Home > Model Behavior (Wrecked Roommates, #1)(58)

Model Behavior (Wrecked Roommates, #1)(58)
Author: Kelsie Rae


The door closes. Again. But it isn’t followed by my usual frustration. Just a longing that’s so deep and so sharp that it feels hard to breathe.

“He’s a keeper,” Dove decides before reaching her hand into the paper bag that’s still in my lap.

That’s the problem, though.

I think she’s right.



After the first two Matrix movies, which dear sweet Dovey had never seen before, we call it a night with the promise to finish the third one soon. My stomach has officially been stuffed to the brim with popcorn and ice cream. With a groan, I waddle up to my room in the dark while loathing that last pint of Ben & Jerry’s.

The boys made it home throughout the evening and are in their rooms, including the elusive River, who has yet to admit where the heck he went tonight. And even though Keanu was a pretty good distraction, I couldn’t stop thinking about him. I blame the few popcorn kernels stuck in my teeth that kept annoying me all night. They’re all his fault.

Him and his thoughtfulness.

Damn him.

Dove’s right. If I don’t pursue this thing with River, I’ll regret it. Now, I just need to figure out how to keep it quiet until River and I are both ready to confront Milo.

Which, if we knew what was good for us, would be never.

The floor creaks beneath my feet as I hesitate outside River’s room before reaching for the handle, twisting it, and peeking my head through the doorway.

It’s dark. Quiet. And obvious he must be passed out beneath his tangled, navy blue comforter lying on the mattress. Which is so…human. Not that he isn’t human. It’s just that sometimes, he seems like he’s larger than life. Like he’s living it to the fullest and is soaking up every moment. But right now, he’s catching up on some much-needed rest. And it’s kind of adorable. Especially now that I’ve decided to pursue something with him.

Damn caramel popcorn.

Fighting off the urge to sneak into his bed and snuggle, I close the door again then head to my room.

My brows furrow as I reach the closed door.

I could’ve sworn I’d left it open.

Who’s been in my room?









With my head cocked to one side, I cautiously push the bedroom door open and find a shadowed figure on my bed. My heart leaps in my throat as a scream threatens to spill out of me, but I hold it back. With my feet planted in place, I squint and let my eyes adjust to the dimness. The light from his cell shines on the shadowed figure’s face before he sets it down on his bare chest, blanketing the room in darkness again.

“Took you long enough,” River murmurs.

A sigh of relief whooshes out of me before I step into my room and softly close the door behind me. “I’m sorry. I wasn’t aware you’d be waiting up for me.”

“Did you have a good time?”


“And did you like the popcorn?”

With an amused chuckle, I repeat, “Yes.”

“And did you make a decision?” There’s an edge of hope in his tone that makes my stomach swell with butterflies.

Or maybe it’s the damn popcorn.

“About what?” I ask, feigning ignorance as I inch closer and turn on my bedside lamp. A gentle glow of warmth spreads throughout the small room.

Like a cobra, River’s arm darts out and grabs my wrist before he tugs me into his lap.

“Answer the question, Floozy,” he orders in a deep, sexy voice.

“Ya know, Riv, if I’m gonna be your girlfriend, I think we should probably discuss alternative pet names.”

His grin lights up the room as he presses a quick kiss to my mouth before squeezing me tighter against him. “I dunno. I kinda like Floozy.”

“Of course, you do.”

“I do,” he reiterates, not even bothering to hide his grin. “But I think you’re right. I definitely need a pet name if we’re going to give this relationship a real shot. What do you think about calling me, daddy?” Bouncing his eyebrows up and down, his hand slides down to my butt, and he grabs a handful.

“You better be joking, or I might have to reconsider the whole girlfriend thing.”

Rolling me onto my back, River cages me in on both sides, then settles between my thighs. “I bet I could convince you otherwise.”

“Not if daddy’s on the table,” I quip, fighting the urge to close my eyes and savor the feel of his heavy frame pressing me into the mattress.

His chest rumbles with amusement as he plants a lazy kiss against my lips before grinding against me. “Even though I’m pretty sure I could make you cave, I’ll let you win since I was joking, and the idea of you actually calling me daddy gives me the shivers.”

“Oh, really?” I breathe out, my stomach tightening with anticipation as the outline of his long, hard erection presses against my core.

“Yeah. Call me crazy, but I’d rather you work with Sex God/Master of Orgasms or something classy like that.”

“That’s classy?” I’m grinning like a loon, but I catch myself doing that a lot when I’m around him.

“Sex God/Master of Orgasms?” He turns serious and contemplates the pet name before giving me a definitive nod. “Yes. That’s the definition of class, Floozy. Get with the times.”

“Sex God/Master of Orgasms,” I repeat. “It’s a bit of a mouthful, don’t you think?”

“I could always fill your mouth with something else if you’d prefer.” His mock innocence is overshadowed by the knowing smirk painted across his face. He knows exactly what imagery just popped into my head, and he doesn’t regret it in the least.

Innocent, my ass.

With a very unladylike snort, I push against his chest and roll him onto his back. Then I take control like a good little floozy. Using the hair tie around my wrist, I put my hair in a ponytail and watch his face transform from amused to impatient.

And I kind of love it.

Licking my lips, I inch down his toned frame but keep my eyes locked on his as I murmur, “Well, if you insist.”









The room is painted with a soft white glow as the morning light peeks through the window.

A yawn slips out of me as I burrow under the covers and into River’s side. With the scent of musk and sex still lingering in the air, I drag my nose along his warm skin and breathe him in.

How can he smell so good?

“Morning,” Riv grumbles.


“I fell asleep.”

“You did,” I confirm with a smile even though he can’t see it.

“I missed the gym.”

I pat his bare chest before swirling the tip of my finger around his tiny man nipple. “I think your muscles can survive a day without working out.”

“Debatable,” he mutters under his breath.

“And why’s that?” I laugh.

“A model is only as good as his looks, Reese. If I want to keep working––and keep the attention of a certain floozy––then I need to take care of it.”

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