Home > The Curse Breaker(25)

The Curse Breaker(25)
Author: April Kelley Jones

“I don’t understand this section,” she said.

“Huh? Oh, right.”

Knox turned his eyes down to look at the section she was pointing at. He scanned it quickly. He had also struggled to understand the same section of the text when he had studied from this book the first time.

“Magic isn’t based on spells alone. At times, your magic needs the space to be whatever it will be. Think of it like a glass of water. If you take that glass of water and pour it into a vase, the shape of the water will change. Magic is the same. It can grow to meet whatever needs the magic-born has at the moment, but that can only happen if you learn to trust in your magic.”

“Master Garren said it’s best to have a balance when using magic.”

“I’m guessing he’s an Earth magic-born?” Knox asked.

Eris nodded.

“For Earth magic, balance is needed to grow plants without harming the earth. However, for stronger magics, it’s best to let them roam a little freer. Otherwise, they can grow wild.”

“Won’t that lead to evil things?”

“The heart of the magic user dictates what kind of path the magic will follow. If a person’s heart is pure, then the magic will flourish and remain pure. If the opposite is true, then the magic will grow dark and lead to terrible things.”

“How did you keep your magic from turning evil? What has kept your heart pure, sire?” Eris asked innocently.

Knox didn’t know how to answer. The only thing he could tell her were lies.



Chapter 26



A knock sounded at the door, for which he was grateful. For at least a moment, he didn’t have to answer her question with lies. He wondered if he would have lied to her if not for Nolan’s spell, and it bothered him that he didn’t know the answer.


A guard entered, carrying two scrolls, one red, the other green. “Good evening, sire. I have an urgent letter and the daily report you requested.” The guard extended the two scrolls, and Knox took them. The guard bowed and left.

Eris peered at him a moment more before returning to her magic book. Knox unrolled the urgent letter first.


Urgent Underworld business arose and I have left to attend to it. While I’m away, train Eris; especially in water magic. In two months’ time, take Eris to the Vord Mountains. There you’ll find a sorceress by the name of Zhalora. If you impress her, she will give you the remaining piece of the prophecy. Once you have it, I will find you again. Oh, and watch out for the Sligo. They really do eat humans.

P.S. I’m taking Darren with me. So don’t get too attached to Eris while we’re away.


Knox crumpled the letter in frustration. Why did Nolan assume he would do whatever he asked? Knox could choose to disregard his letter completely, but if he did, would it hurt Eris? Knox had to figure out what Nolan was up to before he got them both killed trying to wrestle the throne away from the Queen of the Underworld.

He unrolled the green scroll and scanned over the contents. While he was asleep, bandits had struck the Westlands. He would have to send soldiers to safeguard the boarders again. Otherwise the capital, and the farmers of the Westlands, wouldn’t have enough food to see them through the winter.

“Is everything okay?” Eris asked.

Knox rolled the scroll back up. “Nolan and Darren have gone on a journey.”

“What? Why would Darren go with Nolan? He doesn’t like him.”

Knox shrugged. “They said they will meet back up with us in a few weeks.”

Eris chewed on her lip. “It doesn’t make sense for him to leave me here without saying anything first.”

“Do you want me to send a rider after them?” Knox knew the rider wouldn’t be able to find them, but if it made her feel more at ease then he would do it.

She shook her head. “Where will we meet them?”

“The Vord Mountains.”

Eris’ eyes grew wide. “Isn’t that where the Sligo live?”

Knox nodded. “We don’t have to go, if you don’t want to.”

“Why would they want to meet us there?”

Knox had decided to be as honest as he could be, as often as he could be. She deserved at least that. When she learned about all of the things he couldn’t tell her, and he was willing to bet half his kingdom that she would before this was over, he didn’t want her to hate him. He didn’t want to see her kind eyes look at him as if he were the monster he feared himself to be.

“Nolan says there is a sorceress there who can tell us the rest of the prophecy, but first we have to teach you how to fully control water.”

“Do you know a lot about water magic?”

Knox shook his head. “I have Dark magic, remember? But I can control an element, so I can teach you how to control it in theory, at least. I have some things that require my attention tonight. For now, read the rest of the books, because I’ll be quizzing you tomorrow at dinner.”


Knox walked slowly down the halls, passing bowing servants but barely registering them. Eris didn’t know she was being used. He wanted to break the curse, but not if it meant someone had to die. He was trying to save people, not kill them. It wasn’t as if his life was worth more than hers, even if he was a ruler. The more he thought, the more confused he felt.

He opened his chamber doors. Toran was inside. “What brings you here?”

“Who was that man?”

Knox explained as much as Nolan’s spell would allow him to, which wasn’t much. “Breaking the curse isn’t as simple as we thought. I wish I could tell you more, but I can’t.”

“What do you need me to do?”

“First, send a company to the Westlands to secure the border. We have to keep the people safe. Next, inform Eris’ guard to watch out for the Prince of Darkness. I am to be immediately informed if he appears in front of her. We have two months to learn what we can about Nolan and the sorceress Zhalora. If we can, we have to outmaneuver them.”

Toran nodded and left. Knox stared out the window, looking for some kind of answer as the sun threatened to overtake the night.


“How was your day?” Knox asked as he walked into the dining room and sat down. The usual spread was out, though none of it looked overly appealing to him that night. He had too much on his mind. Still he filled his plate with meat and vegetables.

Eris followed suit. “You’ll never guess what I finally did today.”

“You discovered the lost city of the Yavo,” he joked half-heartedly.

“I moved a pond.” She smiled as if she had solved the world’s most complicated problem. “I didn’t lose a single drop of water.”

“I’m happy for you.” Knox smiled as he took a bite of potatoes. He chewed it slowly. “I have an odd question for you.”

Eris nodded.

“Say your home in Uwen was on fire. You and your mother are trapped, and only one of you can escape. Who would you choose?”

“My mother,” Eris said without hesitation.

“What if you were trapped with Darren? Who would you choose then?”

“I would save Darren.”

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