Home > Signal 99_ Freeing Felicity (Signal #2)(9)

Signal 99_ Freeing Felicity (Signal #2)(9)
Author: L.C. Taylor

“Dad… you’re wrong. I loved Felicity. LOVED as in past tense. She shattered me when she left. I think I’m just remembering how things used to be. It’s normal to worry about someone you loved, even if that love isn’t there anymore. I’m exhausted – I’ll see you in the morning. Thanks for the talk, though.” Liam headed towards the steps.

“Liam,” his dad called after him, “Don’t be scared to see your feelings for what they are.”

Liam shook his head, climbing the stairs to his room. He couldn't shake what his dad had said. Was he right, was he still in love with her?

It didn’t matter though, all that mattered was making sure she was alright – everything else was just noise in his head.



Chapter 12

Felicity woke to the sounds of snoring. Her whole body ached, but she forced herself to open her eyes. Jasper was sound asleep on the bed beside her. His body pressed against her legs, which were still bound to the bed. She glanced at the table clock, noting it was nearly six am. Jaspers phone was charging next to hers on the nightstand. She wondered if she could reach her phone with her bad hand. She’d grit through the pain if she could just get her fingers around it. Jasper stirred next to her as his phone beeped with a text message. He snatched it up, glancing at the screen, “Fuck.” Sitting up in bed, he pounded out a response and stood. “Don’t go anywhere. I need to meet someone.” He snorted a laugh as he looked at her. He pulled a t-shirt on and slammed the door closed behind him. Felicity swore into the darkness. Turing her head, she couldn’t believe her eyes. Jasper had left her phone. Felicity reached her freed hand towards the table, wincing in pain as she tried to pull it towards the edge. Her wrist ached, but she gritted her teeth and tried once more to wrap her fingers around the tiny box to freedom. Finally, the metal slid beneath her palm, allowing her to grip the phone and pull it onto the bed with her. She nearly passed out from the pain, panting as she bit her lip through the pain. She woke the screen, noting there was only twelve percent battery left, as she tapped out 911.

“9-1-1, what is your emergency.”

“Please. I need help. My boyfriend has me tied to the bed in our house… he’s holding me against my will.”

“Ma’am, can you tell me where you are?”


Jasper burst through the door, “What the FUCK, Felicity!” snatching the phone, he hit end. “NOW YOU’VE DONE IT!” he screamed, smashing the phone into the wall. Felicity clenched her jaw, closing her eyes waiting for the blow. But Jasper only paced the floor, “What am I going to do, Felicity? They’ll surely send cops now. You made a fucking mistake,” his fist connected with her cheek, causing her to black out.

♦ ♦ ♦

Liam sat at his Arden’s desk, contemplating what to do when the lieutenants phone rang.

“Arden,” he furrowed his brow, “You sure. Ok. Yep… I’ll activate the team.”

“What is it,” Liam watched as Arden swallowed.

“First, I need to know you’ll put your job first, Sergeant.”

“What the fuck kind of question is that? Of course, the job comes first. What kind of question is that?”

“Dispatch got a 9-1-1 call an hour ago. The call was abruptly ended, but they were able to trace the GPS coordinates from the cell phone. They sent a patrol unit out to do a welfare check…” Arden hesitated, “Liam, it’s Felicity’s house. Her boyfriend has her holed up inside and he’s refusing to let anyone in.”

“MOTHER FUCKER!” Liam jumped up, “Is she hurt? What do we know?”

“The officer on scene believes she is in the upstairs bedroom based on what dispatch relayed that the woman had told them. Liam, she stated she was tied up to the bed before the call went dead. When the officer asked to make entry, the male on scene refused to let him in.”

Liam began pacing as Arden continued speaking, “The officer knocked again… this time the idiot threatened to kill anyone if they came inside. He is real unhinged right now, so the patrol supervisor has requested SWAT to the scene.”

“What are we waiting for?” Liam headed towards the doorway.

“Liam, I need to know your head is clear, and you can handle this call. I can’t have your personal feelings fucking things up and putting anyone in danger.”

“I’ll be fine. Let’s go get this fucker.”

He stormed from the office, bursting into the locker room. Liam was pulling his gear from his cubby when the others walked in. Hanson, Dingle, Chase and Bradley started gathering their gear.

“Alright team,” Arden walked in, “We will take the bearcat to the scene, a negotiator on scene will establish communication with the perp, and assess the situation NO one, I MEAN no one makes a move until we know what we are dealing with. Hopefully this guy will cooperate, but based on the evidence so far, he isn’t going to open the door and invite us in for tea. Any questions?”

“Nope – all clear.” Liam snatched his gun and slung it over his shoulder, “Let’s get on the truck, now.”

“Hang on. Team, it’s important you know this woman is a friend of Liam’s. This is personal for him, so help him by following this to the letter. Let’s bring her out safe and watch his back.”

The team nodded, slapping Liam on the shoulder as they all headed towards the bay. The bearcat sat idle, as though it was beckoning them forward. They loaded up and pulled out of the station. Liam couldn’t stop thinking about Felicity. He didn’t know what happened, but he knew he’d stop at nothing to get her out safe.



Chapter 13

Felicity woke to the sound of Jasper swearing. “Fuck…” he kicked at the chair in the corner, “Wake up, Felicity. You dumb bitch… you did this. You brought them here.”

She watched as he pulled her by the hair, “They’re outside now. The cops.” He pushed her head back, slamming it into the mattress. She let out a whimper, causing him to look at her with pure rage. “Hell no… you aren’t going to scream.” He grabbed his dirty boxers off the floor and shoved them into her mouth. “SHUT UP!” He spat into her face.

Felicity couldn’t stop the tears as they washed down her bruised and tattered face. Her whole body ached from the abuse Jasper had delved out to her.

Jasper pulled the curtain back, “What am I going to do…” he mumbled to himself, running his hand through his hair. As he released the curtain, his cell phone rang. “FUCK…” Jasper kicked the door frame as he stormed from the room.

♦ ♦ ♦

Liam watched as the detective on scene attempted to contact Jasper. After calling back the number the 911 hang-up had come from, the detective had done some digging and got Jasper’s number. Now, he stood idly by, listening to the detective talk on the phone. It was evident in his body language the call wasn’t going as he’d hoped.

“Alright,” the detective walked towards Arden and the team, “This guy is unhinged. He is refusing to come out and said the only way the girl is coming out is in a body bag.”

Liam bristled at his words, Arden casting him a warning glare. “Negotiations aren’t going to work with this guy. So, I’ll leave it to your team to decide how we proceed.”

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