Home > ONE MORE TIME (Ruby Falls #2)(5)

ONE MORE TIME (Ruby Falls #2)(5)
Author: Aurora Rose Reynolds

“It didn’t come from a drive-thru, so for me, that means it’s a home-cooked meal.”

I don’t mean to do it, but I honestly can’t help but check him out. He’s not thin by any means. He’s thick and solid, with bulky muscles that proclaim he takes care of himself but that he still drinks beer and likes to eat. Standing or sitting next to him, I feel petite, and it makes me feel more feminine in an odd sort of way.

“I can give you the list of what to buy from the store, and you can make it sometime. It’s really easy to toss together.”

“The only time I take the time to cook is when I have my daughter, and she’s pretty picky.”

“How old is she?”

“She’s four almost five.”

“That’s a fun age,” I tell him quietly. My ex’s sister has two boys, and when we got together, one was four and the other was just about to turn six. Some of my favorite memories were when we would take them for the weekend. Even if I was exhausted after they went home, I always enjoyed having them around.

“How old is your kid?”


“You’re kid how old is he or she?”

“I don’t have any kids,” I tell him with a frown, wondering why he thinks I do.

“You said you take care of someone. I thought that meant you had a kid.”

Warmth floods my cheeks as I realize how he could have misconstrued what I said and look away from him, dropping my eyes to my plate. “I don’t have any kids. My ex-husband worked for me, and during our marriage, I took care of him. So when we got divorced, he asked for alimony.”

“Seriously?” he asks, not even attempting to hide his disgust. “He actually went after you to have you take care of him after you divorced?”

“It happens all the time.” I don’t know why that’s my first response. It shouldn’t be. My ex Josh is fully capable of working and taking care of himself; he’s just got a lifestyle that he’s used to. And since he can’t make enough money on his own, he expects me to make up for things, and unfortunately, the courts agreed with him.

“You’re right; it does,” he mutters before continuing to eat, and I try to do the same, but feeling awkward and embarrassed, every bite is forced. “My ex sent me flowers.”

“Pardon?” I turn to look at him, and he meets my gaze.

“The day she left me, she sent me flowers, and the card she attached said by the time I got them, she and my daughter would be moved out of the house we shared.”


“The only part that hurt was her taking my kid from me.” The pain in his voice makes my heart hurt for him, and I lean into him, resting my shoulder against his.

“I’m sorry.”

“We all got shit in our lives that’s gone tits up.” He nudges my shoulder with his then motions to my plate. “Now stop making me feel bad and eat.”

I press my lips together to keep from smiling and start to eat, watching the fireflies come to life while the sound of crickets chirping fills the evening air, making the moment seem somehow magical. Even though it’s just me and a guy I hardly know sharing a meal and nothing more.



Chapter 4


I WAKE TO the sound of an odd ringing noise and reach for my cell phone on the floor to check the time but stop when someone pounds on the door downstairs.

“Shit.” I toss back my blanket, roll off my air mattress onto my hands and knees, and shove up off the ground. I look around the room for something to put on over my nightgown and spot a hoodie lying on top of my suitcase, pulling it on over my head as I rush down the stairs. I don’t know what time it is, but I do know the movers are due here today, and it’s most likely them trying to break down my door.

I skid around the corner, almost falling on my face before righting myself and rushing to the door. I swing it open and blink against the bright sunlight that is almost blinding. “Hi,” I pant, adding cardio to my list of things I will likely never do but, need to start doing.

“Aria Spencer?” a very rough-looking gentleman asks with a clipboard in his hands.

“Yes.” I tug down the bottom of my nightgown under my hoodie when his eyes drop to my legs.

Clearing his throat, his eyes meet mine once more. “We’re here to deliver your stuff.”

“Great.” I close the door slightly as I try to hide behind it. “Can you give me ten minutes to get dressed?”

“Sure.” He steps back. “Do you mind if we back the truck up to the porch?”

“Not at all.” I send him a smile before he turns to walk away. Once he’s heading down the stairs, I shut the door and lock it then run back upstairs to change into a pair of leggings and an oversized T-shirt. I then brush my teeth and run a brush through my long strawberry-blonde hair before tying it up in a ponytail. When I’m done, I head back downstairs and open the front door to the three guys waiting on the porch.

For the next five hours, I direct them where to place things, leaving the stuff for the living room in the entryway and kitchen, since the walls still need to be painted and carpet still needs to be laid. After they finish, I give them a couple hundred dollars for a tip, which means they leave smiling while I’m exhausted. Everything has been placed where it belongs, but all the boxes still need to be unpacked, my bed needs to be put together, and everything needs to be put away. It’s going to take me weeks if not months to get everything sorted.

With a sigh, I head to the fridge to grab a Diet Coke, and since the couch is literally in the kitchen, I fall into it and put my feet up. After drinking half my soda, I set the can on the ground and rest my head back against the armrest, planning on just closing my eyes for a few minutes.

“Aria.” A warm hand touches my cheek, and I blink my eyes open, finding Tide with his face a few inches from mine. “Hey, you didn’t answer when I knocked,” he tells me as I sit up.

“What time is it?”

“Almost six.” He takes a seat on the couch next to me.

“Seriously?” I search for the clock in the kitchen, sure he’s lying. I’ve never been the kind of person to nap in the middle of the day, regardless of how tired I am, and I sure as heck have never slept for five hours after sleeping the night before.

“Seriously.” His lips twitch, and then he pulls his eyes from mine and looks around. “I see your stuff got here today.”

“Really, how did you know?” I grab my soda off the ground, listening to him laugh as I stand. “Now I just need to unpack everything,” I tell him as I take the can to the sink and dump what’s left down the drain before tossing it into the recycle bin. When I turn around, I find him studying me but ignore his stare and continue talking. “If you’re okay, I’m going to start unpacking my bedroom and bathroom, since I can’t really get the kitchen unpacked with all the furniture in here.”

“Do you want help?”

“Help?” I feel my brows drag together.

“Help unpacking shit.” He pushes off the couch and steps toward me. “I should be done painting and with the carpet by Friday. I could help you this weekend.”

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