Home > Take a Breath (Take #1)(70)

Take a Breath (Take #1)(70)
Author: Jaimie Roberts

As Tony starts sprinting towards me, I will my jelly legs to move. I clamber deep in to the trees and trip on a branch, which twists my ankle. A frustrated growl leaves my lips. This can’t be happening to me. He’s going to catch up with me, and I know that when he does, this life will end for me.

By pure adrenaline, I force myself up, and I limp on. I’m trying to gain as much speed as I can so I can hide somewhere. In the distance, about some twenty yards, I see a little wooden shack. Maybe someone’s in there.

I pick up the pace, gritting my teeth together and willing myself to push through the throbbing pain in my ankle. My hands, arms, and legs are still bleeding from the cuts made by the thorns on the side of his house.

As I get closer and closer to the little wooden chalet, I notice all is quiet. Too quiet for my liking. I don’t know where Tony is, and I’m not sure if that’s a comforting thought or not.

With that in mind, I hide behind the tree and very carefully look around me. I still can’t see him. I hear nothing but the breeze through the trees and the occasional crow squawking way above my head. How sinister this setting seems now. Everything’s set up for a perfect murder scene. A girl, running through the woods while being chased by a psychopathic serial killer. Could this be anymore surreal?

With Tony nowhere in sight, I quickly run as fast as I can to the next tree and push my back up against it. With each tree I throw myself onto, the pain in my ankle’s practically willing me to scream out.

With a small grunt, I finally manage to get to the house. I’m panting, and the urge to be sick is taking over more violently. I knock as silently on the door as possible.

Please, let someone be in!

I wait a couple of seconds, but there’s nothing. I try the handle, and the door pushes forward. My shoulders sag automatically. I see dust and cobwebs … sure signs that it’s vacant.

I look around more and see a small living area with a little table in the middle and a couple of chairs. I close the door behind me and sneak around the house, trying to see if I can find a phone, anything that could help me out of here. As I reach one of the bedrooms, my eyes widen when I spot an old fashioned, rotary phone in the corner.

Please work. Please.

I limp over to it and pick it up. It’s dead.

And, at this point, so am I.

Out of the corner of my eye, Tony’s standing in the doorway with gun in hand. His face is distorted in such an evil, twisted way that my heart immediately creeps into my mouth.

“Why the fuck did you run away? What are you trying to do? I thought you wanted me.” He runs over and grabs my hair, squeezing and yanking at me. I yelp. He slams me on the bed and the dust puffs up making me choke.

“Bitch. I thought you were special, but you’re just like the others, aren’t you? Just a bunch of fucking slut whores, all of you!”

I frantically shake my head as he straddles me. “No, Tony, please, no. I was afraid. I’m just not used to this. I can love you. I will love you. Please believe me.”

He rears his hand back and slaps me hard across the face. “Liar! You’re a fucking whore. I never should have trusted you.”

I barely register the sting on my face as he first places the gun on one of the bedside tables and then places his hands around my neck.

Oh, no. This is it. This is the day I die. I will never get to say goodbye to Jake. I just found him, and now fate’s going to rip me away from him. How cruel can life possibly be?

He clasps his hands tightly around my neck, and instinctively, I grab at his hands to try and yank them off me. My legs begin to move in all directions as I’m choking.

I plead with my eyes, but he’s way beyond any reasoning now.

He wants me dead.

That much I can see. His eyes are deep black pools of evil as he strains his grip tighter around my neck. It’s almost like looking into hell itself. I can feel my life flashing before my eyes as the gulping sound leaves my lips.

Finally, my body gives into exhaustion as I start going limp. My last thought comes across my mind as I sink into nothingness.

I love you, Jake.






I can hear noises, but they’re all muffled. I feel like I’m moving, but where to, I do not know. Where am I? In heaven?

“Ana, listen to me. You have to breathe for me. Take a breath, just one breath. Please don’t let her die. Please.”

Jake? Jake’s here! But how can he be here if I’m in heaven?

“We’re doing all we can to save her, sir. You have to let us work on her. I promise you, she is in the best of hands.”

I slip back into nothingness. What on earth’s happened? Am I dead?

I’m not sure how long I’m in the darkness for when I hear voices again.

“Mr. Bennett, she is in a coma, and it may remain that way for some time so that her body can heal. She’s suffered a major trauma. It could be a while before she wakes up. We have checked her heart and lungs, and thankfully, all seems fine. She is stable. Please, go home and get some rest. We will contact you if there is any change whatsoever.”

“I’m not leaving her. I’m staying right here until she wakes up.”

Jake, my sweet Jake. Why can’t I wake up and talk to him? My mind’s willing, but my body won’t let me. My body seems to have shut down, but my mind’s racing. I want to wake up.

Please, wake up!

I suddenly feel my hand being raised up to his lips. “Ana, yesterday when I told you that you spoke in your sleep, you told me that you loved me. I want to hear you say those words.” He goes silent for a moment, sighing heavily. “Ana, please. I love you, I always have. When I heard you say those words, it was like hearing the most precious sound I had ever heard in my life. I want you to wake up for me so you can look me in the eyes and say it. Ana, please. I have never begged for anything in my life before, but I’m begging you now. Please wake up, and tell me that you love me.”

My head’s screaming at me at this point. He just told me he loves me. He finally says the three precious words I have been longing to hear for what seems like a lifetime, and I have to be fucking in a coma or something!

Wake up, goddammit! Just wake up already!

I will my body to move, and my eyes open, but nothing happens, and then the blackness takes over again. My body has no choice but to give in to the silent command.



Lights are hurting my eyes. I try to open one and realize that I actually can. I look around the room feeling disorientated and blurry. I manage to open the other eye and see a fan above my head. The only sound I can hear is the faint humming noise as it whizzes around.

To the left I see a window, and as usual, the sun’s shining brightly. I move my head, and it’s then I notice how much my throat hurts. It’s excruciating. My hand flies to my throat, trying to rub the pain away, but my hand’s just as sore. It’s then I realize I can feel a weight on my chest. I look down to find the back of Jake’s head leaning on me. He must be asleep.

Smiling, I stroke his hair and try to speak. I manage to whisper, “I love you, too, Jake,” when he stirs.

“What?” he asks, clearly only half awake.

“I love you too.”

The pain in my throat makes talking excruciating, but I have to get those words out. I need him to know that I do love him. I’ve always loved him.

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