swear you get sexier the older you get.”

“It’s all in your head and you know it. The way we looked the day we were turned is the way we will look forever. We should be thankful we were in our twenties when it happened. I’ve seen some who were in their late sixties turned and they have to go around for eternity looking like dried up grapes.”

“Raisins,” I said back.


“Dried up grapes are called raisins.”

“You’re being cute today, huh? Go get cleaned up. You need to go have a run in with your new friend. You found him once, I’m sure you can find him again. Did you catch his scent? Think you could find him based on that?”

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