Home > Primal Desire (Heart of the Huntress #6)(42)

Primal Desire (Heart of the Huntress #6)(42)
Author: Terry Spear

"We'll look forward to seeing you all then."

They ended the call and now Selena was all choked up. Her sister and brother hadn't been, so she just figured her parents wouldn't be. It was just something that had happened, and they had to deal with it. Then she texted her brother and sister about the lunch date and when she finished, Atreides swooped in, swept her into his arms, and transported her to his bed.

Now that was the way she liked to be welcomed home by her mate.

"I'm having lunch with my family at noon. But I'm taking a nap with you for now."

"To tell your mother and father you were turned?"

"Yeah." She curled up in Atreides's arms, but he was removing her clothes and he was already naked, just like she liked him. “I think my parents already know."

"I wouldn't be surprised if they had heard the news via the grapevine. Word spreads fast when things go wrong."

"I think things turned out right for us. Even though some of the stuff I'm dealing with is disorienting, being with you and making new friends, even with the huntress turned vampires on the fringe, is a good thing. I love you, Atreides."

"I love you, my huntress and vampiress in one beautiful, sexy package." Then she was naked, and he leaned her back and his fingers sought her nubbin, but she really loved it when he sucked on her neck and made her come.

She didn't know if the feeling would always be that intense and would give her an insta-orgasm practically, or if it was just because he'd worked her up so much before that and then the experience was so new that it crashed over her before she was even ready for it. And she'd felt wonderful, like a million bucks.

"You are insatiable." But he didn't start biting and sucking right away, as if he knew he had to work her up to it. He was a consummate lover and she adored him for it.

He began to kiss her lips, running his hand over her breast with gusto, and moving his arousal against her leg in a way that showed her he had been ready to make love to her for some time. Here she'd been talking and talking, making him wait. His heart rate was kicking up and so was hers. Maybe that was what he needed. To hear her heartbeat thumping in her chest, to make him crave her blood to such a degree he couldn't hold back. Or not.

Still, it made her own blood pulse like crazy and she could hear his too as he continued to assault her mouth with punishing kisses, alternating with gentle kisses. Their tongues were at it again, long strokes, invasions, touching teeth, and she felt his had already descended, and hers had too, and now she was thinking hers were even a little longer than before. But she might be mistaken. She realized she wanted adult vampire teeth, if she was going to have them at all. They might as well be just as long and wicked as the other vampires’ fangs were.

Then he was sweeping his hand down her belly, but she was baring her throat, ready for him to bite her neck first. To give her the orgasm that way. Was she boring or what?

But she couldn't knock a good thing. Then she reached down to stroke his cock, but he wouldn't let her and moved so he could continue to glide along her leg, his fingers working their magic on her feminine nub. She concentrated on that, until he leaned down and suckled a nipple. Oh, yes, that was good too. Everything was good. Just. Keep. Doing. It.

He seemed to be able to read her mind and kept up the friction between his cock and her, and the strokes to her nub that were undoing her. His mouth moved to her neck and he licked it, kissing it afterward as if he were feeling the pulse against his mouth and was as eager to penetrate her with his teeth and suck on her as she was to feel him doing it.

She even had the momentary hope that he would bring her to orgasm while he was stroking her to madness at the same time he sucked on her neck. Would that put her over the edge?

She moaned with the way he was working her, but he wasn't biting her yet and she had to stop thinking of that as she stroked his arms and back, loving the things he did to her body, loving the feel of him beneath her fingertips. She just hoped she could be quieter this time when she came.

She hadn't planned to do it, but suddenly, she just had the greatest urge to bite him, unable to control it, the bloodlust rising, and she bit into his shoulder. Not hard, gently enough that she penetrated the skin, surprising him as he turned his face to hers and his eyes were wide.

She sucked then, not letting go of his shoulder. She'd done it, she wasn't letting this moment go to waste, and to her astonishment, she came. Atreides smiled as she cried out, releasing him—that she hadn't planned to do, and then latching back on. She wasn't finished.

But he quickly thrust inside her, and she realized by feeding on him, he had the same sexual pleasure and couldn't hold on. He pumped into her with wild enthusiasm, and she quickly had to release his shoulder and seal the wound.

"You are perfect for me, Selena," he whispered and kissed her breast, but he didn't let up on his thrusts, driving in and nearly pulling out, his hand slipping under her leg to raise it over his hip so he was penetrating her more deeply. Then he was kissing her mouth and she was turning her head, begging him silently to bite her.

He did, gently like she'd done with him, and sucked, just as gently. The pleasure it gave her was driving her insane. She didn't think she could come again after having come so quickly the first time. But then he groaned against her neck and she felt he'd climaxed, but she was nearly there, just…a…little…bit…more, and then she came, crying out, not meaning to a second time.

He sealed the wound on her neck and kissed her lips, running a hand through her hair.

He moved off her and pulled her close, stroking her hair as she rested her body against his side and chest. "I'm so glad I danced with you that day."

"I never thought it would lead to this."

He smiled at her. "I wanted it to, but I felt the same way. It was just a very pleasurable experience I would relive the rest of my life in my thoughts, but nothing more would come of it. Not until you were so savagely bitten."

"Do you think, if I hadn't been, and I had returned home after the incident, you would have ever tried to locate me and see me again?"

"I know we would have seen each other again. You were still looking for your sister, and I had her. I have no doubts that you would have eventually discovered she was working with us, and then? You would have joined our ranks to help."

"Because you were in charge?"

"Because you had saved Charlene and it's in your nature to protect those who are innocent of any crime."

She sighed and ran her hand over his chest. "You're pretty sexy for a vampire."

He smiled. "You're damned hot for a huntress, even before you were turned. I knew, once I had danced with you, I was lost, no matter how much I had told myself otherwise. And when I smelled your blood? I would never have forgotten its magnetic draw."

"Then to put us out of our misery, it was a good thing that things had worked out the way they did." Selena sighed, knowing this was the best choice she had ever made in her life.

"I agree."

Yet Daemon still didn't know what had gone on between her and his brother. Would he feel that it was the best choice his brother could have made? Two princes in charge of the clan moving forward, both hooking up with huntresses turned? She wasn't sure the whole of the vampire clans would be happy with that, especially when the vampiresses themselves might have had a chance to mate with the princes instead.

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