Home > Blackberry Beach (Hope Harbor #7)(55)

Blackberry Beach (Hope Harbor #7)(55)
Author: Irene Hannon

“If you’d answer your phone once in a while, you’d know. We’ll talk after you get back.”

The line went dead.

Heart pounding, Katherine picked up her pace. Despite Simon’s propensity toward over-the-top theatrics, the man seemed to be legitimately rattled.

This had to be about the movie. Nothing less momentous could persuade him to leave LA behind again.

And while she wasn’t all that keen to hear his news, she ascended the bluff at twice her usual speed.

True to his word, he was on her deck. Not cooling his heels but pacing.

The instant he spotted her emerging from the brambles, he planted his fists on his hips and sent her a glare that would shrivel a person with twice her confidence.

Don’t let him intimidate you, Katherine. You’re an actress. Play this cool.

Silently repeating the mantra, she closed the space between them, using every step to shore up her flagging composure.

Once on the deck, she stopped several feet away from her unexpected—and unwanted—visitor. “What are you doing here?”

Instead of respecting her personal space, he swooped in, bristling with rage. “You know, Katherine—you’re not a big enough star to indulge in this temperamental ‘I want to be alone’ diva act . . . or ignore your agent.”

“We had an understanding. I wanted to get away. You agreed to give me breathing room. I’m aware of the studio deadline, and I’ll have an answer for you on that date.”

“The date’s changed.”

Her stomach dropped to her toes. “What are you talking about?”

“If you’d answered my calls and read my texts, you’d know.” His nostrils flared as he inhaled. “The studio wants an answer by this weekend.”

“What?” Her stomach began to churn.

“You heard me. In four days—five at the latest.”

An ache began to throb in her temple. “Why? What happened?”

“The shooting schedule’s been accelerated. They want to begin at the end of September and wrap up location work by year-end to keep travel expenditures in this calendar year. They need to lock down the stars ASAP. I don’t have to remind you there are several actresses waiting in the wings who’d sign on the dotted line tomorrow.”

No, he didn’t.

The pain in her head intensified.

“I’m not ready to give you an answer.”

“Maybe this will help you decide. They’ve agreed to let you keep your clothes on, and the language you didn’t like in your lines will be removed. Those are huge concessions.”

Yes, they were.

Also unexpected.

Instead of making her decision easier, the director’s willingness to meet her terms complicated the situation. Removed the excuse she’d been keeping in reserve if she decided to turn the role down.

She massaged the bridge of her nose. Simon wanted her to cave—but despite all he’d done to convince the powers-that-be to address her concerns, she still couldn’t pull the trigger.

“I have to think about this, Simon.”

He compressed his lips and tried to stare her down.

She waited him out.

At last he stalked over to one of her deck chairs and sat. “Fine. I’ll wait while you do.”

Her jaw dropped. “Here?”

“Yes. I’m not going back to LA until this is resolved. It’s too big a deal, and too much hangs in the balance, to give this anything less than total focus. Helping you come to a decision is my top priority.”

No . . . getting her to sign the contract was his top priority. There were megabucks and a healthy helping of prestige in this for him too.

“You can’t stay here. I don’t want any more scandal in my life.”

“No one knows either of us is in town—and you have plenty of space.”

“If someone finds out, you know how the media will play it.”

“Nobody cares in this day and age.”

“I do. And I’ve had enough undeserved scandal to last a lifetime.”

Smirking, he stood. “I knew you’d say that. I’m already booked at a quaint little inn called the Gull Motel—their description, not mine.” His mouth curled in distaste. “I just hope it’s clean. The B&B that appears to be the only high-end place in town was already booked.”

“You’ll survive. Or you could go back to LA and I’ll call you this weekend.”

“Not happening. At least here, I can drive up to see you if you ignore my calls.”

“I won’t ignore them.”

“I’m not taking that risk.” He let out a slow breath, and as he continued, his manner became more conciliatory. “Look, Katherine—I know the whole nasty business with Jason and the investigation afterward were traumatic. But you have to keep the prize in sight. This role is what you’ve wanted since the day you came to Hollywood. It’s a dream come true—and it doesn’t happen for everyone.”

“I know that. And I’m grateful for the offer.”

“I hear a but in there.” He motioned to the two chairs on the deck. “Let’s sit for a few minutes. Talk to me about what’s on your mind.”

Her vision misted, and she clenched her hands at her sides until her nails dug into her palms.

It was much easier to blow off the high-handed, arrogant Simon. This kinder, gentler version was far harder to deal with—even if his empathy was an act.

He walked over to the chairs. Waited.

She brushed a few grains of sand off her leggings, mind racing.

Should she have a frank discussion with him? Share her concerns, as she’d done with Zach? After all, the man was her agent.

Yeah. She probably ought to be more candid about her career turmoil.

Forcing her feet to carry her forward, she joined him at the chairs and sank into one.

As he sat beside her, Charley’s seagull friends swooped down and landed on the deck railing a few yards down. After giving them a wary perusal, Simon redirected his attention to her. “Tell me what’s holding you back.”

Mustering up her courage, she poured out all her turmoil, sharing her doubts and disillusionment and dissatisfaction as she had with Zach—though not in as much detail.

Simon listened without interrupting until she finished, then leaned back in his chair, brow knotted. “I didn’t realize how unhappy you were—or that your discontent predates the incident with Jason.”

That wasn’t the reaction she’d expected.

He hadn’t yelled at her. Or berated her. Or tried to convince her that her feelings weren’t valid.

Either he’d suddenly developed compassion and understanding—or fear of losing out on a deal to have one of his clients star in a prestigious film was forcing him to put a long-rusty skill set to use.

Her money was on the latter—but she’d give him the benefit of the doubt.

“I think my misgivings have been simmering for quite a while. Jason’s death was . . . it forced me to confront them.”

“So you’re having a sort of midcareer crisis, questioning your goals. It happens.” He patted her hand, oozing empathy. “But that’s a different challenge than the decision about whether to accept this role. They don’t have to be dealt with together. Why not take the part and defer the question about where to go from there until after the film wraps?”

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