Home > Montana Cowboy Daddy (Wyatt Brothers of Montana #3)(29)

Montana Cowboy Daddy (Wyatt Brothers of Montana #3)(29)
Author: Jane Porter

“I’ll just be in the next room,” she said. “Come get me if you need—”

“I won’t,” he said, cutting her off. “I’ve got this.”

She gave one last look at Beck propped up in his car seat on the coffee table facing his dad and smiled grimly. Beck would probably last ten minutes before he started crying. He didn’t like being left in one position too long, but she didn’t want to be a downer, not when Billy was trying to take on dad duties so that she could work.

In her room, she sat on her bed, laptop out, earbuds in to block out noise, and got down to work, aware that she didn’t have all day. It took a few minutes before she remembered where she was, and what she needed to be doing, and then she was working, brain engaged, fingers flying on the laptop keyboard. It had been so long since she’d made headway, and it felt good to be productive, detached from the domestic worries, and free to just sink back into her writing.

She didn’t know how long she’d been at work when she saw black sweatpants in her peripheral vision. Billy was standing next to the bed and she lifted her head, removed her ear pods.

“I can’t get his diaper back on,” Billy said. “My fault for trying to change him on the couch.”

“Where is he now?”

“On the couch.”

“Oh, Billy, he could roll off,” she said, jumping to her feet.

“I blocked him in,” he answered, following her out of the bedroom.

In the living room she discovered that Billy really had blocked him in. Practically every pillow from the couch was positioned around him, forming a pillow corral. It worked for now while Beck was still so little, but in another month, Beck would be able to knock those around. She held her tongue though, and quickly lifted Beck, carrying him into her room to finish changing him.

Again, Billy followed her, watching as she rifled through a suitcase for diapers and a clean onesie since the other one was no longer wearable.

“You make that look so easy,” Billy said from the doorway.

“I’ve had a month of practice,” she answered, shooting him a quick smile. He looked ridiculously handsome this morning. Maybe it was the zipper halfway down on his sweatshirt, and the fact that his upper chest was all tantalizing bronzed skin and muscle, or maybe it was the shadow on his jaw that made him look rakish. “You’ll be just as good, if not better, within a few weeks.”

He didn’t say anything for a moment. “He should have his own room, shouldn’t he? With real furniture, not just a portable crib.”

She snapped the onesie closed over Beck’s diaper and gave his tummy a light pat. He gurgled up at her, his wide gummy smile delighting her as always. He was such a good baby, so sweet, so happy. “A changing table would be smart, too. It’d be easier for you to manage diaper changes.”

“What else?”

“Maybe a high chair, since he’ll be eating food soon. He could also sit in that and play with toys on the tray while you make yourself breakfast,” she said, giving Billy an arched look as she lifted Beck from the bed and kissed his forehead.

Billy gave her a lazy smile. “I love your sense of humor.”

Something in his eyes made her breath catch. The man had a ridiculous amount of charisma. She didn’t want to be this attracted to him, and yet just looking at him made her feel a little weak in her knees, and a little light-headed. “So where do you want me to put him? On the floor for some tummy time, or in his car seat with the bar of toys in front of him?”

“The car seat would probably be easier. I don’t think I can pick him up from the floor, not yet, at least.”

“Maybe I should just hang out with you guys. You’ve only been out of the hospital for a day or so.”

“You have work to do.”

“I know, but I think it might be too soon to have you taking over.” She saw his mouth open to protest and she hastily added, “You want to heal quickly, not prolong your recovery.”

Billy’s smile faded, and his gaze met hers and held. There was heat in his eyes, as well as that something that made her heart beat faster and her insides flutter. Was this the effect he had on all those other women? Blasted beast.

“You think of everyone but yourself,” he said, his deep voice low, almost a growl.

A shiver raced through her, curiosity. Pleasure. “I’m less worried about me in the big picture, than I am of Beck—”

“You don’t need to worry about Beck.”

“But I do. Beck needs you. You have to stick around.”

“Of course I’m sticking around.”

“Not if you rush back into competing before you’re ready. Not if you keep risking life and limb.”


He said nothing, but he did step back as she exited the room.

Erika faced him in the hallway. “What do you intend to do after you’re done competing on the rodeo circuit?”

“Not even thinking that far ahead, as I have a good fifteen years or more of competition in me.”

“Fifteen years?”

He tried to shrug but ended up wincing. “I love what I do.”

Erika’s temper stirred. He could be such a blockhead sometimes. “Is it realistic to think you can compete that long? I heard Sam talking about all of his injuries. Sounds like he’s pretty banged up.”

“Sam’s had a lot more injuries than me—”

“You just had a big one.”

“And I love competing more than he does,” he retorted, ignoring her interruption. “There are other things Sam wants to do, like ranching, for example. But I’m not excited about ranching. I bought property without a lot of acreage because I don’t want to spend the rest of my life doing what I did as a kid. I love what I’m doing now. If I could, I’d do it forever.”

“That’s a lot of travel. Almost a year of travel.”

His jaw hardened. “That’s what I like.” His voice had grown flinty as well. “I enjoy being out on the road. I enjoy the camaraderie of other cowboys.”

“And girls,” she muttered.

“Oh yeah,” he agreed, with a provocative smile. “Can’t forget the girls.”

Erika glowered, so over him. “I’m going to take Beck for a walk,” she said curtly. “You’re not invited.”

They got through the rest of the day with minimal conversation. Billy slept much of the afternoon, and when Beck napped, Erika worked on her dissertation. Beck took a long nap today and she was able to get some solid work done, and still have time for a long hot bath in the tub in the guest bathroom.

Dinner was provided for them that night by a kind neighbor who had left the spaghetti and meatballs, garlic bread, and salad on the doorstep. It was all still warm and so nothing needed to be heated.

Billy had been the one to let her know that dinner was on the front doormat, and she just nodded and brought everything in.

She was still annoyed with him, and he seemed just as annoyed with her.

Good. The mutual frustration should help her cope with the lust feelings, effectively dousing some of his potent charm.

After dinner, Billy did his best to clean up using just his right hand, without bending too much. She let him clean up, too. If he was as tough as he said, and that enamored with his sport, then he could suffer through the minimal dishes.

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