Home > The Most Eligible Viscount in London(70)

The Most Eligible Viscount in London(70)
Author: Ella Quinn

“Oh.” Georgie sounded disappointed. Had she been thinking he could sneak in to her? “I must tell you about Adeline’s thoughts. She thinks that if she begins redecorating here, and I start redecorating at your house—”

“Our house.”

Georgie gave him a rare shy smile. “Our house. That there would be enough going on that no one would notice if I slipped back and forth. I could use one of my father’s unmarked coaches.”

“Or you could use my unmarked coach.”

They entered the morning room, which was decorated in pink and cream colors. “Do you think her scheme would work?”

“It might.” He found a footman setting out a large tea service. “Are you expecting anyone?”

“We thought Dorie and Henrietta might come over.” She followed his gaze. “Hmm. Perhaps Exeter, my grandmother, and the duchess as well.”

“In other words, everyone.” There was no way he’d be able to get her away from here now.

“Well”—she grinned at him—“Perhaps not everyone. I doubt if Lady Aurelia and Lytton will be here.”

“Speaking of them, I went straight from here to St. George’s and reserved a date. I ran into Lytton as I was leaving. They are having the ceremony as soon as he can arrange it. Apparently, Lady Aurelia sees no reason to delay.”

“Good for her. I have no doubt that the duchess was extremely direct in telling her about his aunt.” Georgie looked at the biscuits now on the sideboard. “I wonder if they are ginger.”

“I wonder if Cook was able to work out those recipes.”

Littleton and Adeline could be heard coming down the hall speaking with someone else. But it didn’t sound like Lady Littleton.

“It sounds like Dorie and Exeter.”

A second later Georgie was proven right.

“Georgie.” Dorie Exeter rushed to Georgie and wrapped her arms around her. “I am so happy for you.” Dorie glanced at him. “And you as well. I am so glad everything worked out.” She glanced behind her. “Henrietta will be here soon.” After their last meeting, he wondered what kind of reception he’d receive from her. “All is forgiven. You must accept that we will always protect our friends.”

“So I have seen.” He tugged Georgie closer to him. “You have no need to be concerned about her now. The only thing I want to do is get married.”

“That is what you wanted before,” Miss Stern said as she strolled through the door. “I assume that it is now for the right reason.”

“It is for the right reason.” Georgie turned her cheek for a kiss from her friend. “You are the only one of us who has not found the gentleman you wish to wed.”

“I am in no hurry.” Miss Stern gave a light shrug. “I will meet him when I meet him.”

Lady Littleton joined them with Lady Featherton and the duchess, and Adeline began serving tea.

The ladies soon took Adeline to a table at the other end of the room, and Littleton and Exeter joined Gavin.

“Congratulations.” Exeter slapped him on the back.

“Thank you. The ceremony is in two weeks.” And not a day longer. Gavin hadn’t been able to make it first thing in the morning, but ten o’clock was close enough.

“We’ll look forward to celebrating with you.”

“Thank you. I think I’ll look forward to having it done. I have gathered that there will not be much for me to do.” And that would be the worst of it. He’d come to realize that no one was going to allow him to accompany his betrothed everywhere she went, and he’d be left with little to do but watch the clock.

“Except plan your wedding trip.”

“That’s a good point.” Although Gavin wouldn’t plan it without asking Georgie what she wanted.

“We didn’t have to wait for long either, but it’s hell.” Exeter put his cup down. “The ladies are kept occupied, and we are not. You don’t even have the Lords to take up time. In fact, we’re going to return to the country after your wedding. There’s really nothing to do here at the moment.”

Two weeks of nothing but waiting. He’d have to find something to do when he couldn’t be with Georgie. Unless, of course, she could spend time at her new home.

The object of his thoughts came up and slipped her hand in his arm. “We are going to the modiste. The sooner I get started on my wardrobe the better.”

They hadn’t been back more than two hours, but it was already beginning. “Will you join us at dinner?”

“Of course.” She gave his arm a squeeze. “I’ll see you then.”

After Georgie and her friends left, Littleton came over. “You look like you need an occupation.”

“What do you have in mind?”

“Carriages and horses. I’m told that your betrothed does not have her own carriage.”

“You’ll also need a landau,” Exeter said.

“And horses to pull both.” Gavin finished his tea. “That is an inspired suggestion.” He’d never actually designed a carriage for a lady. “Where shall we go to discuss the details?”

“My study,” Frits said. “I have large sheets of paper left from when I designed the curricle with Max’s box.”

They spent the rest of the day going over designs of sporting carriages for ladies and the necessary landau. The following morning a letter from his sister was delivered from the Foreign Office informing him that she and her family would arrive within the week and would stay with her in-laws. Perhaps keeping busy would not be as difficult as he’d thought.

* * *

Georgie reveled in finding the colors that suited her best and ordering new gowns. Adeline and Frits accompanied her to Turley House where she met the servants and was able to tour the house. It had not been redecorated since Gavin’s mother became Lady Turley, and that had been many years ago.

“I refurbished my rooms,” he said as he accompanied her and the housekeeper. “But that was all.”

“I’m not surprised. You were not using them.” She took notes of colors and fabrics that would be needed. Fortunately, the linens were all in good order. “We could start, but it would not be completed before our marriage.”

He did not want to be here all autumn while the house was finished. “Let’s plan to do most of it before we come for the Season next year.”

“That sounds like a better idea. When will your aunt and cousins arrive?”

He’d received a letter that morning from his aunt informing him they would stay with him as it was easier than opening their house. “In a few days. She is not good at informing one exactly when she plans to arrive.”

“Interesting.” And not at all convenient. “I heard from my mother. They are already traveling to Town and should be here at about the same time. Not knowing their plans, Grandmamma sent messengers out to find them.”

“For all that she appears to be a sweet older lady, she is frighteningly efficient.”

Georgie chuckled. He was not the first person to have misunderstood her grandmother. “She is a sweet older lady. She is also ruthless in achieving her ends.”

The housekeeper had left them alone, and he pulled her into his arms. “Do you know what I’d give to be able to take you back to my bedchamber?”

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