Home > Is It Any Wonder (Nantucket Love Story #2)(86)

Is It Any Wonder (Nantucket Love Story #2)(86)
Author: Courtney Walsh

That certainly put a damper on any plans for a good time.

She dragged her single suitcase behind her, aware how pathetic it was that at the age of thirty-one, she could fit nearly everything important to her in one suitcase—and it wasn’t even the largest one in the set her grandmother had sent when she graduated from college nine years ago.

She heaved a sigh and moved with the flow of foot traffic as tourists flooded off the ferry and onto the street. When she was a girl, this was the moment she looked forward to all year long—the moment her flip-flops hit the cobblestones, the moment she and her mom arrived in Nantucket.

So much had changed.

As she watched Andrew’s red-and-yellow backpack disappear into the crowd, she said a quick prayer that his days in Nantucket were filled with nothing but good things—lobster boils and fish fries, giant ice cream cones from the Juice Bar and long, sun-kissed days at Jetties Beach.

She wished for him all the things she would’ve held on to if Nantucket hadn’t been ruined for her all those years ago.

And suddenly, she wasn’t so sure she actually could do hard things.

But she was about to find out.

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Thank you. From the bottom of my heart, I want you to know how much you mean to me. Knowing how many books there are for you to choose from, it humbles and amazes me that you would choose to spend time reading one of mine. It means the absolute world to me.

I think one of the best things about being an author has been getting to know many of you—I’ve met some of you in real life, and many are simply “online friends,” but you all make my days brighter, and I’m grateful to you for that.

As seems to be a theme in many of my stories, forgiveness plays a large part in this one. Maybe it’s because it’s something I’m constantly striving to get right, or it’s an area of my life that needs regular care and attention. Either way, it’s a lesson worth keeping at the forefront of my mind, and I hope that maybe you can relate as Cody and Louisa grapple with their past mistakes, the guilt and shame they still feel over what they’ve done.

And I especially hope the unconditional love and sacrifice Cody in particular experienced resonates with you and that you know in your soul that you are equally as loved.

I sincerely hope you enjoyed this Nantucket love story, and I would love to know what you thought of it. I truly love to hear from my readers, especially when I get to know you a little better! I invite you to stay in touch by signing up for my newsletter on my website—courtneywalshwrites.com—or by dropping me a line via email: [email protected].

With love and gratitude to you,






TO ADAM. Always and forever. Me + You. Thank you for never letting me quit on myself. Life is so much better with you on my side. You’re my favorite.

My kids—Sophia, Ethan, and Sam. There is a lot about my life that I love, but nothing as much as I love you guys. I’m your biggest fan.

My Studio family. You’ve been one of my life’s greatest blessings. I am so, so thankful for each and every one of you.

To Matt and Elizabeth Fine. Thank you for answering all of my Coast Guard questions with such kindness. I’m so grateful you set me straight and helped me understand such a fascinating world.

My parents, Bob and Cindy Fassler. Thank you for praying for me, for believing in me, and for cheering me on. I sure did luck out in the parent department!

Stephanie Broene. Thank you for pushing me, for believing in me, for making me better. I will forever be grateful to you.

Danika King. What can I say? You are simply the best. Thank you for being such an important part of this process.

Carrie Erikson. My sister, my friend, and sometimes my therapist. You are a gift.

To Katie Ganshert, Becky Wade, and Melissa Tagg. At the beginning of this writing journey, I never would’ve predicted that one of the very best by-products would be your sweet friendships. I am so thankful to each of you.

To Natasha Kern, my agent. Thank you for challenging me to be better and write stronger. I am so thankful for your wisdom on this journey.

To Deb Raney. Always my mentor and always my friend. For all you’ve done to help me understand story—I am grateful.

To the entire team at Tyndale. I know how very blessed I am to work with the best of the best. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your family.

And especially to you, my readers. I count it among my greatest honors that I get to share my stories with you. Thank you for every comment, every post, every email, and every review. You bless my life more than you will ever know.





Louisa is weighed down by shame and guilt over choices from her past. How much of this guilt is appropriate conviction, and how much is misplaced? By the end of the story, how has Louisa learned to work through this shame and guilt? What could that process look like in your own life?

When Cody is assigned to the Nantucket Coast Guard station, he must return to a place that holds painful memories. How does he respond? Have you ever been forced to go somewhere that was difficult for you to face? What was that experience like?

In a memory from Louisa’s childhood, a thunderstorm catches Daniel Boggs off guard as he’s grilling outside. As the rain pours down, he tells Louisa, “That’s God making everything new. No matter what, he can always make things new.” In this story, how do Louisa and Cody see God giving them second chances and making old things new? How have you seen this in your own life?

Cody keeps track of the people he failed to save by adding hash marks to his tattoo. What danger is there in having a tangible reminder like that always in front of you? What benefits are there to remembering the past—and learning from it?

Throughout the story, several characters struggle to forgive themselves and others. How does this struggle play out in the experiences of Cody, Louisa, Marissa, Warren, and JoEllen? Think of a time you had to work hard to forgive yourself or someone else. How did that process impact you?

One of the main reasons Louisa and Eric’s relationship ended was because he didn’t believe in her. Why was that a deal breaker for Louisa? What factors are most important to you in a healthy relationship?

Manny Wirth has a difficult time knowing how to relate to God after the accident that put his son, Jackson, in a coma. He writes, “Believing it was human error and not something God allowed to happen to our son is easier. Because if God simply turned his face in Jackson’s hour of need, where does that leave us?” How can you maintain your faith in God when you or someone you love is suffering? Where have you seen God at work in the difficult circumstances of your life, even if you don’t understand them?

Why does Louisa fight so hard to bring her family and Cody’s back together? What does she hope that will accomplish, and what is the outcome of her efforts?

What is Maggie’s role in Louisa’s and Cody’s lives? How does she influence them and their families to move forward in spite of tragedy and past hurts? Do you have an older mentor like this in your life—or could you pursue this kind of relationship with someone younger than you?

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