Home > Zaxe's Rule (Assassins of Gravas #4)(23)

Zaxe's Rule (Assassins of Gravas #4)(23)
Author: N.J. Walters

“What about the men we killed?”

Yeah, why weren’t they more upset about that? Why hadn’t they already opened fire? She didn’t trust them.

Qasim threw back his head and laughed. Okay, not exactly the reaction she’d expected. “What about them? They’re Helldrick’s men. All cutthroats and thieves. We’ve been trying to be rid of them for years. You have done us a service.”

She lowered her head and contemplated smothering herself in the sand. Would it take long? Her skin would burn first. Not pleasant. Gods, was there no end to father’s disgrace? There was no way to live it down, but that was her only choice. She’d come too far, lost too much to allow her brother to follow him down that road.

“Do you know where I can find him?” Zaxe pulled his sunshades back on but left his hood down.

“We will talk,” Qasim repeated before turning and headed back to his horse. “You will come with us.” It was both an invitation and an order.

“You’ll tell us what we need to know, old man, or I’ll shoot you where you stand,” Baraj shouted out from behind cover on the ridge.

“Friend of yours?” Qasim asked.

“Unwanted guest.”


By the gods of Zaxus, they were too much alike, neither concerned about the rising tension or armed men around them. She inched to the other side of her barrier but didn’t have a shot at Baraj.

Zaxe stood in front of Qasim. “You won’t harm him.”

“I can kill you, him, the girl, and the rest of them. I only need one or two of them alive to get the information I need.” Baraj was out of his element in the desert and losing patience. He was a city rat, feared there. Out here, he was at a disadvantage. That wouldn’t sit well with a man like that.

“I’m coming down,” she called out, praying no one would shoot her. If things went sideways, they could make a run on the sand sled. Although the odds of outrunning all these men weren’t great, it was better than doing nothing. Keeping low, she made her way down the path. The headscarf she wore blocked some of the sun, but the goggles she’d donned earlier cut down on the glare. Six men snapped to attention as she rounded a bend. Sweat rolled down her back. Her heart raced a mile a minute. She raised her hands in the air but kept hold of her blaster.

“She is with you?” Qasim asked Zaxe.



She was beginning to hate that word that said nothing but was ripe with implication. Since no one tried to stop her, she made her way over to Zaxe. He didn’t smile or frown, his expression as neutral as ever. She didn’t need him to glare to know he wasn’t happy. Too bad for him. She was done with hiding up in the hills.

“Baraj, are you joining us?” Zaxe called.

“Baraj. That is Reman’s man, is it not?”

“You’re very well informed for a man who lives in the middle of the desert.” Just who was Qasim?

“And you, my dear, are an unexpected surprise.” The slight bow he gave took her totally off guard. It was a courtesy that had never been offered to her before. She returned it, pressing her hand to her heart, as was custom.

Baraj walked cautiously down the path. “Call your men off, old man.”

If Qasim was insulted by Baraj’s lack of manners, he didn’t show it. He waved his hand and his men fell back behind him. “Join us. Tell me all the news of Reman.”

Baraj kept his weapon ready, his eyes always moving, watching for any sudden movements. She swallowed, or tried to, but her throat was dry and tight. It would only take one spark for this to turn into a bloodbath, and Baraj was primed for a fight.

“The only thing I need to do is get Helldrick’s whereabouts from you. If you can’t tell me that, you’re of no use.” The weapon jerked to the left as he fired right at Qasim.

Zaxe jumped in front of the older man. Because he was taller, he took the hit directly on the chest. Heart in her throat, Jamaeh aimed and fired. The blast hit the wall, shattering rock, because Baraj was no longer there. He was already on the ground, his body motionless. Zaxe holstered the blaster she hadn’t even seen him pull.

Oh, gods, they were dead. Baraj had tried to kill their leader. It was two against eighteen. And if they survived this encounter, Reman would kill them. Her future options weren’t promising.

The rest of the men were yelling and waving their weapons, but Qasim seemed as unperturbed as ever. He raised one hand and they went silent. “If you are who I think you are, then you are indeed your father’s son.”


Zaxe didn’t dare look at Jamaeh. If Baraj wasn’t already dead, he’d kill him for putting her in such danger. That was after he shook her for leaving safety in the first place. What had she been thinking?

Yes, he’d saved Qasim’s life. Yes, Qasim seemed to recognize him, but that was no guarantee. “I am myself.” While he had some memories of his parents—being on Zaxus had dug them from the dusty corners of his mind—he had no idea if he was anything like his father.

Qasim stroked the short beard covering his chin, expression shrewd, and nodded. “Then come with me, and I will get to know you better. You and your friend.”

Jamaeh was still holding her blaster, her skin slightly pale as she glanced from Qasim to Baraj and back again. What was she thinking? He was hungry, hot, and dirty, but they were minor inconveniences. “You will tell us about Helldrick?” The mission was everything to him.

“You are a determined one, aren’t you?” He nodded. “Very well. Come with us. Spend the evening in our camp, and I will tell you what I know.”

“Jamaeh?” It wasn’t Zaxe’s decision alone to make. “You can go back to Badwa. I can handle things from here.” She’d already seen enough death to last a lifetime.

She thrust the blaster into the belt at her waist and put her hands on her hips. “I’m going with you.”

Zaxe released a breath he hadn’t even been aware of holding. He wanted her with him. All the better to watch over her, keep her safe. And what happens when I leave? He ignored the dark thought and motioned to the sand sled. “That sled works. And there’s one on the other side. Jamaeh can drive one and I’ll take the other.” They needed their own transportation.

“Very well. See if there is anything to salvage,” Qasim told his men. Two stayed beside him, but the rest flowed into the canyon. Some shot him a watchful glare, but most seemed more curious.

In no time, they were skimming over the sands with him and Jamaeh in the middle of the group. Zaxe mapped their movements in his mind so he could backtrack if necessary. Qasim might come across as friendly, but a man didn’t become leader of a group like this without being intelligent, cunning, and ruthless. The younger men had responded instantly to his every command. That spoke of either fear or respect. And he didn’t sense fear.

A good leader cultivates respect and listens to his advisors, but ultimately makes his own choices. The deep male voice was an echo from the past. He’d been standing beside his father, peering out over the city of Badwa at the time. Unable to see over the railing, his father had lifted him so he could stand on it, his strong arm wrapped around Zaxe to keep him from falling.

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