Home > Zaxe's Rule (Assassins of Gravas #4)(41)

Zaxe's Rule (Assassins of Gravas #4)(41)
Author: N.J. Walters

Reman searched the crowd, stopping when his eyes landed on Jamaeh. Zaxe’s fingers tightened around his weapon, not liking the expression of satisfaction on the man’s face. “I see your pretty friend made it back alive.”

“She’s smart, not reckless,” he shot back. Standing tall and proud on the edge of the circle, she stood out among the other women, not only because she was dressed like the men, but because of her unique beauty. She didn’t see herself that way, but he did. Her green eyes burned with some emotion he couldn’t place. Was she angry? Scared?

“That’s debatable since she owes me a debt,” Reman reminded them.

“Your problem is gone.” The reminder that Helldrick was dead.

“But I am still out money.”

“You have your life. Be thankful.” Zaxe’s patience was legendary, but he had limits. “If you want more, take your shot in the ring.”

Reman threw back his head and laughed. “I think not.”

Zaxe glared at the crowd. “You allow yourselves to be ruled by cowards.” The rumbling of discontent grew louder. The guards were forced to draw their weapons to keep the people at bay. He pinned Reman with a look that had him taking a step back. “In case you haven’t heard everything, my name is Navar Zaxurus. I am rightful ruler of this territory.”

He caught the slight sound behind him before he heard Jamaeh’s yell of “Look out.” Dropping, he rolled and swung, burying his axe in the chest of one of the man who’d snuck up behind him. Jumping to his feet, he went on the offensive for the first time. No more did he wait for them to come to him. The zaxe was an extension of his hand, the battle a deadly dance—one he was master of. The sands were soon stained crimson. And he didn’t stop at the men who’d challenged. Reman and his men were in the ring. They were fair game.

Reman tried to run as his men went down one after another, desperately trying to protect him and themselves, but the captain of the guards halted his retreat. “You entered the ring, you fight.”

“Preposterous.” When Reman looked to Lomar and got no help, Zaxe smiled. The rats were turning on one another. Reman pulled a blaster from beneath his cloak and fired. Zaxe dove to the side, throwing his axe as he fell. The blast went wide, churning up the sand inches from where he landed. The blade spun once through the air before burying deep in Reman’s chest. An expression of disbelief crossed his face before he went to his knees.

Zaxe strode to him and yanked the blade out, watching dispassionately as the body toppled over. “You should never have threatened her.” He found Jamaeh in the crowd. Her hand was over her mouth, eyes wide with horror. Esau had his arm around her.

The cold inside him grew until it encompassed his entire body. A yearning for his twin filled him. She understood and accepted him. Both his sisters did. He would not be troubled over the deaths of the men here today. They’d chosen to try to kill him for money. They’d brought their deaths on themselves. Some would call him a monster. He was a survivor.

“I have defeated your challengers.” Standing before Lomar, he felt no sense of triumph or accomplishment.

“So you have.” Lomar pushed to his feet and raised a blaster. “I didn’t expect you to live. You’re tougher than your father.” A blast struck Lomar’s arm. He fell back into his chair, the weapon falling from his numb fingers.

Who shot him? Zaxe whirled around. Jamaeh’s face was ashen, her arms extended, a blaster raised. “No!” He raced toward her, throwing himself on top of her as several weapons discharged.

“Cease fire! Cease fire!” The captain’s voice rose over the screaming crowd.

Zaxe cared for no one but the woman lying still beneath him. “Jamaeh?” Had she taken a hit? Had he hurt her when he’d tackled her?

She choked, unable to suck in a breath. He sat her up and wrapped his arms around her. “Breathe,” he ordered as he visually inspected her body. No blood stained her clothing. He’d gotten to her in time. He bowed his head, pressing his forehead against hers. As she leaned against him, he yanked his battlesuit up and secured it. Not for his protection but hers. There were a lot of anxious, trigger-happy guards surrounding them.

“Why? Why did you shoot Lomar?”

“Couldn’t.” She gasped. “Let.” Another breath. “Him hurt you.” Her pupils almost swallowed the green of her eyes, making them appear even larger.

“But you were free.” With Reman and her father dead, the threats to her were gone. She could have gone back to her life.

She shook her head and thumped her hand against his chest. “Love you, you idiot.”

His heart seemed to burst in his chest. A euphoric sensation washed through him. It was intoxicating, almost like drinking too much Andalusan wine. He closed his eyes and said a prayer to the gods he’d long forgotten, the ones who had abandoned him years ago. He’d lost so much, but having this woman in his arms was his reward for all he’d endured.

“Arrest her.” Lomar’s voice was weak but unmistakable. “And him. They conspired to assassinate me.”

Zaxe brushed his lips over her forehead and stood, helping her to her feet. “Go to Esau.”

She shook her head. “Whatever happens, I’m with you.”



Chapter Eighteen


What have I done?

Lungs aching, chest pumping, and legs trembling, she stood beside Zaxe. He’d fought like a machine, his skill and grace both deadly and beautiful. His dark skin gleamed with sweat and was speckled with blood. His eyes, which had been remote and cold, warmed when they looked at her.

There were so many layers to him. In many ways, he was an enigma, but he was still her Zaxe, the man she loved. She nibbled on her bottom lip. He hadn’t responded to her confession. Knowing she’d signed her own death warrant when she’d taken the shot, she’d blurted it out in case she never got another chance.

He threw himself on top of me.

A warm sensation filled her, driving out some of the sickness churning inside her, calming the shakes from fear and the adrenaline crash.

People began to creep closer now that the shooting had stopped. Men and women, young and old, gathered to watch.

“Navar! Navar!” The chant began in the back, but rippled through the crowd, growing louder. Some looked uneasy, but many picked up the refrain.

Zaxe held his hand up, calling for silence. It didn’t surprise her when the crowd complied. He wore power and assurance like most men did a shirt. It was a part of his DNA.

“This is not done yet.” He pointed his axe at Lomar. “You sent multiple challengers at once and did not stop Reman from interfering.” A small group of guards were clustered around the ruler, protecting him and his son. “When the contest was won, you tried to murder me outright. You have proven yourself a coward.”

“I am the leader of this territory. You are nothing more than an interloper. You do not know the people or this world. You are a stranger here.”

He flinched slightly, but she only noticed because she was standing alongside him. She wanted to take his hand but knew he needed them both free. As did she. She’d dropped the blaster she’d taken from a nearby guard when Zaxe tackled her, but she still had a knife at the small of her back. His bloody axe was held loosely in his right hand. Not nearly enough to face the force surrounding them.

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