Home > Seek Me(24)

Seek Me(24)
Author: Nyla K

“Oh man! That’s what that flavor is!” I gasp. I would look at mine, but it’s already gone. So I go in for another.

“Um, Alex… Maybe you should only have one,” Noah murmurs in slight hesitation. “This shit’s pretty potent.”

“I’m fine, Mom,” I snort, chomping down the sweet, moist goodness.

“You weigh like a hundred pounds soaking wet,” he says, eyeing me speculatively.

“Well, that’s not accurate,” I mutter. “But thanks.”

He laughs at me and shrugs while we finish our treats. Once we’re done with the wine too, we head back inside, and Noah turns on the fireplace. It gives the whole open space a nice ambience, what with the warmth, and the glow, and the crackling noises that might be fake, but still make it seem like we’re in a cabin in the woods.

“Okay, so… Movie? TV?” Noah begins suggesting things. “Or we could put on some R&B and you could dance for me.”

I giggle and tug my lip between my teeth. “Genuine Pony?”

Noah throws his head back in a booming laugh that makes my chest tight and my panties wet. God, he’s just so hot. And he still hasn’t put a shirt on, which is dandy. Now that the fire is going, I imagine he won’t have an excuse to. Maybe I could take something off…

Oh boy. I don’t like where my mind is going. We’re alone in his place, drinking wine in front of a fire. And soon the weed will make me even more relaxed and giggly than I already am, which will make me want to cuddle up on him. I can already tell that’s where I’ll end up. I can only deny myself for so long…

“Let’s just um… watch a movie,” I stutter, likely sounding just as nervous as I feel.

I plop down on the hella comfy couch and watch as Noah glides gracefully around his living room, so assured in who he is, it’s a wondrous thing to witness. All long, toned limbs, silky hair and easy smiles. Such a magical creature to be around. Like a unicorn.

He turns on his gargantuan TV and Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas starts playing.

“I thought you didn’t want to watch this high?” I ask him with a grin.

“You can hold me if I get scared,” he winks. And I freeze like a deer in headlights because I totally would.

The movie plays for a bit, and we just sit next to each other, watching. We laugh and point things out, reciting our favorite lines as they happen. For me, Noah is the most fun person to be around, and I think part of it is because we’re so similar. I get along better with him than anyone I’ve ever known. We just mesh.

The next thing I know, the movie is over. It’s a long movie, so I’m surprised it seems to have gone by in the blink of an eye. The credits are rolling, and I’m lying on my back with a fuzzy pillow behind my head, legs draped over Noah’s lap. He’s playing with my toes and I’m giggling because it tickles.

Actually, I think I’ve been giggling for several minutes now. I can tell because my abs hurt.

And Noah’s giggling, too.

Oh, shit. I’m fucking high.

I’m high as a fucking kite!

I laugh even harder.

“This little piggy went to the market,” Noah chuckles, fingering each of my toes. “This little piggy stayed home. This little piggy wears lipstick. This little piggy says, Bill, why are you wearing lipstick, bro? That’s for girls! And this little piggy fell in love with the wolf who was blowing their houses down, even though they’re from different worlds, but he didn’t care that their love was forbidden because that was part of the excitement.”

I’m laughing so hard I’m snorting and there are tears pooling in my eyes.

“What?” Noah snickers at me, his head tilting to the side in that way he does, and it’s just so cute I want to pinch his cheeks. His butt cheeks.

Jesus, what?!

“You’re the most insane person I’ve ever met. Did you know that?” I sigh through my never-ending giggle-fit.

“I believe it,” he shrugs. “I’m pretty weird.”

“I love it.” My smile is out of control.

But Noah seems to like it because he suddenly grabs me by both calves and drags the rest of my body closer to him, until my butt is almost on his lap. Then he crawls over me slowly, planting his palms by my shoulders, holding himself hovering, with his face right smack in front of mine.

That does it. The smile has been wiped clean off my mouth, which is very dry right now.

I try to swallow but it barely works. My heart is pounding in my chest because he’s so damn close to me. The ends of our noses are practically touching.

“Alex,” he whispers. All I can do is blink up at him. “You wanna know what we should do?”

“W-what’s that?” My voice sticks in my throat.

“Let’s play…”

My pulse thrums inside me as my body tingles all over, especially below my waist. Play? Play what?

His breath is warm on my lips, and despite everything I’ve been thinking since I met him, about keeping my distance and not letting this go too far, I’m about to close my eyes and let him kiss the shit out of me because it’s what I want.

I want Noah’s lips. Noah’s lips are what I want.

“Mario Kart 64,” he finishes his sentence and my eyes snap back open. “I have it. Wanna play? It’s only like, the most fun game ever. And I don’t want to toot my own horn, but… toot toot. Because I’m really freaking good.”

He grins wide with excitement and presses a chaste kiss on my forehead before diving off me and stumbling away. And I’m left panting on his couch, recovering from whatever the hell that just was, and the fact that I almost came from it.

Ok, so we’re both high, and we’re going to play video games, and I’m acknowledging that I’m crazy attracted to him and all I want is to be close enough to feel his warmth and his soft skin because it’s amazing, and he’s amazing, and being next to him is the best high in the world, weed be damned.

Wow. That was a lot.

I rub my head and sit up slowly, blinking back my fluffiness. Despite being on edge about my attraction to Noah, which seems to be magnified now that I’m baked goods, I must admit I feel pretty nice right now. His cozy apartment is going to be my happy place from now on. The place I think about when I’m depressed.

Noah is ransacking through all kinds of things, and he reminds me of the Tasmanian Devil cartoon character. I’m not sure how he’s moving so fast, because I feel like I’m in slow motion.

He finally stops spinning and sets up a Nintendo 64 console. Another shot of nostalgia. I haven’t seen one of these things since I was a kid.

Oh, shit! The Surge!

“Noah!” I gasp, darting over to him and tugging on the waist of his pants over and over, because they’re the only things he’s wearing. “We have to open the Surge!”

“Oh shit, you’re right!” His face turns adventurous, and he sprints out of the room, then returns one-second later with the can. “Okay. Here we go. You do the honors.”

He hands it to me, and I gaze over it one last time.

Wow, this is crazy. I’m about to drink Surge! I hope I don’t puke. That would be embarrassing.

I take a breath, and Noah stands before me, eyes wide with mischief. I pop open the top and we both squeal. This is fully ridiculous.

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