Home > Model Behavior (Wrecked Roommates, #1)(30)

Model Behavior (Wrecked Roommates, #1)(30)
Author: Kelsie Rae

With a deep chuckle, Jake defends, “I’m just checking up on you. Did you find the Advil I set on the bathroom counter?”

Damn you, Jake. Making me feel guilty for your thoughtfulness.

And stupid. I should’ve gone to the bathroom first. That would’ve saved me a world of headache. Literally.

“I may have missed it,” I admit with a grudging frown before plopping down onto one of the barstools tucked beneath the center island.

He laughs. “I’ll go get it for you. Be right back.”

“Thank you!” I call out to his retreating form. His back muscles and triceps flex and pull as he jogs away and disappears up the stairs.

Seriously, when did Jake get ripped?

“So tell us more about this job,” Milo demands, distracting me from appreciating his best friend’s backside.

Shrugging, Gibson plops down onto the barstool next to me. “It’s pretty simple. She’ll just be running drinks, cleaning up tables here and there, and possibly get behind the bar to learn a few simple cocktails on the nights when it’s chaos, and I need the help. Would you be interested, Reese?”

My anticipation is buzzing, but I try to keep my excitement in check. “Why, yes. Yes, I would. It sounds different but…fun. Do you think you could set up an interview for me?”

“No need. There’s two spots available, and Chuck trusts me, so when I mentioned your name, he asked if I would hire you, I said yes, then he told me to relay the news. You’re good to go.”

“You serious?” I hold my breath.

“Yeah, of course.”

With a squeal, I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him into an awkward side hug thing since we’re both still seated at the counter, but I don’t really care if I’m making a fool out of myself because I have a freaking job!

Striding over to the fridge, Milo grabs a protein shake as he interjects, “When does she start?”

“Oh, so you’re okay with this?” I challenge. “You know, since you like to pretend you have a say in what I do with my life and all.”

Milo’s mouth twitches, but he doesn’t take the bait. “It’s something different,” he offers. “And you need different.”

“Hmm,” I hum, still unconvinced.

“So, when does she start?” Milo repeats.

“Tonight, if she’s ready.” Gibbs turns to me and raises his brows.

With a deep breath, I nod. “I’ll be ready.”

“And your hangover will be taken care of?” Milo pushes.

“Yup. I’ll rest up and drink lots of water, Papa Bear. But thank you for your concern.”

Grumbling smartass under his breath, he rounds the corner and drops a quick kiss to the crown of my head. “You’re gonna rock it.” Then he turns to Gibson. “Thanks, man. Keep an eye on her, yeah?”

“Sure thing. And don’t worry. I remember the rules.”

Nodding, Milo twists off the cap from his protein shake, downs the whole thing, then bellows, “Yo, Jake! Where’s my sister’s Advil? She’s got shit to do!”

Ya know, the man’s got a point.

“I should probably get going too,” Gibson adds as he checks the time on his cell. “But be ready by five, and we can ride together, okay?”

“Sounds good.”

As Gibson exits the kitchen, Jake returns and offers me a couple of painkillers. “Here ya go.”


Popping them into my mouth, I take a quick swallow of juice to wash them down, then sigh in relief. “You’re the bomb dot com, my friend.”

With a grin, he takes a seat next to me. “I got your back.”

“Always have and always will. Right, Jakey boy?”

“Always,” he returns. His grin softens as he takes me in. “So, how have you been acclimating so far?”

“To living here?” I shrug. “Good, I guess. Gibbs got me a job, so there’s that.”

“Yeah, he may have mentioned that earlier this morning to me before you graced us with your presence. I think you’ll do great.”

“You’ve always been my biggest cheerleader,” I point out with a cheeky smile.

“And I always will be. I’m sorry I’ve been absent so much lately––”

“Don’t apologize.”

“I want to. You deserve more from me––”

“You owe me nothing,” I argue.

“I know, but since you’ve been living here, we haven’t really had a chance to hang out other than our Lord of the Rings marathon. We haven’t even been texting. We used to always text, Reese.” The regret laced with anxiety in his voice makes me pause as I consider him.

He’s right. We used to always text. Especially before Ian and I started dating. It was almost daily that I’d wake up with a message from him. Sometimes it was a simple, Hey, what are you up to? And other times, it was nothing but a funny meme, but they made my day every time.

Then Ian started to give me crap for texting another guy, so the messages slowly started to dissipate until they were nothing but a once-a-week reminder that the world didn’t revolve around Ian. That I had other people who cared about me too. And if I’m being honest with myself, they were what gave me the courage to finally walk away from my toxic relationship because I was reminded that I mattered. To Jake. And to Milo.

Sighing, I push the eggs around my plate. “I know. Ian has been texting me a lot, so I’ve kind of been ignoring my phone.”

“Do you know how to block him?” Jake returns with a serious expression.

“I have blocked him, but he keeps finding new ways to contact me. Whether it’s with one of his friend’s phones or changing his own number, I don’t know, but it’s been…a little off-putting.”

He scoffs. “I’d say so. How about I take you to the store to change your number so he can’t contact you anymore?”

“I’ve had this number for forever. I don’t want to give it up just because my ex won’t leave me alone. Besides, I’m sure he’ll get bored and move on sooner or later.”

“Yeah, but if he’s making you miserable––”

“He’s not. I’m just learning not to be too attached to my phone, that’s all. Honestly, it’s probably a good thing, but I’m sorry if I’ve missed any of your texts.”

“Don’t worry about it. I should probably close the books every once in a while and come check on you physically instead of relying on text messages anyway. I’ve missed you, Reese. It’s good to have you here, even if I’ve done a shitty job of showing it.”

“I’ve missed you, too, Jake. But don’t feel bad about focusing on your thesis right now. Seriously. I support you. You’re gonna do great things. And don’t worry. I know how to be a patient girl while waiting for a guy’s affections,” I quip, batting my lashes at him.

He laughs and steals a bite of my bacon. “Careful with those things, Reese. They’re dangerous.”

“What, these ol’ things?” I bat them a second time, grinning from ear to ear.

“Yeah. Even without mascara and shit, they could still knock a guy on his ass.”

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