Home > My True Love (The Steeles at Silver Island #2)(45)

My True Love (The Steeles at Silver Island #2)(45)
Author: Melissa Foster

He scoffed.

“I’m not kidding. Nothing has ever looked better in my apartment.” She put her arms around his neck and let the truth come out. “I love the way you look.”

He brushed his lips over hers. “You have a thing for broken cavemen?”

“Just one very handsome caveman, but I don’t think he’s broken.”

“I can’t hear for shit out of my left ear, and I’m missing half a leg, baby.”

“But you’ve got a whole heart, and that’s what matters most.” She went up on her toes and pressed her lips to his.


JULES HAD BEEN to Rock Bottom Bar and Grill many times, but walking in with Grant holding her hand made it feel totally different. Rock Bottom was one of the hottest night spots on the island, and she was surprised he wanted to go there on a Friday night, when it was sure to be packed and noisy. The line was six couples deep in the lobby. Wells was standing beside the hostess, his short dark hair looked finger-combed, and he was clean-shaven, so different from Grant’s rugged appearance. The Silver men were all handsome, but neither of his brothers could hold a candle to Grant.

Wells spotted them and sauntered over, looking sharp in a dark dress shirt and slacks. He looked Jules up and down and whistled. “Damn, girl. You look smokin’.”

“Thanks,” Jules said. Both of his brothers were shameless flirts.

Grant glowered at him. “If you want to keep those eyes, I suggest you stop leering at my girl.”

“Sorry, man. Just had to make sure you weren’t an imposter who had taken over my brother’s body. You passed the test.” He cleared his throat and said, “Silver, party of two, follow me, please.”

“We don’t have to skip ahead of all those people.”

“Yes, we do.” Grant kissed her temple and put an arm around her.

As they followed Wells through the crowded dining room, familiar faces stole glances at them. Jules couldn’t help but smile, and Grant lifted his chin in greeting to many of them, which she was glad to see. Almost as glad as she was that he held her tighter when guys looked over. Wells led them up to the second floor, where the large, private banquet rooms were located.

“Where are we going?” she asked.

Wells looked over his shoulder and winked. “To the best room in the house.” He went through a door marked PRIVATE and led them up another staircase.

She didn’t even know there was a third level. “There are dining rooms up here?”

“Just one private room.” Wells pushed open the door at the top of the stairs and stepped aside. “After you, madam.”

Jules walked into the dimly lit room and was swept away by the romantic scene before her. Lanterns created a path along the floor leading to a large round table draped in red and elegantly set for two at one end. It was surrounded by other tables draped in white, boasting colorful bouquets of the prettiest flowers she’d ever seen. There must have been a dozen or more vases around the room. The far wall was almost all glass, giving way to glorious views of the harbor, the lights of the island twinkling in the distance against the gray-blue sky.

“Grant” fell from her lips. She was awestruck.

He stepped beside her, pressing his hand to her lower back. “This was the best I could do on short notice.”

“Are you kidding?” She was all choked up. “I would have been happy eating at Trista’s, and you’ve gone and made me feel like a princess.”

He drew her into his arms, looking at her like she’d hung the moon, when she’d done nothing at all, and said, “You’re continually showing me and others how special we are. It’s your turn, Pix. You deserve to be treated like a princess. But I can’t take all the credit.” He looked at Wells. “I had a lot of help.”

“Don’t let Grant fool you, Jules,” Wells insisted. “It was all him. He knew exactly what he wanted, where to place the tables, how to dress them. He pulled in favors to get the flowers and the lanterns rushed over. I just followed his instructions to set them up.”

She gazed up at Grant, melting inside. “You did all of that for me? Thank you.” She threw her arms around him and kissed him.

“That’s a keeper,” Wells said, and they looked over. He was holding up his phone. “Now let’s get a picture where I can see your faces.”

Jules snuggled into Grant’s side, grinning like a fool.

Grant shook his head. “Really, dude?”

“Trust me, you’ll want these on your wedding day. Now smile for your girl.”

“Christ,” Grant said under his breath.

Wells took the picture and then he took their jackets.

Jules went to smell the flowers. “I can’t believe you guys did all of this so fast. Thank you so much.”

“You haven’t seen the half of it,” Wells said. “It turns out my brother knows how to do it up right. What can I get you to drink?”

“I’ll have unsweetened iced tea, please,” Jules said.

“I’ll have the same,” Grant said.

“Great. I’ll bring your drinks and food right up.”

After Wells left, Grant said, “Should I have ordered a bottle of champagne or wine? I know you don’t drink often, but would you have wanted it?”

“No, this is perfect. I’m glad you didn’t order it, but if you want to have a drink, it won’t bother me.”

“I’m not a big drinker. I have a few beers with the guys, but I like having a clear head.”

She added that to the long list of things she liked about him as she soaked in the gorgeous flowers and lanterns, the lights, and the rugged man who had lived a lifetime on battlefields and missions and had spent the evening delivering wreaths without a single complaint.

Grant put his arm around her as they stood before the wall of glass gazing out at the lights of the island and the moonlight glittering off the dark water. Jules rested her head against his shoulder. “I can’t get over this view.” She turned, putting her arms around him. “I feel like you flew me a thousand miles away. I didn’t even know this room existed.”

“He only rents it out to a few special customers.”

“I’m glad he knows how special you are,” she said, and he scoffed. “Nobody has ever done anything romantic for me, and between the lantern you made me and this, you’ve swept me off my feet. Is this why you were on the phone for so long when we were at Trista’s? Arranging everything?”

“Yeah, sorry about that. If I’d been thinking more clearly, I would have set it up this morning. I told you I was rusty.”

“There’s no rust on your game, big guy.”

“I haven’t had game in a long time, and even when I did, I never attempted anything like this.” He kissed her softly. “You make me want to up my game.”

“You don’t need to up your game. We just need to help you find your way to your next purpose.”

“You’re pretty incredible, Jules. I read your letter, and like everything you do, it made me slow down and look at the world differently.”

“I was worried that what I wrote was too weird for you.”

“What you wrote was thoughtful and insightful. It was different, but not weird. Although, I think your pixie dust is screwing with my head.”

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