Home > The Happy Camper(22)

The Happy Camper(22)
Author: Melody Carlson

Chloe inched down to the next step, sitting waist deep in the water, but as soon as her mother left, she returned to the top step. After a few more games, where the other children were making nice progress of holding their breath and blowing bubbles, Dillon had the class move to the edge and practice kicking. Determined to get Chloe into the water, she went over and took the girl’s hands. “Come and play a game with me.”

“I don’t wanna.” Chloe leaned back, but Dillon continued to pull her into the water.

“I won’t let go of you,” Dillon assured her. “See how nice it is in the water.”

“I don’t wanna!” Chloe shouted. “Lemme go—lemme go.”

“You’ll be okay.” Dillon continued talking quietly. “We’re just going over to Emma. Don’t you want to be with your sister?”

“No! I don’t wanna swim. I want out.” Chloe’s screams grew louder and Dillon could see the other children, including Emma, getting worried. So she took Chloe back to the steps.

“See, that wasn’t so bad.” She patted her head. “Next time I want you to do that with no screaming, okay?”

Chloe said nothing, but her face was flushed and her arms were tightly folded in front of her. Dillon just smiled. “Someday you’re going to love the water, Chloe. You’ll be like a real mermaid.”

“I won’t,” she seethed.

As Dillon returned to the other children, she wondered if there was a reason Chloe hated the water so much, or if she was just a thoroughly unpleasant child. Instead of trying to figure it out, Dillon focused on the other children, trying harder than ever to make swimming look like the most fun in the world.

Once again, when the class ended, Janelle was not back from her showing. “Let’s keep playing,” Dillon told Emma. “You’ve been doing so well.” She glanced over at Chloe. “Too bad your sister doesn’t want to play in the water with us.” She got a beach ball. “Let’s play catch.”

“Okay.” Emma held up her hands, bouncing in the waist-high water.

“I want Emma with me,” Chloe yelled. “She’s my sister.”

Emma looked uneasy, but Dillon tossed her the ball anyway and they went back and forth a bit, laughing and jumping. “Now I’ll throw the ball to Chloe.” Dillon threw the ball, making sure it was just short of the steps. “Get it, Chloe,” she called out.

“No! I don’t wanna. I hate you! I want my momma!” She stood up. “I wanna go home!”

Naturally, now that Chloe was throwing another full-blown fit, Jordan walked in again. “Let’s get out,” Dillon told Emma. “Time to go home.”

Jordan was already wrapping Chloe in a towel and looking perplexed. “What happened?” he asked Dillon with concern. “Why is she so upset again?”

“Chloe has a serious aversion to the pool. Emma is making wonderful progress. But Chloe refuses to try.” Dillon reached for her bag, tugging out her beach towel.

“Maybe she just needs encouragement.”

“I’ve been trying to encourage her.” She wrapped her towel around her waist like a sarong. “To be honest, I’m not sure that it’s worthwhile for her to continue with lessons. And it’s possible Emma would do better if Chloe wasn’t—”

“Janelle is determined that both girls will learn to swim this summer. She seems to think that a qualified instructor can handle it. But if you can’t . . .”

“I can’t force a child to like the water.” Dillon didn’t conceal her frustration.

“No, I’m not suggesting that. But can’t you do something to entice her?”

“I’ve been trying, but I do have other children to teach. And I don’t want to traumatize Chloe.” She wanted to add she’d taught obstinate children before, but nothing like this one.

“So you think it’s useless then?”

Dillon glanced up at the clock with aggravation. What was wrong with this family? They were determined to torture her. “If you’ll excuse me.” She smiled stiffly. “That was my last class for the day.”

“Yes, yes. I’m sorry for being late again,” he said quickly. “Janelle didn’t know her clients were going to write up an offer, and I got busy at the store.”

“Please, tell Janelle I’m sorry that I can’t give a good report on Chloe. But Emma did her best.” Dillon grabbed up her bag, pulled on her swimsuit cover-up, and, feeling more than a little irritated, walked away. She didn’t want to be rude, but wasn’t her time as valuable as anyone’s?

As she got into her car, she realized this might be a good opportunity to make a quick trip to the hardware store and check out their flooring options. Jordan would have his hands full with the twins. Probably getting them both ice cream despite Janelle’s ultimatum.

Thanks to the limited flooring options, it didn’t take long to make a decision. She opted for squares the color of oatmeal. Hoping her math was right, she purchased three boxes of self-adhering tiles, which she thought was more than enough, as well as a couple of tools the salesperson recommended. To her relief, she paid for her purchases and was on her way home without having crossed paths with Mr. Atwood. Funny how just a few days ago, she’d tried to casually bump into him. Now she cringed to even think about him.

After a quick lunch, Dillon went to work laying the floor tiles. As with everything in the trailer, she studied a couple of tutorials first. But really, it was relatively easy. And before dinnertime, her clean new floor was securely laid. Dillon was so pleased with herself that she did a stocking-foot happy dance.

That evening, determined to take full occupancy of her trailer, Dillon began to open and unpack her treasures. With music playing on her phone, she began to put all her lovely things into place. It truly felt like Christmas in June. The kitchen, other than a few missing items, was set. The bathroom was mostly set. And after making her comfy bed up with the smooth, luxurious sheets, Dillon could hardly wait to try it out. She made several trips to the house, carrying back her clothes and personal items and neatly stowing them away.

The only thing missing was a shower. But since she’d spent the whole morning in the pool, she wasn’t too concerned. And before long, feeling happy as a clam in her sweet little shell, she had on her summer PJs and was about to get into bed when she heard a knock on the door.

“Are you still out here?” Margot called through the open window.

Dillon cracked open the door. “Yes. This is where I live now.”

“What?” Margot frowned. “You’re staying in this nasty little trailer?”

“It’s not nasty.” She opened the door wider. “Take a look if you don’t believe me.” She looked at Margot’s feet. “But please remove your shoes.”

“Why?” Margot came up the steps and glanced inside. “Oh, wow.” She kicked off her sandals and came in. “What happened?”

Dillon couldn’t help but laugh. “I renovated it.”

“Dilly-Dilly.” Margot walked around with wide eyes. “This is gorgeous.”

“Really?” Dillon felt hopeful. “You like it?”

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