Home > Touchdown(17)

Author: Leslie North

“Mm-hmm.” Marie tutted knowingly. “It was inevitable.”

“Then after we talked this morning, he laid a kiss on me. I shit you not. And now things aren’t just confusing, they’re hot.”

Marie squealed. “You kissed Maxwell Smith!”

“I did. But I shouldn’t have. I mean, it’s not like I can date him,” she added.

Marie scoffed. “And why not? Because he’s a football player? Or because he’s younger than you?”

Jill pursed her lips, shaking her head even though her friend couldn’t see her. A sign on the side of the road declared her exit was in three miles. “It’s neither of those. Honestly, we have the kids to think about. The focus should be on them. And given my history…I don’t think I should even try.”

Marie sighed, as though she’d been afraid of this. “Well, honey, that’s up to you. But the truth is, you haven’t dated anyone since your divorce. You can’t judge all men and all relationships on one awful experience.”

“But it’s too soon,” Jill went on, searching deep inside for more excuses. Anything to make it easier to say no. To walk away. To convince herself this was a bad idea and save herself from unnecessary hurt. “I just signed the divorce papers.”

“That was a year ago,” Marie reminded her. “And you guys were separated long before that. So don’t talk like that.”

Jill groaned. Her friend was right.

“All I’m saying is, it wouldn’t be the worst idea in the world to test the waters with this man,” Marie said. “You guys are both adults. Get things clear from the beginning about the kids. And then see what happens.”

Marie’s words continued to cycle through Jill’s mind long after her workday started, all through her lunch hour, and into the late afternoon and evening.

And the more Jill thought about it, the more she knew the truth.

It didn’t even matter if she decided it was time to try a thing with Maxwell. Fact was, she was helpless to stop it.






Max’s day lasted forever. It wasn’t just the handful of hours of sleep that were killing him. It was the anticipation.

Because he’d gotten a taste of Jill’s juicy lips, and he knew that even a hundred more wouldn’t come close to satisfying him.

When the kids napped that day, he napped as well, even though midday naps were usually sacrilegious to his training regimen. But then again, so was drinking, which he’d done plenty of last night. He’d left his car at the restaurant and gotten a cab home. But then again, he was a lightweight after an entire season of abstinence. Engagement parties were the perfect excuse to drink too much—and when conversation had turned to his love life, his buddies had pried every last hidden feeling for Jill out of him, then encouraged him to say something. Make a move. Get on it.

Now the train was in motion, and he could barely wait to clear the station platform.

Jill didn’t get home until after 8 p.m. He’d already put the triplets to bed and was just coming down the staircase when she walked through the front door.

“Did I miss bedtime?” she asked, sounding genuinely disappointed.

“You did. But don’t worry. They went down easy for me.”

“Phew.” She slipped out of her wedge heels and set her briefcase down on the long table by the front door. Maxwell paused as she shrugged off the light blazer she wore over her blouse. Things were new. He barely knew how to proceed. No, scratch that. He knew exactly how to proceed. He just didn’t want to scare her off.

“How was work?” he asked, mesmerized by the way she undid her gold watch from around her left wrist. She set it on the long table. This was her post-work routine, he knew. She liked to leave certain things by the door so she never forgot or overlooked them.

“Busy. And for some strange reason, I was dragging…”

“Hm.” He took her hand once she was ready, lacing his fingers between hers as he led her deeper into the house. “So strange. It’s almost like you didn’t get a good night’s sleep.”

“Almost,” she said, her grin ear to ear as she followed him.

“Are you hungry? Need a glass of wine?” He led her through the dining room and to the huge living room. He’d planned on them having a movie night, but now that she was home, he’d do anything she asked of him. Cook an entire meal from scratch? No problem. Run to the store and buy ice cream? Also fine.

“I ate at work. And honestly, if I drink wine I’ll pass out.”

“I’ll make sure you don’t fall asleep,” he promised.

Her laughter was all the motivation he needed. They walked through the living room into another room that was always closed off to the kids, and not often used for other reasons: the home theater.

Amber sconce lights lent the room a relaxed feel. Steps led down each side of the tiered seating area, where individual leather seats looked toward the huge screen. Near the bottom, a comfy leather couch faced the huge screen on the wall, but it wasn’t just any couch—it was practically a bed pit, lined with throw pillows, soft blankets draped along the armrests.

“Ohhh, you bust out the private theater,” she said, covering her grin with a hand. “Maxwell, are we on a date?”

“It’s the best we can manage as two working parents,” he said. At the edge of the couch pit, he gently pushed her at the hips so that she sat back on the expansive lounge area. “And I even have a baby monitor on my phone so we can hear the kids if they cry. Now, do you want popcorn?”

She laughed. “I normally get Twizzlers, but I’m not sure you have those at Smith Theaters.”

“You’re right. But I’ll go buy them if you need them.”

“No. I think this is more than enough,” she said, scooting up until her back hit a furry throw pillow. He crawled onto the couch and arranged himself beside her, bringing out his phone and the app he used to control everything: the screen, the lights, the volume. He tapped at the phone screen, dimming the lights slightly, which made her go “Ooooh.” From there, he brought up the movie options for that night and let her choose.

She sucked in a sharp breath. “Let’s go with Love and Basketball.”

He selected it from the menu and set his phone aside once the movie started playing. “You want to pick up some pointers about dating athletes, huh?”

She elbowed him. “Nobody said anything about dating.”

“We’ll see about that,” he teased, reaching for his phone to dim the lights more.

“Don’t be offended if I fall asleep halfway through the movie,” she said.

“I won’t,” he promised, once the lights were just a touch above movie theater-level dim. Then he settled into place at her side, slinging his arm around her shoulders. “Just promise me one kiss before you fall asleep.”

She looked up at him, her beautiful eyes searching his face. “Is that the price of admission?”

He nodded, bringing his free hand up to caress the curve of her cheek. “Yeah. You okay with that?”

In lieu of a response, Jill surged forward and captured his lips in a kiss. Heat spread through his chest as he welcomed her mouth. She was softness and warmth against him, their kiss feeling more like old lovers reuniting than someone new to him and his life. She pushed for another kiss, and this time, he pressed his tongue past her lips. He could taste the remnant of her mint gum, which only excited him further. He wanted to devour her. From head to toe.

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