Home > Operation Fury (The Drift Nova Force #3)(37)

Operation Fury (The Drift Nova Force #3)(37)
Author: Susan Hayes

There were less than a dozen sightings of the ship they were after, but it was enough to scrape together a description. He’d run the details through every database he could legally access and come up with two matches. They were both variations on a single model, and their blueprints were close enough he’d been able to figure out a plan.

He’d taken it to Nyx next. That had been the longest conversation they’d had. Her input had been invaluable, and between them they’d come up with a workable approach that had impressed Dax when they’d brought it to him for approval. There was only one problem with it. Nyx had resisted every attempt he’d made to partner her with anyone. She was determined to do this on her own, and he didn’t like it. She might have come back to the Malora, but she hadn’t stopped running.

He drummed his fingers on the tabletop in frustration, the noise seeming louder in the otherwise silent room. What was she running from, though? The obvious answer was him, but he didn’t think that was the whole story, and he was almost out of time to figure it out.

He’d left the door open, and Trinity walked in. “You okay? You look like someone increased the gravity in here by a factor of three.”

“All good. Just going through the plan.”

She dropped into the seat across from him. “Fido said it’s solid, which is high praise coming from him.” Her voice lowered. “So, what are you really thinking about? Or can I guess?”

“If you’re asking, you already know the answer.”

“Still mad at you?”

“She’s got good reason to be.”

“I take it you’ve apologized?”

He shot her an annoyed look and she held up her hands. “Right. Of course you did.”

“Several times. She’s not interested in talking about it. She’s all about the mission right now.”

“And afterward?” Trin asked, keeping her voice down so it wouldn’t carry outside the room.

“I don’t know. I get the feeling she doesn’t expect there to be an afterward. Not for her.”

Trin’s amber eyes widened. “Well, that’s not good. You sure?”

“Honestly? No. It’s just a gut feeling.”

She leaned in. “Have you told her how you feel?”

He barked out a laugh. “When would I have managed that? The only thing she wants to hear from me is battle plans. Anything else and she’s out of the room like a streaking comet. Do you know how fast cyborgs can move when they want to? I blink, she’s gone.”

“If you get a chance to tell her, take it. Don’t wait for the perfect moment.” She gave him a small smile. “I was angry at Dax for a long time. It was easier to focus on my goals if I could blame him for what happened to my brother. Anger’s a damned good motivator. It kept me going for years.”

“So why did you stop being angry at him?”

“Because he told me the truth about what happened to Travis.”

He spread his hands out, palms up. “That doesn’t help me, Trin. I don’t have any secrets to tell.”

“Yes, you do. Tell her, Eric. I got a second chance to work things out with Dax. Not everyone gets that lucky.” She leaned back in her chair as more footsteps sounded in the corridor outside. The team was arriving. It was time to get to work. He’d find a way to talk to Nyx before they arrived at their destination. Trin was right. If he didn’t, he might not get another chance.



Nyx had been avoiding Eric since coming aboard, but he’d found ways to talk to her, anyway. She had to be on her guard or he would have found a way to slip under her defenses again, and part of her wanted that too much to let it happen.

She was on her way to their last briefing, her thoughts racing around her head fuelled by adrenaline and anticipation. This was it. Her moment was coming. Eric had even come to her with the blueprints and his preliminary plan. He’d included her despite the fact he was worried about her.

She bounced her fist against her side as she walked, the plan fading away as thoughts of Eric filled her head. The lunatic had risked everything to come after her. They all had, a fact that gratified and humbled her. She’d expected him to push her, use the fact he’d risked his future for her to get her to talk to him, but he hadn’t brought it up. She’d learned the details of Eric’s situation from Trinity over a meal in the mess.

He’d shown up when she needed him and folded her back into the team as if she hadn’t run. She’d be lying to herself if she pretended it didn’t mean anything. He was a good man. Imperfect and reckless, but his heart was kind. Now they were at the end of their time together, she could see that. Maybe he’d be the one to find the last fury. He could take care of her, help her build a new life, maybe one with him…

Her heart twisted and every part of her screamed in denial at the thought. It didn’t matter that the fury was her clone. It wouldn’t be her with Eric. It would be someone else. A stranger neither of them had ever met. The reality hit her like a comet strike, obliterating the idea that she and her clones were interchangeable beings. They weren’t. She was an individual. One with a rotten sense of fraxxing timing. Her revelation changed everything, and nothing. Individual or not, she was still a cyborg, and she had a mission to finish. Nothing else mattered.

She squared her shoulders and hurried to the briefing room.

She filed in behind Cris and Aria, who were exchanging insults as they walked, though there was no anger behind the words. If Eric was right about the two of them, they had the oddest way of showing their affection for each other.

Eric was seated in his usual spot and the ship’s three-dimensional schematics were projected over the table in a slowly rotating display. Everyone took their seats quickly, and somehow, she wound up sitting beside him.

The talk died away the moment Dax rapped his knuckles on the tabletop. “This is our last run-through. Remember, no plan survives contact with the enemy, and this one is going to be particularly fluid because we’ve got minimal intel to work off. We’ll go around the table and I want each of you to state your primary and secondary objectives, starting with Strak, who is listening in from the cockpit.”

“I’m babysitting the fraxxing ship. Again,” the big Torski’s voice rumbled from the room’s speakers. Secondary objective is to track you lot as you make your way to your targets and report the location of anyone on the other team.”

“Next time, I’ll pilot and you shoot things,” Eric said, a smile playing on his handsome face. Her heart warmed at that small smile, and a quiet voice whispered to her that if she wanted to see it again all she had to do was reach out and take his hand.

“Rossi, do not let that lunatic near my ship’s controls. Ever,” Dante punctuated his statement with a growl.

Dax just rolled his eyes. “Can we get on with the briefing, now?”

“Sorry, sir.” Both Eric and Dante spoke at the same time, and she ducked her head to hide her amusement.

“Thank you.” Rossi pointed to himself. “I’m going to the bridge to take control of the vessel and subdue anyone I find on the way there. Once there, I hold the location and attempt to assist the rest of you by unlocking doors, altering gravity, taking over automated defense systems, and anything else I can manage.”

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