Home > Possessed by Passion(90)

Possessed by Passion(90)
Author: Bella Emy

“Fuck!” echoed off the walls.



Chapter Six


The background of Morton Todd was disturbing, and given both his names meant death in other languages, it was even more chilling to think of all the things he had been implicated in. Why hadn't he caught my attention before? I wasn’t sure why he didn’t stand out. He should have, but since his name was brought to the front as a suspect, I had arranged a meeting.

As always, I arrived early to evaluate the surroundings. If it was not to my liking, I would leave. Simple as that. I couldn’t risk my position for that guy.

Things seemed to check out. A small tavern on the outskirts of town, and not my town where I might risk being recognized. It was busy enough that no one would notice two fellows having a few drinks, but not busy enough that we couldn’t have a little privacy.

A sleazy guy with greasy long hair, a scraggly beard and mustache, an oversized T-shirt, and baggy jeans pulled up the stool next to me. One whiff told me that he needed a good shower and a breath mint, already reeking like stale booze and cigarettes. “Drake?” he questioned, not even looking my way.

“You got it, Morton.” I always used my brother’s name when working a job. It kept my own identity a secret.

We started with the pleasantries and small talk. The weather. The sports world.

“You called this meeting. What do you need?” Morton finally asked, getting directly to it.

“I need someone taken care of. A woman.” I let that settle for a minute and added, “Can you help me with that, or do you know someone who could help me?”

“Why do you think I could help you with that kind of thing?” he countered, trying to make sure I was the real deal before committing.

“I got your name from Shorts.” He visibly relaxed at the mention of Shorts, another dirty guy who was known for his underground dealings. Anyone who was anyone who dappled in the dark web knew who Shorts was.

“You know Shorts?” I didn’t, but I nodded in affirmation. “Well, Drake, what did you have in mind?”

“I just need a woman taken care of. I don’t need any details about how it gets done. Just confirmation that it’s done,” I explained as bile rose in my throat at the thought of what he would probably do to any female in his possession.

“It’s gonna cost you.”

“Of course. Name your price.”

“Twenty-K.” he said this matter-of-factly.

I didn’t flinch or react to his request. That was probably the going rate, and I actually figured it would be more. “Done. Ten up front and Ten when the deed is done.”

“Deal.” Morton raised his glass to the bartender. “Let’s seal the deal with a few more of these.”

The drinks flowed well, but I was cautious, knowing that a buzz could compromise everything. Morton however did not feel the same way and was half in the bag when he stumbled to the bathroom, giving me the opportunity to spike his drink.

The intent was to make him in an even loopier state and then take him to my place where I could finish the scumbag off.

The plan went off without a hitch until the morning when I realized that if I took him out, I would never know the truth about Shonna.



Chapter Seven


I heard muffled voices. They were close. It was too challenging to hear what they were saying, but there definitely were two different, distinct voices. There is someone else down here!

Had they heard me screaming when I originally woke in this miserable room or when I yelled at Duke? Did they know they weren’t alone? Had they tried to yell to me? If we could work together, maybe there was a way to overtake Duke?

I waited until things grew quiet, and then I waited longer to make sure that Duke, who I assumed was one of the voices, was gone before I called out to whomever was locked in that dreaded place with me. “Hey!” Nothing. “Is there anyone else here?” Nothing, but I didn’t give up. I hollered from different locations in the room, hoping that one of my yells would carry my words to the other person.

The click of the lock that I’d come to fear was the only returned sound, and it instantly silenced me. “You sure are noisy today.” Duke looked amused when he entered. He held a tray that he unloaded on the end of the bed. The smell overwhelmed the room, and it was all I could do to hold myself back from lunging at the food he set out.

He motioned to the food. “I take it you heard my friend over this morning,” he said as I plopped down next to the paper plate and devoured the breakfast he had brought down. My mouth was too full to even answer as I savored every delicious bite. “He’s gone now, so you can save your screams for something else.” He winked, and if I had known I would eat again, I would have spat the mouthful right into his face.

Once half the plate was gone, I finally slowed. “You know? If you’re going to keep me here, you could at least provide some amenities?”

“Amenities, huh? You do realize that this isn’t a country club?” he asked, and the relaxed way he teased reminded me of the man I once thought I could fall for.

“Like a shower, a change of clothes, maybe a blanket?” I requested softly, hoping that I could get him with kindness instead of the anger that I actually felt. “And maybe a fork?” I added as I shoveled the last of the eggs into my mouth.

I placed the plate back onto the tray that Duke had yet to set down. Probably worried I’d use it against him.

And when he left, a sense of disappointment and despair took over at the thought of being alone again. “I’ll consider your request,” Duke called as the door closed and locked.

It was my mind that got to me as I was locked away for who knows how long. There was nothing to distract me except my own thoughts, and they kept bringing me back to how I hadn’t known Duke as a person at all and how I would probably die in that pathetic room. Then I started to imagine how he would do it and how I would like it to be done.



Chapter Eight


Morton was sleeping it off in the other basement cell where I had deposited him after rousing him in the truck once we arrived home. It was the perfect spot to take care of him, but when I went to do it, I knew that Morton held the piece to the puzzle that could answer all the unanswered questions. Killing him would bring a certain satisfaction, and it would avenge Shonna, but I knew she would want me to bring justice for all the other women too, not just her. If I was going to do that, I needed to get to his lair. I needed to know who the others were and get the evidence to prove it.

If Morton questioned why he was waking up in the basement and not one of the finer second floor bedrooms, he didn’t let on. I played it off that he wanted to sleep down there even though I had tried to steer him upstairs since he was too drunk in the first place to drive himself home. He shrugged it off like it was no big deal.

He dozed against the passenger window as I took him back to his own vehicle, promising to be in contact me with the details for our deal.

The faint calls from below drew my attention as I finished breakfast, planning to spend the day working on the final details to trap Morton into taking me to his lair. I went to investigate what had Nat all worked up, thankful that she had chosen to get fired up after Morton was out of here. Her cries would most definitely catch anyone's attention.

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