Home > Take a Breath (Take #1)(43)

Take a Breath (Take #1)(43)
Author: Jaimie Roberts


“I’m going to let that one slide as I am more intrigued about why Tom thought you were gay. But if you ever swear like that to me again, I will put you over my knee and spank you so hard that you won’t be able to sit for the rest of the day. Do I make myself clear?” His hot breath is close to my ear, and my chest is heaving. My breasts suddenly become very swollen, and my nipples erect just on his barrage of words. I moan out a “Yes.” What is it with Jake and him making me submissive towards him? I always find myself giving in to anything he says.

Satisfied, he lets go of my arms, but I stay laying against him. I don’t want to move. I watch as he brings the sponge forward, dipping it in the water. Once the sponge is wet and soapy, he starts caressing my breasts with it. I moan out loud. God, I want him all over again. When is enough, enough?

“Now you’re going to tell me what Tom said to you.”

I moan again. “Can’t we just—”

He moves the sponge down to my pussy and starts rubbing it there. I cry out again. “Can’t we just … oh, God, Jake, please!”

He abruptly stops rubbing. “No. Not until you tell me.”

He moves back to my breasts, and my throbbing pussy feels the absence of his touch. I can feel just how aroused he is, but he seems to be holding on to some semblance of control. I don’t know how he does it. I just want to grab him and push his beating cock inside of me all over again.

“Because,” I begin before an involuntary scream cuts me off.

“Because what, Ana? Tell me.” His vice-like grip is strong. He knows I can’t move, and he also knows he has all the control.

“Because, I’ve never had a … ahhh … relationship, and I … oh, yes, that’s it!” I feel the sponge down on my pussy again. “Jake, please. You’re going to stop. I know you will.” And, sure enough, he stops again. This man is so infuriating.

“Continue, please.”

He starts up his delicious onslaught again, making sure he’s doing it as slowly and gently as possible. He knows exactly what he’s doing, and it’s killing me.

I start panting heavily. “I was … was … never interested in anyone before.” Jake stops yet again, causing me to cry out, and I nearly elbow him.

“Steady,” he warns. “Now, why weren’t you interested in anyone?” He starts up the rhythm again, and I’m certain that my pussy must look like it’s gone ten rounds with Mike Tyson by now. I know it’s red, swollen, and waiting for his cock.

“Do I have to spell it out?”

The sponge is there, resting so close to the spot that he knows will drive me crazy. I try to wiggle myself closer to it, so that I can get my release, but Jake just pins me tighter to him. “Where do you think you’re going? I want you to answer the question.” He rubs me a little, stops, rubs again, and then stops. I’m about ready to explode from sheer agony.

“Because it was only you. It has always been you. Are you happy now?” I shout.

He pulls himself up to my ear and whispers, “Yes,” before carrying on his delicious brand of torture. This time, however, the intensity of his rubbing is tenfold, and I feel my climax building to new levels. Before I can even think straight, my mouth parts, and my back arches against him as I come apart, screaming his name as I do. My God, every time this man makes me come, I swear, it’s even more intense than the last.

Overcome, I rest my back on his chest and allow myself to simply feel the heavy rhythm of his beating heart as I try to calm down from my magnificent high.

I close my eyes on a contented sigh and lie there as my breathing calms. I snuggle up to him, and he starts to stroke my neck. All the troubles of the day, along with that dream, fade away. I can stay like this with Jake forever.

He is my forever.

“You know I won’t let anything happen to you, don’t you?”

I sigh, realizing I would give my life and soul to this man. “Yes, I know you won’t. I know.”

“And I will have a talk with Tom about what you said.”

All my calm disappears as my eyes shoot open, and I turn to face him. “No, you won’t. It doesn’t matter, does it? He certainly knows I’m not now. Besides, he’ll know that I told you, and I don’t want any bad air between us. I have to work with the guy.”

He looks deeply into my eyes. “I just don’t like that people are talking shit behind your back. I hate people like that. Tom sometimes needs to be reined in. I already had to do it once when he followed you in the mall a couple of weeks back.”

My eyes widen. “You didn’t!”

Jake nods with a frown. “Of course I did. I wasn’t going to let any asshole stalk you and talk to you like that.”

I lean over to kiss Jake lightly on the lips. “I’m a big girl, Jake. I can take care of myself. Don’t worry. Tom didn’t get off lightly when he blurted that little gem out about me being gay.”

“I should hope not,” he smiles. “I knew that you didn’t have anyone, not that I would have let you. It sounds selfish, I know, but I think I would beat the living shit out of anyone who touched you whether you were mine or not. For instance, that night you disappeared and didn’t come home, I was frantic. Your mother wondered why I was so worried about you, considering you’re a grown woman with the right to do whatever you want. ’Let her have her fun’, she’d said. I called a few people anyway, and someone eventually told me you’d left a bar with a guy. I almost crushed the phone in my hand.”

I gaze at him, startled. I knew he was pissed when I saw him the next day. I remember it well.

I had stumbled into the kitchen the following morning.

My mum and Jake were sitting at the island. Jake’s face was like thunder, but my mum was smiling from ear to ear.

“Have a good time, did we?” she asked, looking slightly amused.

I felt like shit. I was hungover and angry with myself for letting things go as far as they did. “I really can’t remember. I don’t feel very well,” I said.

Jake looked panicked. “Where were you all night? Are you hurt? Who were you with?”

My head was banging as I looked up at him. “I stayed at a friend’s house. No biggie.”

He straightened his stance. “Who? Which friend?” he asked, not willing to let it go.

My mum chose then to pipe in. “For goodness sake, Jake, leave the girl alone. She’s not sixteen. She can do whatever she wants.”

He stormed off at that point, and we never spoke of it again. Not exactly, anyway.

“I found him, you know. I found out who you were with. I paid a visit to this John guy. I told him that if he ever took advantage of you like that again, I would make sure his life wasn’t worth living.”

My jaw drops. I almost can’t believe he did that. John never said anything to me about it. He was a little strange with me after that incident, but I’d just attributed that to him feeling just as embarrassed as I did.

Jake, having read my reaction correctly, jumps into defending his actions.

“You were obviously drunk. How he could not have seen that is beyond me. Why on earth would a decent guy take someone that drunk back home with him and take advantage of her like that? You know that’s not right. Besides, I fucking hated that someone else had slept with you. I had to try so hard to avoid hitting that guy because it would have gotten me into a lot of trouble. It would have caused a shitstorm both at work and at home. I couldn’t show how I really felt.”

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