Home > Possessed by Passion(48)

Possessed by Passion(48)
Author: Bella Emy

“It’s not an act...”

“It’s always an act! No guy is actually a bad guy!” She grabbed her coat and threw it around her shoulders. “Though, you checking out other girls at work behind my back? Yikes. That’s pretty bad.”

Rodney shook his head. “There’s always going to be a girl trying to sway my attention her way. But I’m willing to fight for you. To fight for this. Us.”

“I relieve you of the burden.” The glare she shot his way was so cold.



“YUP, I KNEW IT! NOT a good match!” Preston announced. “Abort mission!”

“Just because he looked doesn’t make him terrible!” I protested.

Brie became far more tense. “It’s enough to make me rethink this a little.”

I groaned. “But look at them. Feel how happy she is right now. He said he was loyal and he wouldn’t actually cheat.”

“I don’t know...”

Rodney kissed Desi and a fire seemed to ignite inside of her. It felt different. Something about him was better than any of the other guys she’d tried to date, or even have a fling with. I’d be an idiot to push that aside.

“We give him a chance,” I stated.

Preston growled. “No!”

“Boys...” Brie hedged.

“There’s no reason why not!” I countered.

Brie started to circle around us. “Guys, you need to stop this! We’re hurting him!”

“What?” Preston snapped.

When I gazed back at Rodney, I noticed a look of panic in his eyes...along with how pale his skin was fast becoming. Ashen like stone.

Just like before, Desi was oblivious.

“Make her stop!” I shouted.

“I don’t know how!” Preston wailed.

Brie didn’t hesitate. She slithered off; two seconds later, Desi howled in pain.

A loud curse left her lips. “What was that? Ow! Ow! Ow!” She clutched her ear and looked at her fingers as they felt something wet. “I’m bleeding!”

I don’t think things have ever been so desperate that one of us has ever harmed Desi before. I turned on Preston. “What were you doing! Turning Rodney to stone! How dare you abuse your powers!”

“I didn’t! I swear! Something is wrong.”

I just about snapped off on him again when Brie’s shaking voice said, “I feel it too. It’s like we no longer have control. That outpouring of magic came from me, and I have no idea why. I don’t have problems with Rodney. And I’ve been feeling it with Toby too.”

That gave me pause. “Come to think of it, he makes me feel different as well.”

“Uh oh.” Preston took in a slow breath, and we all gazed toward Rodney. His skin returned to its normal color right away, and he wasn’t freaking out...yet.

Rodney blinked a number of times, the frown on his face deepening. “Whatever you do to me, Desi, it’s like nothing I’ve ever experienced before. You’re scary, yet enticing, sweet then sour.”

“Yeah fine,” she snapped. “Did you not just hear that I was bleeding?”

He dug into his pockets and pulled out a folded up unused tissue. “Here, put this on there.” He winced a little. “Looks like quite the bite. Bugs must be big here in the city. All of that pollution.”

“I don’t think it was a bug,” she grumbled. “Sweet then sour? You’re not good at complimenting girls, are you?”

“I’ve been traumatized by the bug bite. It messed me up too. Could have sworn you had me frozen in time.” The grin returned. “Should we take you to the hospital?”

She shook her head. “I don’t think it’s that bad.”

“It could get infected or possibly be poisonous.”

“I’ll take the risk.” She sighed. “I think I just want to get home. This was all a big mistake. We shouldn’t have even entertained the idea.”

Rodney tilted his head to the side. “Are you sure? Because I was enjoying myself. A lot. I enjoy you. A lot.”

“We work together. It’ll be bad when we break up.”


“When.” She pushed herself off of the wall and pulled out her phone to dial for a ride. “This was a sign. There are always signs, it seems.”

“Desi...” There was so much pain in his voice. “I don’t know who hurt you, but that guy wasn’t me.”

She held up a hand. “Stop. Please. Just...I’m going home.”



Chapter Eight


Poor Desi. So confused. She got back to her apartment and cried extra hard. I felt awful, like it was my fault all of that happened in the first place. After a good long hour of just crying to the point where she made herself sick, she at last picked up her phone and called her mother. It’d been a while since she’d done that.

“Everything about me feels wrong,” she sobbed. “I’ve completely given up on love, but every time I get close to just connecting with another person something bad happens!”

After a long moment of silence and simply listening, her mother sighed. “How about you come home for a couple of days. We can talk.”

“Do you...know something?”

“Yes, and it’s something I need to tell you in person.”

And within twenty minutes, Desi had a bag packed. Soon she was on the road. In a couple of hours, she arrived at her parents’ place, her childhood home.

The last time Desi came home, the experience had been strained. For the most part, she had a good relationship with her parents. The problems came from her overall attitude toward humanity as a whole. Oh how her family tried to get her to “see the light” and not give up on everyone. She wouldn’t budge. Desi’d been burned too badly.

As soon as the front door opened, her mother pulled her into the biggest of hugs. Desi resisted. She was not a hugger. From her mom, she tolerated them. Even upset, she couldn’t bring herself to let go and reciprocate the action. Mom hugs were the best during the upsetting moments. I enjoyed it, at least.

“I’ve got some tea brewing.”

“Thanks,” Desi whispered. “I know it’s late. Like, ridiculously late. I’m sorry.”

“Have a cup, it’ll help you sleep, and we’ll talk first thing in the morning.” Her mother smiled.

The tea helped her relax enough to stop the swirl of emotions and questions. After nine solid hours of rest, Desi woke up refreshed and ready for anything...until she remembered she wasn’t at home. On her phone was a message from Toby, and three from an unknown number.

“Later,” she mumbled. “Food...coffee...”

She trudged out of her room and to the kitchen where she discovered she’d slept through breakfast and lunch.

“There’s plenty of leftovers in the fridge,” were the first words her mother said.

With a grunt, Desi moved to make a fresh pot of coffee instead. “K.”

“Your father will be out all afternoon and well into the evening, so we can talk about everything and not have to worry about him,” Mom added.

Desi closed her eyes, her hand hovering over the water dispenser on the coffee maker. “I suppose we should get it all over with.” She lifted the container out and filled it. “I’m wondering if I should regret calling you now.”

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