Home > Reaper's Salvation(120)

Reaper's Salvation(120)
Author: Jamie Begley


Reaper jumped at Viper’s shout coming from the other end.

“Where in the fuck have you been!”

“I was at the store. What in the fuck is wrong?”

“I thought you were dead!” Viper’s voice broke. “There’s been an explosion at Silas’s property. Go to the hospital. I’m on my way.”

Reaper had already started the car after hearing “go the hospital.” He peeled out of the store parking lot, driving the five miles to the hospital at breakneck speed.

Parking the Escalade, he was sick at the thought of Silas or one of Ginny’s brother being hurt. He had called Ginny twice to see if she was still shopping with Trudy or if she was already at the hospital. Thinking he should call the club to see if she was there and to tell her to stay put until he could come get her, he parked the car and decided he’d call after he found out the news.

The automatic door slid open when he walked in, allowing him into the emergency room. He was heading for the desk when he saw all of Ginny’s brothers and the Porters standing out in the long hallway.

Reaper slowed as they turned to face them. All their faces and clothes were covered in dark soot. However, it was their expressions that had him not wanting to take another step.

Silas didn’t give him a choice. As he walked to meet him, Reaper knew it wasn’t going to be good.

“What happened?” Reaper managed to croak out, his throat so tight that the words barely sounded.

“There was an explosion at your and Ginny’s house.”

Reaper felt a numbness washing over him, as if preparing him for the next words.

“That’s okay as long as nobody’s been hurt. I’ll get the brothers clearing—”

“Reaper,” Silas stopped him. “Ginny was in the house when it exploded.”

“No.” Reaper shook his head. “Ginny’s with Trudy. She’s terrible about answering her phone.”

“She was inside the house. Greer and I were the ones who pulled her out.”

“I want to see her.” Reaper went toward the door the men were standing in front of.

Silas grabbed his arm. “They’ll come and get us when they’re ready. They had to call for a specialist.”

“For what?”

“Her body is burned over eighty percent. She’s been shot. Ginny’s brain dead.”

“No, she isn’t.”

“Reaper, they’re waiting for the other doctor to come in. If there isn’t brain activity, they want to shut off the machine.”

“You’re not fucking taking her off the machine!” he shouted, taking a step back from Silas.

Greer was leaning against the wall. Walking toward him, Reaper grabbed his shirt. “Fix her.”

“I tried. There’s nothing left.” Greer’s face was already haggard. “Her spirit was already gone when we got there.”

“Try again,” Reaper pleaded. “Greer, she’s carrying my baby … Please, I’m begging you.”

“I would if I could.”

“I’ll pay whatever you want—Viper will give me some money … Anything you want. All you have to do is ask.” Tears coursed down his cheeks, but Reaper didn’t care. He couldn’t survive without Ginny. She was his anchor.

“Reaper, I can’t help … There’s only one person who can save her, and I’m not him.”

“Don’t you fucking dare to turn Ginny’s machine off!” he shouted, turning in the direction of the door.

“Where are you going?” Silas called after him.

Reaper took off as if the hounds of hell were after him. Running to the Escalade, he then sped out of the exit, passing Dalton and Trudy’s car as they entered the parking lot. They honked the horn at him, but he didn’t stop. Reaper couldn’t. He didn’t have any time to spare. He had to talk to the only man who could save Ginny’s life, and he wasn’t going to take no for an answer.



Chapter Fifty



Turning the radio off, Ginny slid out of Moses’ car, then shut the door. Her brother wouldn’t be happy that she had taken his car without his permission. She would have to get Gavin to drive her to drop it off.

Lacking the energy to go up the front steps, she walked up the back path.

Ginny opened the kitchen door and came to a stop at seeing Willa, Lily, Winter, and Beth sitting at the kitchen table, crying their eyes out. Meanwhile, Puck and Jesus were staring at her as if they were looking at a ghost.

“Willa, what’s wrong?” Ginny rushed forward, dropping the two bags of maternity clothes she had bought to the floor to comfort her crying friend.

Hearing her voice, the women jumped up from the table, running toward her to crush her in their arms.

“Willa!” Ginny tried to gain control of the chaotic situation. “Please, tell me what’s wrong. You’re scaring me.”

“There was an explosion … Yours and Gavin’s house has burned to the ground.”

Ginny felt like she was going to faint.

Jesus went to the table and slid out a chair for her sit down on. Ginny sank down into it.

Her beautiful house … gone.

“Ginny … we … we …,” Willa stuttered. “They found a woman inside. Silas and everyone thinks it’s you.”

Shocked, Ginny couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “I need to call Gavin … Silas.” Ginny took her phone out, calling Gavin, her pulse going faster when he didn’t answer.

Disconnecting the call, Ginny then called Silas. She wanted to burst into tears at the sound of his voice.


“Ginny, where are you? Everyone thinks you’re here in the hospital on death’s door.”

“I know … I’m at the club. I just found out. Is Gavin there? He isn’t answering his phone.”

“He was here, then ran out. I don’t know where he is. Trudy is here. She wants to speak with you.”


“Trudy, I’m fine. It was just a horrible mistake. I’m fine,” Ginny kept repeating until she was able to calm her sister.

“Do you have any idea who was at your house when it exploded?”

Ginny didn’t want to tell Trudy over the phone.

“Trudy, I have to find Gavin. When I find him, I’ll come to the hospital. I shouldn’t be long.”

Ginny disconnected the phone and tried calling Gavin again. Still no answer.

“Does anyone have any idea where Gavin is? He’s not at the hospital. I need to go to the hospital in case he goes back there.”

Willa grabbed her coat off the back of her chair. “I’ll drive you. I don’t want you driving when you’re this upset.”

Ginny didn’t want to take the time to argue, so she hurried after Willa to her car. In the car, Ginny crossed her arms, shivering.

“I’ll turn the heat on and warm the seats,” Willa said, flicking a series of buttons on the dashboard.

“Thank you.”

“Who do you think it was?” Willa asked as they hit the bottom of the hill, coming to stop light.

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