Home > Possessed by Passion(387)

Possessed by Passion(387)
Author: Bella Emy

The Angels looked at each other and smiled. “Well, I’m sure everyone would like to know, but it’s no-one’s business. Now buzz off.”

Miles took a step back and shrugged. “Okay, but I mean...if word got back up top...” He turned around and started to walk away.

They exchanged words quickly, and Miles was nearly around the corner when the blond one shouted, “Wait!”

Miles paused and looked back, trying not to smile.

“He’s Jay, and I’m Christian,” he motioned for Miles to come back, “We can’t tell you the exact plan of what we’re doing, we’re just soldiers in the battle, but we can bring you in and maybe if you join us and work your way up, the boss will see you.”

Miles walked back to them as they spoke and he nodded. “Seems fair, but can’t I just go to the boss?” he asked.

“Boss doesn’t reveal himself to just anybody,” Jay snorted. “You have to be one of the trusted, you have to earn that right, and we don’t trust just anyone, Miles.”

Miles nodded and said, “Well, like I said, I want to bring whatever you’re doing back to New York, my home city, so I’m willing to join the fight and do whatever it takes.”

“Start by taking this one out,” Jay said, handing Miles his blade, “Send him back to Hell and then give us your number; we’ll message you later and tell you where we can meet.”

Miles didn’t take the blade. Instead, he willed his own with his new Angel magic to appear in his hand, and once it appeared, he stabbed the Demon through the neck. The Demon disappeared in a cloud of ash and Miles willed the blade away. “I’m the real deal,” Miles said, “No need to test me.”

“Just checking,” Jay said, his own blade disappearing, “Can’t be too careful.”

Christian handed his phone to Miles, and he punched in his number. “I’m going to the Neutral Ground for a beer,” Miles said. “You’ll find me there or at a motel later. Message me when you’re ready.”

“You’ll find things are very different here,” Christian said with a smile, “Much more to our liking. You’ll enjoy it. The mortals are more complacent and well behaved. We’ll message you tomorrow with a place to meet; stay out of trouble until then.”

The Angels walked away, and Miles waited until they were completely gone before he turned and left as well, heading back the direction he’d come. He needed a drink after killing the Demon; it was the first time he had killed anything, and it weighed heavily on him. He said a silent prayer for forgiveness from Lucifer for crossing that boundary, but he needed to find out what was going on, and he would probably have to cross that boundary several more times on his mission yet.



Chapter Five


With the music playing all the classic eighties rock songs she knew in the background and slinging drinks effortlessly, Lizzie hardly noticed anything odd about the crowd that hung around the pub aside from the fact it still lacked the evil side of things. There was no more balance in the city, and it was starting to get to her.

“Beer, please.” She looked up. She didn’t recognize this guy at all, and he certainly didn’t look like a beer drinker. He sat down at the end of the bar and placed a gold coin on the wood in front of him. “And keep them coming.”

She nodded and pulled out a glass, filling it with what she had on tap before setting it in front of him and pushing the coin away. “We only take mortal money here.”

He sighed and took out his wallet, slapping a fifty dollar bill on the wood. She took it and put it in the till, writing him up a tab on the notepad next to the little machine. Whoever he was, he was different from the rest of the crowd, Lizzie could sense it straight away; his steely blue eyes scanned the group in a way that was not casual. He was clearly up to something. His lips turned up when he sipped his beer and Lizzie tried not to chuckle; he wasn’t a beer drinker, but he was trying to hide who he was, and she wasn’t going to interfere.

Once she was finished serving drinks to everyone who wanted one and most of them had moved away from the bar towards the small dance floor to the left, she set about cleaning the bar, moving from the boisterous left side to the quieter right side where the mysterious stranger was seated.

“Busy night?” he asked.

“Regular night,” she answered, not bothering to look at him.

“Can I ask you something?”

“You just did, but yes, go ahead.” She set the rag down and leaned on the bar to look at him.

He sipped his beer and fixed her with his gaze. “Where are all the other supernaturals that would normally frequent a place like this?” he asked bluntly.

Lizzie glanced around; he had asked quietly enough that no one had overheard. “I wouldn’t be asking questions like that too loudly; Angels don’t seem to like people making those kinds of inquiries.”

“Do you?” he asked.

Lizzie tilted her head. “Do I what?”

“Mind me making those kinds of inquiries?”

“I don’t care, and I don’t have the answers you’re looking for,” she said, going back to cleaning the bar. “If you want a drink, I’m you’re girl. Hell, we make a good steak and chips, but anything else, you’re on your own, buddy.”

“I’ll take another beer, and that steak and chips you mentioned,” he said.

Lizzie nodded and went to place the order before pouring the beer and setting it down in front of him. She went to the other side of the bar where three Pixies were waiting for her, but as she took their order, she could feel his eyes on her, staring at her. It was an uncomfortable feeling, and she knew he was trouble.

She got distracted though, thankfully but unfortunately, when three Angels came in drunkenly. It took a lot for Angels to get drunk, so wherever they were coming from was clearly out of stock already. Lizzie tensed up slightly, prepared for the argument that would undoubtedly ensue if this lot didn’t behave.

“Hello, Lizzie.”

“Kyle, Peter, and John, my three favourite customers,” she said with a fake smile. “What can I get you boys tonight?”

“We want three beers each please,” Kyle requested, slapping a leather sack of gold on the bar.

Lizzie looked at the gold and then at the three Angels. “Now, now, boys, you know I only take mortal money in this bar.” She pushed the sack of gold back towards them and smiled. “If you have some real cash I’ll gladly offer you beers, otherwise you boys need to find another Neutral Ground to drink at.”

“That’s what the last place said,” Peter whined.

“That’s cause we can’t be buying nothing in the mortal world with a gold coin,” Lizzie whined back with a giggle. “Now come on, don’t waste my time and make a scene; everyone’s watching.”

“I don’t care,” Kyle said, throwing the leather pouch down again, “I want my beers now, woman.”

Lizzie sighed. “Now, Kyle, you’re starting to get rude.” She reached down and pulled out her shotgun and pointed it at him. “Do I need to remind you that this is my pub and if I say you’re not getting something, then you’re not getting something?”

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