Home > Changing the Rules (Judge # 1)(53)

Changing the Rules (Judge # 1)(53)
Author: Catherine Bybee

“Anyone trying to get to her has a lot of people to get through first.”

“If she wants to talk to me again . . . ,” Claire said.

“We’ll call you.”

Cooper and Claire walked out of the hospital side by side. Once they passed the main doors, he felt her hand slip into his.




They checked into an upscale hotel that had views of Puget Sound.

Neil had booked two rooms with an adjoining door. Claire suggested just taking one, but Cooper said something about rubbing it in and the affection he had for his perfect smile.

It was almost five, and the sun was still a good hour away from setting. They both decided a hot shower and a real meal would be the best way to ease the tension of the day. And since they had two showers to use . . . they did.

Even though Claire’s thoughts were on the case, it didn’t escape her that she and Cooper were about to have their first real date. She was thankful she’d thought about that when she packed.

Cooper had used the concierge at the hotel to book a nice restaurant. Claire put on her best outfit.

She slipped the black dress over her head and flattened the fabric along her waist. A look in the mirror made her smile back.

She knew, without a doubt, that Cooper would call the dress a Sasha Special before the evening ended. Her guess would be less than an hour.

It was sexy and short, but not tacky. And the shoes she wore were eye catching and high without being sleazy.

Claire swept her hair up in a messy bun and put on a pair of glittery earrings. The earrings had been a gift from Gwen when she graduated from college. She was fairly certain the diamonds were real, but she’d never ask. Neil refused to take credit for them, but she gave it to him anyway.

Sitting at a vanity table, she finished her makeup with a rose tint on her lips.

Looking at her reflection in the mirror, Cooper walked up behind her and traced the spot on her neck that reached her shoulders. She closed her eyes and leaned into his hand.

“We should go before I try and change your mind about the importance of food,” he told her.

The rain had let up before they left the hospital. The sky held a scattering of bright white clouds that stood poised on a variegated blue sky.

They took a hotel car to the restaurant, where their table offered views of the Sound and displayed streaks of purple and gold from the sunset.

“Did you talk to Neil when I was in the shower?” she asked once they were seated.

“I did, briefly. The team is burning the midnight oil to find faces to go with the names. By the time we’re back, we should have more answers than questions and a direction to go.”

“I hope so. The thought of the people who did this getting away makes me physically ill.”

The waiter came over and asked if they wanted to see the wine list.

“Do you want wine?” Cooper asked. “We can, but I know nothing about wine.”

Wine with a romantic setting always sounded like the perfect combination, but after their day that wasn’t what she wanted. “Vodka martini, two olives,” Claire told the waiter.

Cooper handed the menu back. “Make that two.”

“Thank you.”

The waiter walked away.

“Today was brutal,” Cooper said, reaching over and placing his hand over hers on the table.

“Today made it personal. Putting a face and story to the victim. I don’t know how anyone does this every day.” And she didn’t. The crime scene photographs, images of Marie from the hospital before she’d been taken into the burn unit, and what about the two that didn’t make it out? What were their stories? “Let’s talk about something pleasant. Concentrating too hard is throwing up roadblocks in my head.”

Cooper traced her fingers with his. “Should we talk about how we’re in Seattle and there isn’t a chance that anyone from school could walk by and see this?”

That definitely helped her mind free space. “It’s almost like we’re having an affair.”

“Maybe when the case is over we can have a role-play weekend once a month.” He tilted his eyebrows in an expectant way.

Cooper was thinking long term, and yet they’d only shared a couple of stolen kisses.

She lowered her voice, leaned forward. “You have to get to second base before we can talk about next month.”

He laughed. “Unless you’re wearing that Sasha Special just to tease me, I’m guessing I can unveil your need to cover all the bases.”

Claire took a quick look at her watch. “Forty minutes,” she said.


“You called this a Sasha Special. I knew you would. It took less than an hour for you to do it.”

“You’re stunning in anything, but dresses like that make me very hungry.”

The drinks came and they ordered their dinner.

“Do you know how many times I’ve sat and imagined this night with you? Sitting in a nice place, sipping something, and holding your hand. And more importantly, you not trying to break mine for doing it?”

She took hold of his thumb and twisted it just a little.

“It might take me a little more time to catch up to all you imagined,” she said.

He kissed her fingertips, looked out the window in a nonchalant way, and said, “I think, if you’re not too tired when we’re done here, we can go back to the hotel and run the bases a time or two. Replace the dreams with reality and make it our history.” His eyes returned to her with a soft smile.

No man had ever asked permission to sleep with her. It always just happened. But apparently Cooper felt the need. She lifted her glass. “To life today that becomes our history tomorrow.”

They both sipped, then put their glasses down. “Now, if we’re done talking in metaphors . . . the answer is yes, I’ll share your bed tonight.”

It was easy to tell that Cooper tried hard not to smile like a child with a new toy.

He squeezed her hand and leaned forward to speak in a whisper. “Is it too early to ask for the check?”

She bit her lip and watched as his eyes lingered. “You’re going to need the steak for the energy it’s going to take. Until then, put it away.”

Dinner was part nutrition, part flirtation, and part frustration.

She slipped her shoe off at one point and found the inside of his calf under the table. When he started eating faster, she slowed down and felt the energy build.

On the way back to the hotel, Cooper’s hands played with the edge of her skirt, out of the view of the driver.

They talked about baseball and stealing bases while Claire gave Cooper the opportunity to touch anywhere he pleased. He kept it decent, but that didn’t stop her body from turning up the heat.

The talking stopped when they exited the car.

Hand in hand, Cooper led her to the elevators.

She was breathing hard just knowing Cooper was finding it difficult to talk, and he hadn’t even touched her yet. Well, touched, but not touched.

The elevator door opened and a couple walked out.

Cooper pressed the button to their floor and the close door button at the same time.

Claire watched, hoped that no one stuck their hand between the doors to stop them from being alone.

The door closed and Cooper twisted her around. He pinned the hand he’d been holding to the wall and pressed his frame against hers. His mouth crashed down in complete possession. Hot open-mouth kisses were made even more scorching because of the public place they were in.

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