Home > Until Autumn(26)

Until Autumn(26)
Author: Sheridan Anne

 I’ve seen her watching me over the past week and a half since she kissed me like it was her last day on earth, and each time those hazel eyes fall on me, I see nothing but confusion. She has no idea where we stand with each other, and if I’m honest, neither do I. But one thing I know for certain, I won’t be letting that go on much longer. I need to have her in my life, and the need to call her mine is the only thing I seem to be able to think about.

 Autumn finally gets November safely out of the ambulance before jumping down herself and instantly making her way over to me, clearly realizing that I’ll be in charge of this little situation.

 “Hey,” she says, nervously biting down on her lip. “I didn’t realize that you’d be taking this one.”

 I shrug my shoulders, taking in the short booty shorts and black tank that hug her body just right. “When Asher called, I couldn't say no. What are we looking at?”

 “From what I could tell, she landed on her arm when she fell from the pirate ship.”

 My brows furrow. “Pirate ship?”

 “Play equipment,” she clarifies. “She was right at the top when her foot slipped. I’m no doctor, and I don’t have X-ray vision, but from what I’ve seen over the past five years, she’ll more than likely need surgery to reset it.”

 “Shit,” I sigh, glancing over at November, who has tears in her eyes. “Did you mention that to November?”

 She nods. “I hinted at it. I wanted to give her time to prepare.”

 “Okay, good,” I say, walking over to the group of men crowded around my patient, only to find there’s no way in to actually get a good look at her.

 I’m just about to start shoving bodies out of my way when my Aunt Susan steps in with a tone that has all four of my cousins spinning around in fear. “You boys may be all grown now, but I won’t hesitate to lay you over my knee and spank those asses of yours if you don’t move out of Thorne’s way and let him take care of my grandbaby.”

 The guys instantly step away, and I’m greeted by the sweetest little girl who’s putting on a very brave face as her bottom lip quivers. Asher remains right by her side, holding her hand and squeezing it tight. “How are you feeling?” I ask her. “I hear you had a little bit of a fall.”

 She nods, and her lip quivers just that little bit more.

 “Can I take a look?”

 “It hurts,” she cries.

 “I know,” I tell her. “But I’m going to make it all better, and maybe after that, we can convince your daddy to buy you the bunny rabbit you’ve always wanted.”

 Her whole face lights up as she looks up at her father with big, excited eyes, and I see the exact moment he realizes that he has no choice but to cave to her every desire. “Yeah, sweet girl. Anything you want. Why don’t you start thinking of some names while Uncle Thorne checks out your arm.”

 She smiles wide and allows me to get close, while Asher glares, shaking his head. November chuckles, the change of atmosphere doing wonders for her panicked mind. “You’re screwed,” she tells Asher. “We’re going to have a full-on farm at our place if she milks this.”

 “You’re telling me,” he grumbles, glancing over at his wife only to quickly flick his gaze back to the empty ambulance, his brows drawn low and his eyes full of worry. “Where are the kids?” he questions, quickly looking around the massive group surrounding us. “I thought they were at the park with you?”

 “I …” Her eyes go wide as if realizing something before sucking in a horrified gasp and looking to Autumn. “I did something bad.”

 “What do you mean?” Asher demands, focusing on his wife. “Where are the kids?”

 “I was in a panic, and the paramedics wouldn’t let us all in the back. We weren’t going to fit, and then Autumn’s friend was there with her kid. She offered to take them back to her apartment, which was just across from the park, and I … I was in such a rush. I didn’t know what else to do, and I just … I wasn’t thinking and I said yes.”

 “What?” Asher demands. “You let our children go with some woman we’ve never met before?”

 November’s eyes go wide, only now realizing what kind of situation she’s potentially put her children in. Her face drains of all color, and she looks as though she’s about to be sick. “Beast was with them,” she says, almost as though that’s supposed to make it alright, but we all know that when it comes down to it, Beast is just a dog.

 Aunt Susan steps in and takes the baby from November’s arms in fear that she might crumble to the ground in panic. Autumn steps forward, putting herself right in Asher’s line of sight. “I can vouch for KC,” she says, looking between the two parents. “She’s a great woman. Your kids are perfectly safe. I mean it. If there was an issue, she would have said so.”

 Autumn’s declaration doesn’t exactly make the situation any better, but it certainly eases the panic in Asher’s eyes.

 Seeing that both Asher and November need to be here for June, Uncle James steps toward November while glancing up at his son. “I’ll go and get them and take them back to my place,” he says before glancing down at Autumn. “Where does your friend live, dear?”

 “Do you have your phone?” Autumn asks, holding out her hand. “I’ll put her information in there, and that way, you can call her if you need.”

 Uncle James goes digging in his pocket before producing his phone and dropping it into Autumn’s hand. She looks up at him with a smile. “Her name is KC and she’s super sweet. I’ll give her a call and let her know that you’re coming so she can have them all ready for you.”

 “Thanks, that’d be great.”

 With that, Autumn gets busy putting her friends’ details in Uncle James’ phone while the rest of us start making our way back through the hospital. I have no choice but to stop them at the big double doors. “Unfortunately, you guys can’t come through here,” I tell them all, dreading what their responses are going to be. “But you have my word, June is in great hands. I won’t let anything happen to her.”

 Asher and November share a look as the rest of the massive family stands back with concerned stares. “Okay,” November finally says, walking up to her little girl and pressing a kiss to her forehead. “We’ll go down to the pet rescue and pick out a bunny first thing tomorrow.”

 “Promise?” June murmurs, looking up at her mother.

 “I promise, baby. Be brave, okay? Uncle Thorne is going to be with you the whole time.”

 “Promise,” she says before looking to her father and giving him a sad smile. “Love you.”

 “Love you too, angel,” he says, and just like that, the doors close between us, and I take June through to get X-rayed, making sure that she gets pushed right to the front of the line.

 Twenty minutes later, I have her X-ray images in my hand, and it’s more than clear that this is going to require surgery, but luckily for June and her parents, it’s straightforward and simple. It will only take a few hours before she’s all mended and waking in her room with all of her uncles bearing down on her, demanding to be the first to get her ice-cream and candy.

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