Home > Not Even Close (A New Generation Series)(73)

Not Even Close (A New Generation Series)(73)
Author: Elizabeth Reyes




The whole way to La Jolla, Byron had practiced his deep breathing to no avail. He was still a nervous wreck. Savannah had been assuring him since the night before that this wouldn’t be so bad. Sure, the initial shock of it would be a doozy, but they’d eventually move on to big fat Moreno wedding planning. Savannah had agreed to let him be the one who asked her parents for their blessing, before announcing it to everyone else. It’s why they’d arrived hours before her mother had said the festivities would be starting.

Once again, her sister had run out before they’d even gotten out of the car. As soon as Savannah was out of the car there was no shortage of squealing and hugging as if Savannah had just returned from a military tour, after being gone for years. Her parents and her brothers were in the kitchen still finishing up breakfast when they got in.

“Look who’s here,” Sienna happily announced, as they all walked into the kitchen her arm still latched in Savannah’s.

“Happy birthday, mom.”

Her mom was instantly on her feet. “Come here.” She walked toward Savannah arms wide open. “You gave us such a scare yesterday.”

“I know. I’m sorry I ruined your birthday.”

“Don’t be. It’s not your fault.” She touched Savannah’s face, before hugging her again. “I’m just glad my baby’s okay.”


Byron gulped, as her mom came around and hugged him and Xochitl too. She tapped his arm with a knowing look. “I heard how worried you were about her too yesterday, and about what you said to her father. Makes me grateful she has you so close.”

“I meant every word I said.” He glanced at Savannah knowing she’d look confused, since he hadn’t shared with her everything he and her father had discussed. He cleared his throat, because he figured he had to get this over with, and this felt like as good a time as any. “That said, after what happened yesterday, I realized just how much she means to me, and uh . . .”

He was distracted momentarily by Xochitl taking a seat at the center island, as if getting ready for the show. Savannah slipped her hand in his, glancing up at him with an encouraging smile.

Byron turned back to her parents who were still watching him intently. “I told her that if I thought she’d say yes, I’d ask her to marry me. I know now she’s who I wanna spend the rest of my life with.”

“She’s way too young,” her dad said. “And you two have only—”

“I said yes, daddy.”

You could literally feel the air sucked out of the room, as they all stared at them stunned. “You said yes?” her mom asked in disbelief.

“Are you pregnant?” her dad followed up before Savannah could confirm they’d heard right.

“No, daddy. You know I’m more responsible than that.”

Her brother scoffed. “Can’t even remember to lock your door.”

Xochitl scowled at him, likely because it’d been established yesterday that she couldn’t either. Of course, unlike her friend, even this had Savannah smirking at her brother.

She turned back to her parents. “I know this is a shock, and we haven’t been together for long, but I can’t even explain it. Just like when he had dinner with us after technically only having known him a week. It just feels so right.”

Mr. Moreno stood up, as if he couldn’t sit anymore. “But you’re only eighteen, Savannah.”

“I know, daddy but I practically live at his place already, anyway.”

If looks were daggers, Byron would have two right between the eyes, the way her dad glared at him when his face jerked in his direction.

“Okay, let’s not get silly about this, honey,” Mrs. Moreno said, obviously catching the lethal glare her dad had shot him. “And they’re talking marriage, so it’s not like we have to worry about him not being serious about her.”

“Yes,” Byron spoke up again. “I’ve never felt this way for any other girl in my life.” He turned to Savannah who was looking up at him, her big, beautiful eyes flooding. “Never been so in love.” The crease between her eyes deepened and her lips quivered. Feeling like he might get emotional too if he didn’t glance away, he took a deep breath and turned back to her parents. “It’s why we’re here early. I was really hoping to get your blessing before we announced it to the rest of the family.”

The exchanged glance between her parents wasn’t missed. Her father’s expression was far more troubled than her mom’s. Mrs. Moreno turned back to them. “You’re not dropping out of school, are you?”

“Oh, hell no,” Mr. Moreno huffed.

“No, sir,” Byron spoke up quickly. “I wouldn’t want her interrupting her studies for me. She’d keep doing what she’s doing now, only she’d be living with me instead of the dorm.”

“Yeah, daddy you guys wouldn’t have to pay for that expensive dorm anymore.”

“You know that’s the least of my worries, Savannah.” He turned to Byron. “So, you’re saying you’ll be engaged and once she’s done with school—”

“No,” Savannah clarified immediately. “We don’t want that long of an engagement. Just long enough to plan the wedding. And we won’t even think of starting a family until I’ve at least finished school.”

“Oh, thank God, you’re not eloping,” her mom said.

“No,” Savannah laughed as her prediction began to come true. After the shock of the news, they were already moving on to talk of their big fat Moreno wedding. “Are you kidding me? Grandma’s been drilling in the idea of all her grandkids having big weddings since I was five. I wouldn’t dream of breaking the Moreno tradition.”

Byron smiled, remembering last night’s conversation. Technically, her parents had eloped, but her dad didn’t realize what a big deal it would be to his parents. So, they’d been guilted into renewing their vows and having a big wedding months later. Now her grandmother was making sure all her grandkids knew just how big a deal this was.

“So, does this mean we have your blessing?” Byron braved the question.

Once again, he watched as her parents exchanged glances. After a tense filled silent long moment with all eyes on Mr. Moreno, he shrugged. “You couldn’t keep me from walking my baby girl down that aisle if you tried.”

“Oh, daddy!” Savannah rushed to him and wrapped her arms around him as the big guy embraced her tightly.

For someone who for years refused to give into tears, Byron was instantly choked up as Mrs. Moreno hugged him. “Welcome to the family,” she said against his ear then chuckled. “I hope you’re ready for all the insanity.”

To Byron’s surprise, Taz stood behind his mom when she was done hugging Byron. He held up a hand and gave him an upwards handshake, clapping him on the shoulder. “I’m not supposed to like you,” he said with a smirk. “Just so you know, after yesterday the whole family’s grateful you’re there for her. You don’t even know the shit me and my brother deal with when something goes down with my sisters. My parents freak the fuck out. So, this is even better.”

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