Home > Primal Desire (Heart of the Huntress #6)(33)

Primal Desire (Heart of the Huntress #6)(33)
Author: Terry Spear

He smiled, realizing she was really getting into their ways and he sealed the wound, then moved over her and she spread her legs, welcoming him in. He didn't ask if she was ready. Everything she did told him she was ready and willing.

And then he was surging into her, slowing down the pace, and thrusting again, their mouths seeking each other's out, kissing, licking, her tongue running over his teeth in a seductive caress and then he did the same with hers.

He couldn't get enough of her and wanted to spend the rest of the time with her wrapped in her arms. He was still pumping into her when she sighed and lifted her pelvis to make a deeper connection, wanting to participate in pleasuring him. He leaned down and licked her neck on the other side and she cupped his head, arching her neck so she could bite him again. Now she got it.

Then she was biting him, but he had to turn his head so she could do it, and he stilled his cock in her, wanting to thrust, but not wanting to mess up her concentration and end up with a torn neck. Though her teeth were small so she wouldn't be able to make too bad a wound. But he didn't want to upset her either, should she make a mistake. He could imagine what a setback that would be.

She sucked a little harder and this time, it was as though he were thrusting, the sucking motion creating a surge of need through his blood. He was ready to come when she licked his wound, and he began to push deeply into her again. He lifted her legs around his hips and surged deeper.

She groaned with pleasure, her hands on his shoulders, rubbing, kneading, and then before he could delay the inevitable any further, he exploded deep inside her. He thrust until he was finished, feeling satiated and ready to sleep with the huntress, but he wanted to do more. He moved beside her and with a leg propped over hers, he kissed her again. He moved his hand down to reach her clit and he began to stroke, wanting to bring her to fruition once more.



Selena had never imagined what it would be like with a vampire making love and she'd always wondered what the draw was for blood bonds and hosts. Now she knew. It was amazing, and having an orgasm from Atreides sucking off her neck? Instant orgasm. Remarkable, wonderful. Now he was pleasuring her again and she couldn't love him more.

Love. Yeah, she loved him. She'd been in lust with him before, but she felt an even deeper connection with him now.

He was so eager to please her, and she felt the same way about him as she fell under his trance, not the vampiric gaze like he could do with humans, but just the way he mesmerized her with his need and love and want. She dug her heels into his buttocks, feeling like the end was coming soon as she licked his cheek, and then he thrust his tongue into her mouth. She sucked on it and kissed him again, nibbling on his lower lip in a gentle way, then kissing his mouth again when she felt the leap into the solar system and cried out, not meaning to.

Not with a whole house of vampires who could hear their lovemaking. Oh, she hadn't thought of that either. Certainly, if they didn't hear the rest of it, they had to have heard her cry of pleasure as she sank into the mattress, feeling like she'd touched a bit of heaven. She'd been so lucky to capture Atreides's eye. He was the maker of dreams when it came to pleasuring her.

He smiled at her and moved his hand from her clit to her breast, stroking her nipple before pulling her into his arms and covering them with the light comforter.

For a long time, they just rested in each other's arms like that, and then she did what she hadn't planned to do for a while, at least. "I love you, Atreides."

"I hoped you would. There's no getting rid of me. I love you too."

"Well, you're stuck with me too. You're just too hot to let get away. The other vampiresses lost out."

He snorted. "None of them ever felt the way you do about me. And I've never made a long-term commitment to any of them for the same reason. When you came along, I was lost."

She laughed. "I'm glad I found you and claimed you. Even though I was fighting the inclination."

"So was I, but it was a losing battle. Even if I'd managed to leave you off at your apartment, I wouldn't have left you alone."

"You worried about my safety."

"It was more than that. I wanted to be with you in the worst way. Now I know how Daemon felt about Tezra."

"She wanted to be turned so she could fight the rogue vampire who was trying to claim her, and she knew she would have more of a chance against him that way."

"She did. We were all worried about it because Daemon was so reluctant to turn her and she was going behind his back to ask the rest of us to turn her instead."

Selena smiled. "I bet that didn't go over well with Daemon."

"No. He was incensed. He told us if any of us turned her, we would be dead by his hand. And we knew he was serious. I hated what had happened to you, but I have to admit I was glad I didn't have to turn you."

"I'm glad it was taken off your shoulders too. We might never have gotten to this point otherwise." Though Selena suspected if she'd gotten to know Atreides better, she might have been ensnared by his charm and given in. They would never know. It didn't matter. She was happier than she'd ever been.

"We won't tell the others we're together as a couple," Atreides said.

She scoffed. "As if anyone would think otherwise." But she hoped he didn't feel he would be ostracized for taking her as his mate.

"I just want to let Daemon know before anyone else tells him."

So tell him already!

"I'm afraid if I explain what has happened to you, to us, he will return with Tezra to straighten things out," Atreides said.

"Oh, sure." She understood how he felt about that. He wanted to prove he could handle managing the clan. So it wasn't that he was afraid to tell the rest of the clan what was going on between him and her. She still figured they would all assume it. Yet, it wasn't the same as just coming out and saying it. She just hoped Daemon wouldn't cause Atreides too much grief when he returned home. She assumed he wouldn't with her because she couldn't help what she'd become. "Well, I can't be happier to be with you."

Atreides stroked her arm with a soft caress. "You are the light of my life, Selena. Since the moment you walked into it, I knew my world had changed. I think that's why Iconia was all over your case. I'm sure she realizes this isn't just some wild infatuation I have for you and it will end soon."

"It better not be," Selena said. "I don't often declare my love for another person."

Smiling, Atreides raised a brow.

"I did twice, but the hunters weren't ready to settle down and felt I was a little too borderline rogue to deal with. Most hunters stay with the same mate for life, but I could see getting dumped by a mate if the heat was on me and he ended up in a negative spotlight."

He kissed her cheek. "Many vampires mate for life and if you end up getting yourself in trouble, I'll back you all the way."

"Okay, it's a deal." She cast him a devilish smile. "If you turn rogue, I promise you a quick and painless death—the huntress in me coming to bear."

He laughed. "It's a deal."

But she didn't really know what would happen in a case like that. All she knew was she didn't want to lose Atreides for any reason.

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