Home > Blackberry Beach (Hope Harbor #7)(48)

Blackberry Beach (Hope Harbor #7)(48)
Author: Irene Hannon

Well, shoot. Prolonging the conversation wasn’t going to expedite her departure.

“It all depends on my dad. If he shuts the door in my face, I’ll be back as soon as the doctors tell me he’s out of immediate danger.”

“I’ll pray for you both.”

“Thanks. I can’t speak for Dad, but I’ll take all the help I can get.” He hitched up one side of his mouth, but stress over the upcoming reunion with his father was taking a toll. There was a new tautness to his features, and faint remnants of the crinkle lines from his smile remained embedded after his lips flattened, suggesting he hadn’t slept much the past few nights.

A pang of sympathy echoed in her heart.

Hard as her career decisions were, mending a rift with someone she loved didn’t hang in the balance. The personal stakes for Zach were high, the risk substantial.

You had to admire a guy who was willing to lay it on the line for love even after being spurned. That took a boatload of courage.

Pressure built in her throat. “Will you let me know how it goes?”

He cocked his head. “You mean . . . call you from Atlanta?”

“If you get a minute.”

“I’ll find one.” He whipped out his cell. “What’s your number?”

She recited it. “Very few people have that.”

He finished keying it in and tucked the phone back in his pocket. “I assumed as much. I appreciate you trusting me with it.”

“I’ve already trusted you with all my other secrets.”

“Yeah.” His acknowledgment came out husky, and he started to lift his hand. Swallowed. Let it drop back to his side. “Thanks for stopping by to share your news. I’m glad the truffles were a hit—but I’m not surprised.”

He was moving to a safer subject.

Because he was tempted to get up close and personal again—like with another kiss?

If only.

But he’d backed off at the beach, stopped short of making premature commitments—and a man of honor didn’t mislead a woman he cared about.

One more appealing attribute to add to his growing list.

That didn’t mean she couldn’t take the lead on getting up close and personal, though. What harm could there be in a quick, innocent send-off kiss between friends?

Innocent, my foot. Get real, Katherine. A kiss is a kiss—and you know what message it will convey.

She shut off her inner voice. Later, after Zach was gone, she’d think about the implications.


In the meantime, she was giving him a proper good-bye.

Proper—or improper?

She quashed that rebuke too.

“Have a safe trip.” She rose on her tiptoes . . . pressed her lips against his . . . lingered as long as she dared . . . then scampered across the deck and dashed through the woods.

Not until she was on her own deck did she look back.

He hadn’t followed.

No surprise there.

He was probably still trying to fathom why she’d initiated a lip-lock—and what it meant.

Join the club.

Pulse hammering, as out of breath as if she’d run a competitive hundred-meter dash, she braced her hands on the railing, sucked in air . . . and admitted the truth.

Zach Garrett was getting under her skin.

Enough to become a factor in her decision about the movie role—and her career path.

Which was scary.

After all the work she’d put into achieving success, letting a surge of hormones influence her choices was a mistake.

Yes, she had a host of other reasons to rethink her goals. All the ones she’d enumerated to Zach. All of them legit.

Hormones weren’t.

And it was too soon to call the sparks between them anything more than that. Electricity was potential, nothing more . . . and giving up her dreams to pursue a potential that might not pan out would be crazy. Her decision had to be based on lucid, sound analysis.

Problem was, it was hard to get the left side of her brain to cooperate with thoughts of Zach short-circuiting her logic.

Perhaps a walk on the long, empty expanse of Blackberry Beach would help whisk away the cobwebs in her head.

She stepped off the deck and marched toward the hard-to-find path through the brambles.

Until Zach returned, she’d do her best to banish him from her mind. Stop fixating on short-term decisions and think about long-term goals. Like, where did she want to be in five years? Ten?

That could help her put her more immediate choices into perspective, perhaps clarify her short-term decisions.

And until she had a rational resolution to her present situation, she would follow one important rule.

There would be no more mind-muddying kisses with a way-too-appealing neighbor who gave new meaning to the word hot.


Stephanie—There aren’t any national parks in our backyard, but the gardens at Shore Acres State Park are beautiful. I thought I’d drive up there Tuesday after The Perfect Blend closes and see what’s blooming. Should be quiet on a weekday. If you’re not busy, I’d enjoy your company. Let me know. Frank

Stephanie stopped on the sidewalk outside of Grace Christian as she read the new message that had popped up in her email during the Sunday late service.

All that dithering over whether to issue a second invitation to Frank, only to have him take the initiative and force her hand.

A tingle zipped through her as the breeze lifted the end of the filmy silk scarf around her neck and sent it fluttering behind her.

She might not need a man to complete her world—but having a beau at this stage of her life was a delightful prospect.

Even if she hadn’t yet decided whether to listen to her heart and consider altering her retirement plans.

“Morning, Stephanie.” Charley stopped beside her. “Beautiful day, isn’t it?”

She angled toward the taco man Zach had introduced her to early in her stay—and whose stand they visited often. “Yes, it is. I hope it lasts.” She motioned toward the horizon, where dark clouds were gathering over the sea. “I’m wondering if those will move in.”

“They may.” He perused them. “But cloudy days serve a purpose too. They help us appreciate the sunshine.”

His positive take was consistent with the optimism he’d displayed during each of their encounters. “You have a point.”

“Is Zach with you today?”

“No. He’s out of town.”

“Ah. Let’s hope he has a productive trip.”

She studied him. That was an odd term to use—unless he was privy to Zach’s destination. But as far as she knew, her nephew had only shared it with her and Kat.

Charley’s adjective choice must be a fluke.

He picked up the conversation again. “How are you enjoying our quiet little haven?”

“I’m loving it.”

“You aren’t missing the lights and excitement of the big city?”

“No. The slower pace has helped me unwind after years of nonstop travel and packed schedules. And reconnecting with Zach has been a joy.”

“I’m sure he feels the same. Strengthening family ties is always a worthy pursuit. In the end, it’s the people in our lives that matter most.”

“Yes.” She rubbed her thumb over the cell in her hand. “Although to be honest, during my corporate days I was so occupied with my career I lost sight of that.”

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