Home > Model Behavior (Wrecked Roommates, #1)(81)

Model Behavior (Wrecked Roommates, #1)(81)
Author: Kelsie Rae

His gentle touch surprises me as he trails his fingers along my bare arm. “How’re you holding up, Floozy?”

I snort. “You know I still hate that name, right?”

“Come on. It’s endearing.”

“Says the Sex God/Master of Orgasms,” I quip. “I’m fine, by the way. Happy you’re coming home.”

“Me too.”

“Have you heard anything from Gina?”

“She texted to let me know she’ll be at the house when we get there.” He shrugs as I turn onto our street.

Two big, black SUVs are parked in the driveway, along with a sleek blue convertible that belongs to his agent.

“Did she bring friends?” I inquire.

With another shrug, he slides his aviators a few inches down his nose to inspect the foreign cars closer. “No idea.”

I park along the sidewalk, then switch off the ignition. “Do you need help getting out of the car?”

“I’m good. But if you could grab my bag from the back––”

“I got it.” I open the driver’s side door when his command stops me.


Turning toward him, I ask, “Yeah?”

“I love you.”

My smile brightens. “I love you too.”

“Thank you––”

“You’ve already thanked me a hundred times,” I point out.

“And I’ll thank you a thousand more.”

Sliding closer to me, he carefully leans his forearm against the center console then presses a kiss against my lips. It’s so soft and sweet I could get lost in it forever.

When he pulls away, I breathe out his name. “Riv…”

“I’m serious, Reese. I couldn’t do this without you. I don’t know where I’d be or how I would’ve recovered from the hell we’ve been through if it wasn’t for you.”

“And I don’t know where I’d be if I didn’t have a guy like you to make me understand what true love is. It’s unconditional with you. And for a girl who’s never truly experienced it like that––well, other than Milo, but he doesn’t count––it means a lot to me. You’re stuck with me, Riv.”

“You’re stuck with me too.”

“Good. Now, will you let me get out of the car so we can go chat with your visitors?” I ask with pursed lips.

He grins. “So bossy.”

“And don’t you forget it. Chop, chop, mister.”

After I grab his bag from the back of the truck, he takes it from my grasp in his good hand, and we walk side by side into the house.

Jake greets us at the door with a wide smile before pulling River into a hug while being careful of his bandaged arm.

“Hey, man. It’s good to have you back.”

“It’s good to be back,” River returns.

Releasing him from their embrace, Jake raises his chin toward the family room. “You have company.”


Then, in a quiet voice, Jake adds, “Good luck,” and disappears into the kitchen.

Curious, River cocks his head to the side before dropping his bag onto the wooden floor. Once our fingers are tangled together, he tugs me with him into the family room.

“Hey!” Gina says as we come into view. Popping up from the couch, she strides closer and pulls us both into a careful hug. We’ve met a time or two since the accident, and she’s actually a pretty awesome lady––leather skirt and all.

“Thanks for letting us stop by,” she gushes. “I’m sure you’re tired from the drive home and everything, so we’ll get right to the point. River,” she motions to the familiar photographer on the couch. “I’m sure you remember Brett.”

“Hey,” River greets him.

“What’s up, man?” Brett pipes up.

“Not much. Just happy to be home.”

“And this,” Gina interjects, “is B.T. Henderson.”

“Call me, Brooks. Nice to meet you.” The stranger stands up and offers his hand to River. He reminds me of a suave Harrison Ford with thick salt and pepper hair and a confident smirk that’s well deserved after his success in the film industry.

Shaking off his surprise, River takes it. “Nice to meet you too.”

“And you must be Reese,” Brooks surmises as he scans me up and down. “You’re even prettier in person.”

Somehow, he’s able to make the compliment seem effortless and almost classy as if he’s discussing a famous painting instead of commenting on a person’s outward appearance. My cheeks heat, but I attempt to shrug it off. “Oh, thank you.”

“I heard you were quite the trooper during River’s audition.”

I laugh before tossing a half-assed glare at Brett who’s feet are resting on the coffee table like he doesn’t have a care in the world.

“I see someone’s a tattle-tale,” I mention.

Brett’s lazy grin is the only response he gives me before Brooks quips, “You’ll have to cut him a little slack. He said you were both brilliant during the photoshoot. That you could cut the sexual tension with a knife.”

“He’s too kind,” I deflect.

“I think he was spot-on. Now, as you both know, I’m working on an interesting project that I’m sure Gina has already told you about.”

“The rockstar one?” I clarify.

“Yes. After a great deal of deliberation, I’ve decided to take a risk and turn it in a different direction than I’d initially anticipated. I’m an old man who craves a challenge and thinks it could be brilliant.”

“And what direction is that?” River prods, his curiosity almost palpable.

“We’re looking for something raw and beautifully painful that the audience can connect with. We want the story to feel gritty and real. And, while I thought the original script held a lot of promise, we had an epiphany that left me no choice but to implement a few new additions to it. For starters, we’re looking for a completely fresh cast without any big-headed actors to steal the spotlight.”

“I thought you already had a contract with Olivia Porter?” I interject before biting my tongue.

She’s huge.

“We decided she wasn’t the right fit before contracts were officially written. She’s a brilliant actor, but we’re hoping for a cast with a personal connection to the story who can hopefully portray it in a more meaningful way.”

Scratching the scruff along his chiseled jaw, River asks, “I’m sorry… What are you trying to say here?”

“We want your story,” Brooks declares, getting right to the point. “With a few minor tweaks, of course. We feel like it could be perfect for cinema. The forbidden relationship, the spiteful ex, the greedy mother, the crippling accident. All of it. I’d like to keep the rockstar aspect as well as the second-chance relationship portion to keep us from getting sued by your mother,” he adds with an amused smirk, “but we can go over the details later. Would you be interested in going over the script I’ve pieced together?”

“Y-yeah,” River answers as if he’s still in shock. Brett stands up and hands each of us a copy of the script printed on a small stack of white papers.

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