Home > Blackberry Beach (Hope Harbor #7)(19)

Blackberry Beach (Hope Harbor #7)(19)
Author: Irene Hannon

Besides, she had to find out what he knew and try to head any threat off at the pass.

“Would you like to come in?” She eased back and motioned toward the foyer.

“Thank you. My muse is calling, but I can spare a few minutes.” He passed her, waiting while she closed the door. “As I recall, the Clarks have a lovely deck. Would you like to eat out there?”


“I’m not interrupting anything, am I?”

“No. I was getting ready to go down to the beach, but I’m not on any schedule.”

“Ah. The beauty of vacation—or a life that’s not burdened by too many commitments. After you.” He waved a hand for her to precede him.

She complied, stopping at the back of the house to push open the sliding door.

He followed her out and deposited the bag on the table. Instead of sitting, however, he ambled over to the edge of the deck and gave the scene spread before them a slow sweep.

“It’s quite a view, isn’t it?” She remained by the table.

“Indeed it is. A sunny day in Hope Harbor is a little preview of paradise.” After a few more moments, he pivoted back and indicated the bag. “Please eat or they’ll get cold.”

She didn’t argue. The savory aroma had activated her salivary glands.

As she slid into her chair and pulled out one of the bundles wrapped in white paper, Charley joined her. He sat across from her and uncapped a bottle of water as she dived into her first fish taco.

“I believe congratulations are in order. Katherine Parker has achieved her dream.”

The bite of taco lodged in her windpipe, and she began coughing.

Charley handed the bottle to her.

After several gulps, her hacking subsided and she removed her sunglasses. Wiped her watering eyes with a paper napkin.

“Sorry. That wasn’t the best timing.” Charley leaned forward and locked gazes with her. “In case you’re concerned, your secret is safe with me.”

Filling her lungs, she set the bottle on the table. “So you do remember me.”

“Of course—but your disguise is quite effective. The name didn’t click into place until a few hours after we met at The Perfect Blend. I kept hoping you’d stop by the stand for a chat.”

“I was afraid someone would recognize me.”

“You don’t have to worry about that. The change in hairstyle and color alone would throw most people off—including me. And I don’t fool easily.” The corners of his mouth lifted. “Go on, eat.”

Sixty seconds ago, eating would have been impossible—but oddly, the churning in her stomach had subsided.

She picked up her taco again and took another bite. “These are as wonderful as ever.”

“The secret’s in my special seasoning and sauce.” He leaned back and sipped his water. “After we met, I kept up with your career. I had a feeling you were on the road to stardom.”

“There have been a few potholes along the way.”

“No journey is without them. But they’re no more than an aggravation if the destination is worthwhile.”

He hadn’t couched his comment as a question, but he’d left her an opening if she wanted to talk.

And she did. Charley had proven to be an excellent listener on her previous visit to Hope Harbor.

“I’m beginning to question whether it is.”

“Because of what happened to Jason?”

She froze. “You know about that?”

“As I said, I’ve been following your career.”

“You don’t strike me as the type to read the Hollywood gossip magazines.”

“There are other sources for information. More accurate information.”

A wave of bitterness curdled through her. “Most people are happy to believe what those rags publish.”

“Their issue, not yours. I imagine that incident is what brought you here.”

“It was the catalyst.” She picked up a piece of avocado that had escaped from her taco. “But I also wanted space to think.”

“Success wasn’t what you envisioned?”

“Some parts, yes. Other parts, no.” She bit into her second taco.

“Many things in life are a mixed blessing. The question is whether the good parts outweigh the bad. If they don’t?” He shrugged. “A course correction may be in order.”

“It’s hard to do that midstream in a strong current.”

“Yes, it is—but it can be done. Zach’s a perfect example of that.”

Her ears perked up. Maybe Charley would offer her a few insights about her charming neighbor. “I know his coffee shop is a new business, but he hasn’t told me anything about what he used to do.”

“It’s a story worth hearing—but it’s not mine to tell.”

Her hopes for a few crumbs withered.

As her seagull friends landed on the railing of the deck, Charley crossed an ankle over his knee. “Well, well, well. So this is where you two have been hanging out.”

Katherine looked at the birds. Back at Charley. “You know them?”

“We’re old acquaintances. Katherine, meet Floyd and Gladys.”

Her lips twitched. “You name seagulls?”

“These two are special. They met here in Hope Harbor.”

She gave the birds another dubious once-over as she continued to chow down. They were all clones to her. “How do you tell one from another?”

“Floyd has a nick on the right side of his beak and a black spot on his head—and he’s never without Gladys.”

“If you say so.” She opened the third taco. “They’ve been hanging around ever since I got here—and they always follow me down to the beach.”

“Interesting.” He swigged his water. “Any other regular visitors from the animal kingdom?”

“No—although I often see a harbor seal on my trips to the beach.”

“A silver-white fellow with a doleful face and permanent indigestion?”

She chuckled at his description of the belching seal. “Yes. You know him too?”

“Casper and I go way back.” He rose and walked over to the railing. The two seagulls scooted over to accommodate him but didn’t fly off, as they did if she got too close. “Have you spotted a dolphin too?”

“No.” She continued to plow through the last taco. “I thought they stayed far offshore and hung around in pods.”

“Most do. A few wander in closer on occasion, if they have a compelling motivation.” He scanned the ocean. “I see Casper down there, on the rocks.” He continued to survey the water. Stopped. “And there’s Trixie.”

Katherine finished off the taco, wiped her hands on a napkin, and joined him at the railing. “Where?”

“She’s bowing about a hundred feet offshore at two o’clock.” He pointed.

As she followed his finger, a dolphin leapt out of the water in a graceful arc once . . . twice . . . again, her sleek body glistening in the sun. “Ohhh. That’s beautiful!”

“The gang’s all here.”

At Charley’s soft comment, she shifted her attention to him. “What?”

“Nothing. It’s just comforting to be surrounded by friends.” He inspected the table. “I think the tacos were a hit. Sorry I didn’t supply dessert. I should have stopped at Sweet Dreams bakery and picked up a brownie for us to share.”

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