Home > The Two Week Stand(46)

The Two Week Stand(46)
Author: Samantha Towle

“If you wanted me on your bed, you only had to ask.”

“I thought that would be more fun.”

I smile. “It was.”

He presses a kiss to my inner wrist. “You look good on my bed.”

“You look good up there.”

“I feel good up here.”

He leans down and brushes his lips over mine, kissing me, making me shiver. He slides his tongue into my mouth, making me moan.

And then my stomach rumbles loudly.

West chuckles into my mouth. “Hungry?”

“I’m always hungry.”

“True.” He pulls back and shifts to his side, so he’s lying beside me on the bed. “Wanna order in and chill out here? Or go out to eat?”

“Order in, please,” I say, and then a yawn escapes me.


“Yeah, sorry.”

“Don’t be. I am, too, to be honest. The time zone difference messes with your body. How about we order food? Chinese sound good?”


“Then, we can shower while we wait for it to arrive. Together, obviously.”


“Just doing my bit for the environment, trying to save water.”

“You’re too good for this world.”

He gives a what can you do shrug, and I can’t help but laugh.

“After we’re done saving water, we can eat Chinese in bed and watch a movie, if you want. And then fuck, if you’re not too tired,” I suggest.

“I’m never too tired to do that with you.”

“Talking of doing that with me, I have a question.”

“Will I want to answer it?” He smirks.

“I hope so.”

“Okay, hit me with it.”

“So, I know on the island, we were exclusively sleeping together. But now that we’re here—and I know this is an extended trip for me and this is your home—and with us not using condoms since the desert island trip, I just want to know … if … you know …”

His fingers take hold of my chin, and he turns my head to him and stares into my eyes. “I’m only having sex with you. No one else.”

“You said sex again. Not fucking.” I grin.

He gives me a serious look. “I’m only fucking you, Double D.” Then, he presses a kiss to my lips. “And the same goes for you. It’s only my dick that you get to play with.”

“You mean, I came all the way here, and I only get to have sex with you when there are all these gorgeous American men to be had? Bummer.”

I waggle my eyebrows at him, and he playfully narrows his eyes.

“Need me to remind you what my dick can do to you?”

“Maybe … I mean, it was a long flight here. I might have forgotten.”

His hand goes to his zipper, and he tugs it down. “Well then, let me give you a recap.”






West has a few days before he has to go back training, so he’s taking me out to do some sightseeing. He asked if there was anything specific that I wanted to do, but considering I don’t know much about Baltimore, I wasn’t sure, so I said I’d leave it up to him.

We’re in his car, which is a black Range Rover, destination unknown. He said he wanted to surprise me. He’s wearing a ball cap. I have a feeling he wears a ball cap a lot when he’s out. I’m not sure I like it. I can’t see his hair, and I happen to really like his hair.

His Secret Service guards are following us in a black car. It’s weird, having people following you and guarding you. Not that they’re guarding me, but I’d like to think that if some wacko with a gun tried to shoot me, they’d do something about it.

It’s kind of cool if you think about it. First time in America, and I have government security. Well, West’s security, but still, it’s cool as hell.

Although I kind of get the impression that West isn’t so keen on the security. Not the guys. He seems to like them well enough. Just the whole people following him around thing. I sense that it bugs the shit out of him.


“Will I want to answer?”


“Hit me.”


He slides me a look before looking back to the road. “Funny.”

“I know.”

“So, are you gonna ask me or not?”

“Oh yeah. Do you dislike the security? Not Nick and Aiden, just having to have them?”

“You’re on a first-name basis with the agents?”

“Of course. Aren’t you?”

“Well, yeah, but they’ve been guarding me for the last four years. You’ve been here two days. Do you make friends with everyone?”

I roll my eyes. “Not everyone. But it’d be rude not to know the names of the men who are guarding your life.”

“Guarding my life sounds a little dramatic.”

“Well, what would you say they do?”

He goes silent a moment. “Follow me around in case someone decides to make an attempt on my life.”

“That’s the same thing!” I laugh.

He slides me another look, his expression impish. “Nuh-uh.”

I shake my head, exasperated. “So, back to my question. I get the impression you’re not so keen on it.”

“I’m not. When I was a teenager, we used to have security with my dad being a senator back then. It was annoying, them following me around. I couldn’t do anything.”

“You managed to go to a party and snort coke.”

He chuckles. “True. But they were around a lot. When I got older, I figured I had freedom from all of that. Then, my dad got himself elected president, and here we are. I fought the security at first, but the threats that came in couldn’t be ignored, so I had to accept the way it is. But hopefully for not much longer.”

“How long has your dad been president for?”

“He’s three years into his first term.”

“They serve for four years, right? And can do up to two terms?”

“Someone knows her American politics.”

“I really don’t. Just that. You said he’s running for a second term, right?”

West sighs. “Yeah. If he gets elected again, I’ll have to live with this for four more years, and then I’ll be free.” He goes quiet for a moment. “I feel like shit for thinking this because all things aside, he is a great president, but I really don’t want him to get elected for another term. I want my life back. Once I’m out of the public eye, the security will go, and I can just get back to playing ball without all of his political shit following me around. I’ll be talked about for my football again and not the fact that I’m his son. I’m twenty-seven; I’m at my peak. If he leaves the White House this next election, I’ll have my good years left, where I can really make my mark as a ball player and not the president’s son. If he gets reelected, I’ll be nearly thirty-two when he’s out of the White House, and I’ll be heading for retirement a few years later.”

My heart squeezes painfully for him. For once, I actually don’t know what to say. So, instead of words, I slide my hand into his, link our fingers, and give his hand a squeeze. For a moment, he stares down at our entwined hands, like he’s never seen me hold his hand before.

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