Home > ONE MORE TIME (Ruby Falls #2)(40)

ONE MORE TIME (Ruby Falls #2)(40)
Author: Aurora Rose Reynolds

Honestly, I wish we had the kind of relationship with Anna where we could do things together with Olivia and it not be a big deal. But that is not where we are, and her crashing tonight wasn’t to try to change that. She’s here to prove a point. That point being she still has me by the balls.

With photos done, we head down the sidewalk, Olivia and Aria leading the way holding hands, with Anna trailing behind them, and Gia and me pulling up the rear.

“I kind of feel bad for her,” Gia says quietly, her eyes on Anna, who is standing awkwardly off to the side while Aria and Olivia head up to the front porch of the house next door to my parents’ place.

“I don’t.” I tip my head down to meet her gaze. “I just hope she takes a moment to reflect on the situation and realizes she did this. Olivia would have been excited to see her tonight and to share today with her when she came to pick her up, but she wanted to show up early because she could… only it’s backfiring.”

“I guess you’re right. I just think it’s hard for her to see you are really moving on.”

“She’s going to have to come to terms with it, because I plan on asking Aria to be my wife. Which means she’s going to be a permanent part of Olivia’s and my life.”

“You’re going to ask Aria to marry you?” she breathes, looking all wide-eyed and adorable, reminding me why Colton fell in love with her almost as quickly as I’ve fallen for Aria.

“I kinda already did, but I’m going to do it right.”

“Oh my God.” She launches her body at mine and gives me a hug. “I’m so happy for you! This is awesome. I love Aria, and she is perfect for you.”

“Thanks, Gia.” I give her a squeeze, and she lets me go, stepping back.

“Does Colton know?’


“You asking her to marry you?”

“No.” I shake my head, and she smirks.

“I feel like a badass that I know this news before—”

“You’re going to marry her?” Anna cuts off what Gia was going to say, and I turn her way seeing a sour expression on her face. “Seriously, Tide?”


“I can’t believe you’re going to marry her. You don’t even know her.”

“I know everything I need to know about her.”

“Oh please, it’s been like… what? A day?” she yells, and a few families stop to turn our direction.

“Cool it,” I growl, glancing around to find where Aria and Olivia are. Spotting them another house down completely out of ear shot, I take a breath.

“Don’t tell me to cool it. Is she pregnant?”

“No, but if she was, that would be none of your business.”

“I’m the mother of your child,” she hisses, leaning toward me.

“Yeah, but that doesn’t give you a say in what I do with my life.”

“It does when I tell the judge and get full custody.” She hisses and Gia stiffens.

“Try it. No judge in their right mind is going to take my kid from me just because you can’t handle that I’m with someone else. And you should also take a minute to think about what you’re saying. Olivia isn’t a baby anymore. You think she’s going to be okay with you trying to cut me out of her life? She won’t, and I will make it clear to her that I don’t want that either, that it’s all you.”

“It would be best for her, if you can’t put her first.”

“I’ve always put her first, so don’t even try that bullshit. This has nothing to do with Olivia, it’s all because you can’t handle that I’m happy.” I take a step toward her and drop my voice. “You need to wake the fuck up. Olivia isn’t gonna be little forever, and if you keep going like you are, her relationship with you is gonna be like yours is with your parents, non-existent. Don’t do that to yourself, I know that’s not what you want. Find a way to get over your shit and be happy yourself, Anna, because I’m done with the games.” I leave her standing in the middle of the sidewalk, and Gia falls into step with me, sticking close probably worried.

“Tide,” Anna calls out behind us, and I glance over my shoulder, the tears in her eyes surprising me. I don’t think I’ve ever seen her cry.


“Will you…” She rests her hand against her chest. “Will you and Aria drop Olivia off to me when you guys are done?” I watch a tear slide down her cheek and feel like a dick for not wanting to comfort her, but that’s not where we are. “Just tell her that I went home and I’ll see her later.”

I lift my chin, and she stares at me for a minute, then turns to walk to her car that is parked on the street. Once she’s behind the wheel, I turn to head back down the block.

“Umm… I don’t want to jinx anything, but I think you might have gotten through to her,” Gia says quietly, and I drag in a deep breath, thinking, I fucking hope so.



Chapter 20


LYING AGAINST TIDE’S chest with empty Chinese food containers, beer bottles, and cupcake wrappers on the coffee table, my eyes drift closed as he plays with my hair while he watches the football game on TV. It’s been two weeks since Halloween, two weeks since he told me about what happened with Anna and her reaction to him laying everything out for her.

Like him, I was uncertain that she had a change of heart, but as it stands, she’s been surprisingly nice. Earlier today when she picked Olivia up, she came in to see Olivia’s room and stayed for a few minutes to chat, and a few days ago, she called Tide to ask if I would mind her showing up to Olivia’s first ballet class that happened to fall during his week. Although it’s too early to assume things have actually changed for the better, I’m hopeful, because Olivia deserves to see her parents getting along. And I want Tide to have that too. I want him to have a relationship with Anna that is healthy.

“Baby, my cell is ringing.” Tide cups my cheek, and I sleepily lift my head from his chest and look at the coffee table where his phone is. Since I’m sprawled out on top of him, I reach over to grab it and place it in his hand before laying my head back down where it was before he interrupted my snooze. “What’s up?” His chest rumbles against my ear, then his body under mine moves as his muscles bunch. “You’re kidding me.”

I lift my head to look at him, and the moment his eyes meet mine, I know it’s bad, whatever it is.

“We’ll be there.” He hangs up and drops his phone to the floor next to the couch before resting his big palm against the side of my face.

“What is it? What happened?”

“Your dad’s at the Rusty Rose, and he’s pretty out of it. Colton said we need to come get him, or he’s going to have to call the cops,” he says, and my eyes slide closed. “I can go get him on my own and take him home, baby. You don’t need to see him like that.”

“No.” I shake my head, pushing back until I’m kneeling on the couch. “I’ll go alone.”

“You really think I’m gonna let you go on by yourself?” He grabs my wrist when I get off the couch, and I meet his gaze. “No fucking way, baby.” He stands and cups my cheeks, placing his face close to mine. “Go get dressed. I’ll meet you at the truck.”

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