Home > Spring Shoots on Sunflower Street An uplifting feel-good romance for 2020(16)

Spring Shoots on Sunflower Street An uplifting feel-good romance for 2020(16)
Author: Rachel Griffiths

Joanne nodded, a smile playing on her lips. ‘He has beautiful eyes.’

‘But the intensity could be because he’s short-sighted,’ Roxie suggested.

Joanne giggled and Roxie joined in. Lila loved how her friends laughed at themselves and teased one another. Life wasn’t easy for any of them; Roxie had concerns about her marriage and Joanne had been single for as long as Lila had known her. She’d had opportunities to date but usually found a way to sabotage them. It was why Lila suspected that Joanne might be making more of her attraction to Finlay than she actually felt; what better way to avoid getting into anything serious than paying attention to a gay man? Or a man who just wasn’t attracted to her. Mutual attraction was important in any relationship.

She tried to ignore the rolling in her stomach as she thought of how Ben had made her feel so unattractive. If she’d been more beautiful, more vivacious, more interesting, known more about football and the offside rule and all those things that Ben liked, he might not have gone looking elsewhere.

‘Lila!’ Roxie snapped her fingers in front of Lila’s face. ‘Stop it.’

‘Stop what?’ Lila folded her arms over her chest, feeling suddenly cold in her yoga gear despite her hooded top.

‘Thinking about you know who.’

‘I wasn’t.’

Roxie’s eyebrows crawled up her forehead and her eyes widened. It was a look that could have got a government spy to spill his secrets.

‘Okay… I was thinking about B… you know who… but not in a sad way. Well, not really. I was just thinking how lucky I am not to have to be with a man who doesn’t think I’m wonderful anymore.’

‘And you are wonderful, darling.’ Roxie reached over and squeezed her hand. ‘You deserve the very best in a partner and to be loved, respected and treasured. As does Joanne.’

‘As do you, Rox.’ Lila smiled. ‘As do you.’

Roxie blinked then cleared her throat and shook her glossy dark hair.

‘Yes, well. Yes. Indeed.’

Roxie leant forwards and kissed Glenda’s wrinkled brow before offering her another piece of toast.

‘Is Fletcher home today?’ Lila asked, hoping he had made plans with his wife.

Roxie met Lila’s eyes. ‘He has a lunch meeting at the golf club with a client but he said he’ll be home for dinner. So… let’s hope, right?’

‘I really do hope so.’ Lila nodded. ‘If not, you and Glenda are very welcome at mine.’

‘I know, Lila. Thank you.’

‘Here’s to friendship.’ Joanne raised her mug of tea and Lila and Roxie joined in. ‘Now, I’d better get to work or I’ll have to look for another job.’

Joanne got up and cleared the table but Lila and Roxie stayed where they were, not quite ready to leave just yet. The café was warm and cosy and their table in the window had a lovely view of the village green. And as Roxie started telling Lila about a story she’d heard on the radio that morning, Lila allowed herself to relax. Her life had changed in many ways over the past year, but the more she thought about it, the more she could see that it was for the better. Things with Ben hadn’t been right for a long while. It had taken time and space for her to see that clearly, but now she could, and with every day that passed, she felt a bit more positive about the future.

She was taking it one step, one day at a time, flanked by the best friends a woman could have.



Ethan entered the café and quickly closed the door behind him, not wanting to let the cold air from outside in. It was a bright but chilly morning and his run had seemed like a good idea when he’d woken to sunshine streaming through his window, but when he’d actually gone outside, he’d wondered at the sense in it. However, run over, he was glad he’d gone – as he always was – and now he was going to treat himself, and his mother, to a pastry and a coffee. His mother had headed off to yoga this morning and would probably be peckish too.

He went to the counter and stood in the queue, peering up at the menu. Delicious aromas teased him, sweet and savoury, the uplifting smell of freshly ground coffee and baking bread. The cafe offered everything from sausage rolls to bacon and brie filled croissants, chocolate chip muffins and fluffy maple syrup pancakes to boiled or poached eggs, although how he’d transport the latter home and keep them runny, he wasn’t sure.

Standing there, he listened to the murmur of voices, customers and staff, the frothing of the coffee machine and to the low hum of the refrigerators. Above all other noises was the voice of the radio DJ that was followed by some nineties R&B. The song took Ethan back to his youth and made him smile as he remembered easier times, less complicated times when life had seemed to promise future fulfilment and possibilities. He wondered if any adult ever felt that same sense of enduring hope that they sometimes felt as a child. Did life wring it out of everyone, or did some people escape unscathed? It seemed unlikely, as so many things could go wrong and if you loved anyone, there was always a risk that you’d suffer the pain of losing them, whether relative, lover or friend. But to live a life without love… that would be such a waste.

Laughter broke through his reverie and he looked across the café to the table by the window. He’d been so engrossed in his thoughts about what he’d fill his belly with that he hadn’t noticed the women at the table by the window. As he watched, the one with long red hair got up and carried plates over to the counter. She set the plates down then pulled her wavy hair into a ponytail that she flipped around and fixed into a bun at her nape then she took the plates past the counter and through to the kitchen. The other two women stayed at the table and Ethan recognised them as Lila and Roxie. They were deep in conversation and Roxie appeared to have a small animal on her lap that she kept kissing. Lila looked incredible in workout gear with rosy cheeks that could have been caused by exercise, the warmth of the café or a hot drink she’d just consumed. It made him want to ask if she’d been running too or if she’d been to an exercise class this morning. The sunlight caught her hair through the window and made it shimmer like gold.

Ethan’s breath caught in his throat as she seemed to sense his eyes on her and looked up. She smiled and waved at him and he waved back, his own cheeks flushing as he realised that she must have known he was staring at her. What an idiot he must seem. He could go over and make up some excuse or he could stay here, get some breakfast then leg it out of the café and act nonchalantly as he passed her. But before he had a chance to decide, Lila and Roxie stood up, donned coats and Lila picked up a yoga mat from under the table.

Ethan’s heart sank as he watched Roxie, dog tucked safely in a large bag with just its head poking out, open the door. Lila held it open as Roxie left then went through herself, but before she closed it behind her, she met Ethan’s eyes again and smiled. It was a big smile, a kind and pretty smile, and it warmed Ethan right through. Then she was gone, disappearing into the March morning.

As he ordered two bacon and egg rolls and two coffees, he tried to tell himself that the impact of the smile upon him had been so great because it showed kindness, and kindness couldn’t be underestimated, but a voice at the back of his mind kept whispering that it was, in fact, because Ethan liked Lila and had wanted her to smile at him, so he had some hope that she might like him too.

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