Home > Blackberry Beach (Hope Harbor #7)(64)

Blackberry Beach (Hope Harbor #7)(64)
Author: Irene Hannon

The more she talked, the more radiant she became.

Zach’s stomach twisted again.

Katherine might not like all the trappings that came with a career in Hollywood, but she loved the acting part—and this was a plum role. Whatever her ultimate decision about her career, if she turned this part down, she could regret it for the rest of her life.

And much as he wished she would, if he tried to push her in that direction, he’d regret his selfishness for the rest of his life.

“I think you have your answer, Katherine.”

“How can you be so certain when I’m not?”

“I can see it in your face.” He forced up the corners of his mouth. “You’re glowing. You look like I did the day I opened The Perfect Blend—excited, eager, ready to dig in and create something that would feed my soul. For you, it would also be the culmination of a lifelong dream . . . even if you decide to change direction and pursue a new dream afterward.”

“That’s the tricky part.” She brushed her hand over the sand beside her, letting the grains trickle through her fingers. “It will be much harder to walk away if the movie’s a success.”

“But not impossible. And while you’re filming, you’ll have a chunk of time to think about your future. How long will it take to shoot the movie?”

“I don’t have the schedule yet. I know the major location work is supposed to be done by year-end. It may take another few weeks to finish the set work.”

“So it’s not a long commitment.”

She tipped her head. “I’m beginning to think you’re trying to get rid of me.”

“You know better. If I had my druthers, you’d ditch the Hollywood life today and move to Hope Harbor.”

“But if I did, what would I do? Would I miss acting? What would happen if I moved here and our electricity shorted out?”

“Only you can answer those questions—and you should before you initiate such a radical change.”

“I know.” She sighed and picked up the baggie. “Are you going to finish your sandwich?”

“Later.” He rewrapped his too.

“You want a truffle?”

“I wouldn’t mind ending this conversation on a sweet note—and since my preferred treat isn’t available”—he brushed his fingertips across her lips with a whisper touch—“I’ll have to settle for a truffle.”

Her breath hitched, and she swallowed. “It might b-be available.”

Despite the temptation, he resisted. “No. Let’s not muddy your decision with hormones.”

She pushed her hair back with fingers that weren’t quite steady. “You’re killing me here.”

“Hey. This isn’t easy for me either. Give me credit for taking the honorable course.” He managed to conjure up another smile.

“You couldn’t rise much higher in my estimation than you already are.” She doled out the truffles, two each, and bit into hers.

He followed her lead, savoring the flavor of sun-ripened blackberries and chocolate on his tongue. “Mmm. I liked the lavender and Earl Grey version, but these edge them out by a hair.”

“The blackberries will be waning soon. I wanted to take advantage of their availability before they were gone.” She finished her first truffle. “That leads to another concern, if I decide to take the movie role. Opportunities, like blackberries, have a season. They don’t hang around forever.” She met his gaze. “Men like you don’t come around every day, Zach—and several months is a long time. Nations have been conquered in less.”

She was worried he’d meet someone else while she was gone.

That was one fear he could put to rest.

“If you’re concerned another woman will come along and claim my heart, don’t be. Other than you, I haven’t met anyone who’s interested me in two and a half years—and Hope Harbor isn’t exactly a swinging singles scene. It’s not like women are beating my door down.”

“Romance is in the air, though. Look at Stephanie and Frank. And I’ve been hearing stories about other couples who met here too. Not to mention Floyd and Gladys.” She lightened her tone with the last reference—but her worry was real.

He took her hand again. Wove his fingers through hers. “If you decide to do the movie, I’ll be here after it’s finished. You have my promise. We’ll keep in touch while you’re gone, and once it’s over, we’ll figure out the best path forward together. Fair enough?”

Her blue irises began to shimmer. “Not for you. You’re putting your life on hold for me.”

“No. I’m living the life I’ve chosen in a place I love. I’m not putting anything on hold.” Except falling in love with the woman across from him.

Or, more accurately, falling more in love. He was halfway there already.

But giving voice to that this early in their relationship could put more pressure on her, which she didn’t need.

“You know what I wish?” Her tone grew wistful.

“Tell me.”

“That God would write the direction I’m seeking in the sky.” She waved her hand across the blue expanse, now gilding near the horizon.

“I’ve been in your shoes. But subtle guidance can be less disruptive. You don’t want the kind of shove I got.” A cloud scuttled past the sun, momentarily dimming the light and chilling the world.

As Josh’s death had done to his life.

“I know your peace was hard-won.” She squeezed his fingers. “I’m just glad there was a happy ending with your father.”

“Me too.” He scanned the bluff behind them. “We ought to head back. Negotiating the path in the dark is tricky. Ready?”


He stood, held out a hand to help her up, and tucked his sandwich back in the bag. “Want me to carry your half for you?”

“No. I may not get it back.” She gave him a teasing shoulder nudge. “Want me to carry your second truffle for you?”

“Uh-uh. I can take care of it.” He put the whole piece in his mouth and motioned her toward the path.

He chewed as they strolled to the end of the beach and started up the bluff, the sweetness of the candy offering a pleasant finish to an otherwise stressful conversation.

Nothing had been resolved—and who knew what Katherine would decide?

If she did take the movie role, what would he do if she didn’t return?

No answer came to him as they hiked up the steep trail.

At the path to his house, she stopped—but he motioned for her to continue. “I’ll walk you home.”

“It’s not far, and after all my treks to the beach, I could walk the route in my sleep. Thank you for the sandwich—and the conversation. I’m going to sleep on everything we talked about and try to come to a decision in the next day or two.”

“Stop by the house if you want to talk again.”

“I will.” After a nanosecond hesitation, she leaned forward and hugged him. Tight. “No matter what happens, I’ll always be grateful our paths crossed.” Her voice was muffled against his chest. Tear-laced.

That didn’t leave him feeling warm and fuzzy.

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