Home > Possessed by Passion(418)

Possessed by Passion(418)
Author: Bella Emy

So my plans for Reuben's mess of pills? Same method as usual. I'd get a sealable bin, fill it half full of meat waste, drop in his pills, and cover with lye. By the time it's disposed of, the contents of the bin won't be recognizable.

One of the things my grandmammy made and sold was homemade soap. She taught me her methods, how to make and store the ingredients, and how to sell it. After she passed away, I kept making her K-Corbin soaps and still sell them in my shop and at festivals when I set up a booth.

You wouldn’t be surprised in the least at all the people who buy soaps from a butcher when he tells them the story of his grandmother teaching him how to make it and then carrying on her legacy.

Unfortunately, I had to go get a bin for disposal and I was running out of time before I needed to pick up Aggie for dinner. The pills would have to wait another day as I had to have the right kind of plastic so the lye wouldn’t react and melt it.

Maybe I could convince Aggie to swing by the store before dinner. I hated the idea of lying to her though. But I certainly couldn't tell her I needed a plastic tote made of the right materials to dispose of animal fat, bones, and illegal drugs that cause comas and then death. Not the best getting-to-know your boyfriend conversation.

I finished sterilizing the kitchen and was on my way to take a quick shower and change clothes when the shop phone rang. Again.

The fuck if that was Mahoney.

“D-Corbin Meats, this is Drake,” I said, answering the phone.

"Oh gosh, Drake. Thank goodness you answered, man. I thought you were closed on Monday." It wasn't Mahoney, but it was my next favorite customer.

“I am closed on Monday. What's so urgent?" I asked Jack.

“Man, I’m in a bit of a pickle and need to unload some stuff; any chance I could drop by?”

This was it. I was going to tell Jack, just like I told Reuben. I was done. Last job and I was done.

“How quick can you be here? I’m about to head out to meet someone.”

“I won’t keep you long...I’m at the house and I can head your way in two shakes of a cow’s tail.”

“Alright, Jack. Don’t delay, I need to leave here in 20 minutes.”

I knew it would take him at least 5-7 minutes to make it to the shop if he was at home, so I hopped in the shower. I washed quickly and was towel-drying my hair when he knocked on the back door. Never fun putting jeans on when you’re not completely dry, but I managed.

“Come in, Jack,” I said loud enough for him to hear through the door. He came in as I was sitting at my desk putting on my socks and shoes.

“Anybody else here?” he asked, and I heard the door close behind him.

“Not at the moment, what’s the emergency?”

“Drake, one of my dealers sent a new batch down here and the runner stayed over at the house before driving back to Florida...he’s all loopy and shit. Like incoherent.”

“What the fuck, Jack? Why are you telling me all this and getting me involved?” It took everything I had not to kick him out right there.

“Drake, I’m taking care of it. I am,” he tried to reassure me. “I’ve stripped and cleaned the vehicle and I’m gonna drive him back myself if I have to. But I need help getting rid of the stuff.”

“Is this guy gonna make it?” I scratched my head and rubbed my temples.

“I’m gonna get him out of here and that’s that. I know, man, this is too much. I have a duffel bag of stuff in my truck. That’s all I’m asking...”

I audibly sighed. “What’s in the duffel? Tell me before you bring it in.”

"Needles, paraphernalia, a gun, a knife, and some drugs he sold me."

“You’re getting rid of drugs?” I asked, wondering what was wrong with them.

“The batch has to be what has killed people and will probably end up killing him. He took one when he got to the house...thinking it would make him sleep better. After about 12 hours, I went in to wake him up and the fucker was foaming at the mouth and talking crazy,” he explained.

“You’re gonna have to pay me well. And know that this is the last time I help you with something like this,” I told him. “I need you to promise me you won’t ask me again.”

“I understand all that. I’m gonna be gettin’ out of this business as soon as all my open deals are done. And as soon as I get back to the house, I’m getting him the hell outta Hazenberg.”

"That's good, Jack. You do that and put it behind you. Cash in the bag?" He nodded and went outside to get it, coming back in quickly. I took a glance and saw the same kind of pills that Mahoney brought me. “I gotta go, Jack. But I want you to take some steaks as a reason you stopped by this evening. Just in case somebody asks why you were here on a day I was closed.”

Reuben and Jack likely had no idea they were doing business with the same channels. And I wasn’t going to be the one to bring that to light. I don’t know why, but I got a better feel of trust from Jack though, rather than Mahoney.

I sent Aggie a quick message telling her I was going to be a little later than I had hoped. I had to store the stuff Jack brought like I had Mahoney’s stash on the off chance an unexpected visitor stopped by before I could properly dispose of it. It would be an unlucky time for a health inspector to stop by.

Less than an hour passed and I was ready to head to Aggie’s apartment when an unfamiliar vehicle pulled into the back parking area of the shop.

It was Jack’s new friend, the incoherent drug dealer. I saw him coming before he made it to the door to knock. He was not expecting me to answer with a shotgun.

“We’re closed.”

“Hey. Hey, man,” he said holding up his hands. “Jack said I could pay, that’s all, man. I could pay you for more!”

“Get the fuck inside before somebody sees you.” I opened the door fully so he could enter and pushed him up against the wall, slamming the door behind me. “What do you want?”

“Jack said. Jack said. Uh, Butcher will take cash. I’ve got cash. I just want the pills back.” The man was still practically a boy, his eyes red and splotchy, and having a horrible time coming down from his high.

“How many did you take last time?” I asked, pretty much already knowing the answer.

“Just one,” he said.

I set the shotgun on my table. I pulled out the duffel bag that I had stuffed in a tote and shoved clothes on top of to keep it inconspicuous in case I had a visitor.

“Okay. Give me a second.” I told him to wait there while I emptied the contents of five pills into a sample cup. I got a soda from the front, filled the cup up, and took it to him.

“This will calm your nerves while I work this out. Go sit in your passenger seat and wait for me.”

“Why the passenger seat?” he asked and shot the soda down his throat.

“Because it’s more comfortable and you look like you’re about to fall over asleep,” I lied. He looked wired. “I’ll be out with the pills in a minute; you get the money ready and stay in the car.”

I knew it wouldn’t take long.

I grabbed my cell phone and called Jack. It was getting late and I needed this to be done.

“Hey, Drake,” he said when he picked up the phone.

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