Home > Come Fly with Me : A Collection(148)

Come Fly with Me : A Collection(148)
Author: Whitney G.

“It’s a yes or no question, Tara.”

“No,” I said. Then in German, I added, “I remember my boss saying that he’ll buy me whatever I need when we get there. I wonder if that offer still stands.”

“You’re lucky your mother is standing here right now,” he responded, in perfect German. Then, in English, “Good. We can go now. Unless Mrs. Lauren needs to get something from your condo or get a tour of it first?”

“I can see the inside of her condo when we get back.” She started walking toward the elevator, and we laughed as we followed her.

When we stepped onto the car, he took a call on his phone, and my mother nudged me in my shoulder.

“I take back what I said about quitting,” she whispered. “With a boss that looks like that—especially one who is clearly into you, you should never, ever quit. Is it too late to ask to have your job back?”









I stared at Tara as she slept next to Violet, as the plane taxied down the runway. She was holding Bear in one hand and a bag of Mickey Mouse lollipops in the other. Unlike me, she had no problems limiting Violet’s daily sweets, and I was beyond glad that she’d come along on the trip.

Her last day of work was this coming Friday, and although I wasn’t one hundred percent sold on her successor, I was officially sold on us. The moment after her farewell party ended, I was determined to ask her if the two of us could continue whatever the hell had been happening over the past several weeks.

I had no interest in dating anyone else, and I knew, without a doubt, that the feelings I had for Tara went deeper than sex.

“Is it too late for her to get her job back?” Her mother stepped into the cabin. “You can tell me, and I’ll find a way to get her to change her mind.”

“She made the right decision.” I looked over at Tara again. “It was time for her to go in a different direction.”

“You think she has chief attorney potential?”

“No,” I said, honestly. “I think she has CEO potential. Anything else would be a waste.”

She smiled and picked up a bowl of apples. “You know, she’s a pretty light sleeper, and she hates grand declarations.” Her mom looked at me as if she could read my mind. “Tell her how you feel now. I mean, I would, if I were you.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” I smiled. “We’re just friends, and she’s my former employee.”

“I’ve spent the past three days with you two, and this is the only time when you aren’t touching.” She gave me a knowing look and headed back to the rear suite. “You’re far more than friends.”

When the door shut, I contemplated waking her up and asking her to join me in the front suite, but my phone buzzed on the table. An email from George.


* * *


Subject: Tara Lauren’s Recommendation


Please don’t tell me you gave Tara the recommendation for her next job.

George Tanner

Chief Attorney, Parker International


* * *


Subject: Re: Tara Lauren’s Recommendation

Of course, I did. I was more than happy to do so. I even wrote the latest recommendation letter myself.

Preston Parker,

CEO & Owner of Parker International


* * *


Subject: Re: Re: Tara Lauren’s Recommendation

Now is not a good time to joke with me, Preston. I'm serious. Dead ass, I’m-not-smiling serious.

George Tanner

Chief Attorney, Parker International


* * *


Subject: Re: Re: Re: Tara Lauren’s Recommendation

As am I. (You could’ve used quotes instead of those two hyphens, by the way.)

Preston Parker,

CEO & Owner of Parker International


* * *


Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Tara Lauren’s Recommendation

So, you personally recommended her to be the interim general counsel? That’s nice. Very sweet. The only problem is the goddamn company she’ll be doing that with.

Please see attached.

George Tanner

Chief Attorney, Parker International


* * *


I opened the attachment and lost my shit.

What the fuck?









“Cheers to the best executive assistant in Parker International history!” Cynthia raised a glass of champagne. “Tara Lauren!”

Everyone in the room cheered and knocked back their drinks, and I gave them my best smile. So far, there’d been farewell songs, a group poem called “Please Don’t Leave Us, Tara,” and a dramatic dance of some kind called “No, Really. Please Don’t Leave Us, Tara.”

For some reason, Preston wasn’t here, and ever since we’d returned from Disney World, he’d been on edge. As if he was upset about something.

Probably because the Von Strums haven’t signed the contract yet.

“Thank you all so much for this party,” I said, standing on top of a chair. “It really means a lot to me. Although I have to leave, I’ll do my best to stop by for some Sweet Seasons Coffee to chat with you whenever I can.” I paused. “Well, some of you.”

Everyone laughed.

“Make sure that you give my successor, Taylor, all of the support he needs.”

“What’s his real name?” Cynthia asked.


Everyone in the room laughed, except Taylor and me, so I shrugged and stepped down.

I pulled out my phone and sent Preston an email.


* * *


Subject: My Farewell Party.

You’re missing it.

Tara Lauren

Executive Assistant to Preston Parker,

CEO of Parker International

*Please forward all requests to his new assistant Taylor Milton via [email protected]


* * *


Subject: Re: My Farewell Party.

I’m aware.

Preston Parker

CEO & Owner of Parker International


* * *


Subject: Re: Re: My Farewell Party.

Is something wrong? You can tell me. (You’ve been off all week.)

Tara Lauren

Executive Assistant to Preston Parker,

CEO of Parker International

*Please forward all requests to his new assistant Taylor Milton via [email protected]


* * *


He never responded, and by the time the third cake was eaten and the final song played, my coworkers were filing out of the room.

I waited until only a few people were left and headed toward his office.

“Wait a second.” Cynthia stepped in front of me. “I want to apologize for the way I treated you when you first got here. You didn’t deserve that.”

I smiled. “I accept your apology.”

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