Home > Blood (Scales 'n' Spells #3)(27)

Blood (Scales 'n' Spells #3)(27)
Author: A.J. Sherwood

This shouldn’t have happened. The Jaeggi shouldn’t still be terrorizing people. Ravi shouldn’t have to be alert against them. He shouldn’t have been forced to sacrifice his own safety to protect his clan. Shifting in this foyer, using wind power, he’d basically had no real room to maneuver.

What if it hadn’t worked? What if his attempt had been too late, or a little off? He would have borne the full brunt of the bomb’s effect and might not have survived it.

This entire clan was filled with good people just trying to live and find some happiness. They’d done nothing to deserve this. And it enraged Sora that history was once again trying to repeat itself.

He stroked Ravi’s cheek with a flat hand, feeling the smooth hardness of the scales, the warmth of them.

“I promise you, I’ll get help here if it’s the last thing I do. They don’t understand the situation here yet, but I’m not going to leave all of you out here, defenseless. And this is the last attack you’ll have to suffer through, if I have anything to say about it.”

“Here, Sora!” Tori came back with pillows under both arms, and behind him was North, dragging a mattress with great determination. “Let’s get him settled in.”

Sora went to help with the mattress, as North was red in the face and panting with exertion. They set it aside for now, as it would mean lifting Ravi onto it, or having him shift onto it. Sora went for his head instead, lifting under his snout so that Tori could stuff three pillows beneath him. As he set Ravi’s head gently back down, he realized that a pair of chocolate-brown eyes were staring back at him, half-lidded. Ravi was clearly not fully awake, but awareness flickered through his eyes.

“Hot male nurse,” he slurred in a pleased tone. “Me likey. Kiss it better?”

Sora snorted a laugh, amused and relieved at the immediate banter. “I’m afraid it will take more than one kiss.”

“You say this like it’s a bad thing.” Ravi repositioned himself, then grimaced. “Owww. How bad is it?”

“Three cracked ribs, four broken bones in your wing, and several gashes and burns. You’re quite lucky it’s not worse.” Sora firmed his voice. “And you absolutely cannot shift from this form until I clear you. Do so, you lose the ability to fly.”

Ravi blinked, and he looked more awake now. “No! But that means I’m stuck out here.”

“That’s what it means.”

Tori pitched in, just as firm. “And that means you have to stay still.”

Ravi rolled his eyes, expression plaintive. “But I’m really bad at that.”

“I know you are. Do it anyway.” Tori had absolutely no mercy.

Sora stroked the soft spot on his nose, right between his nostrils, and Ravi settled back in with a sigh of pleasure. That was always a good spot for dragons. “I’ll keep you company, alright?”

“That does make it better,” Ravi admitted.

“It was incredibly brave, what you did. I’m glad you thought so quickly but sorry you were hurt in the process.”

It was hard to tell under the scales, but Ravi might have been blushing. He certainly had a hard time meeting anyone’s eyes, especially Sora’s.

“Uh, well, all in the line of duty.”

“Indeed.” Sora gestured toward the mattress. “I think we can carefully move you over to there and allow your wing more room to lie flat. It’ll be more comfortable for you, but let’s do this carefully. I don’t want to aggravate anything.”

“Sure, but tell me first. I saw her fly out the window, so I know I thwarted the Jaeggi. But there was no one else, right?”

“No, she was the only bomber,” North assured him. “They’re still sweeping the castle and double checking, but it looked like she was a lone suicide bomber.”

“Thank fuck. Cause I am not feeling fighting fit right now.” Ravi groaned as he started transferring his weight over. “Oww. Owwwww. Guys, I have to tell you, being hit by a bomb? Zero stars, absolutely do not recommend. Fuck, I want to curl up in a hot bath. With bubbles. And maybe stay in it for a few years.”

“After Sora says it’s okay,” North reiterated, helping to move him.

Rolling those big brown eyes at him again, Ravi pleaded, “Maybe if I shift slowly?”

“No shifting at all.”

It would be a battle between Ravi’s patience and his natural healing speed from this point on. Sora could see the writing clearly on the wall. But he had an idea or two how to temper the impatience.

“I have a lovely potion that will ease the aches and pains. I’ll rub it all over you. And kiss the boo-boos. But you have to stay in dragon form.”

Ravi paused and eyed him suspiciously. “Every boo-boo? You promise?”

“I promise.” And Sora meant it. He noticed the looks the other two mages were giving him, as if surprised at his offer and sincerity, but he didn’t elaborate. He had nothing to explain to them, after all.

“Hot damn.” Ravi sighed, then groaned as he sank onto the mattress. “I guess something good had to come out of this. I’ll hold you to that promise, Sora.”

“Do so. In the meantime, let’s find more mattresses and pillows. I don’t think just one will cut it.”



Sora had Ravi situated to be as comfortable as possible while still in an active environment. He had several mattresses under him, mounds of pillows, and comforters hastily stitched together and thrown over his back to keep him warm as he healed. Unlike a fire dragon, he had no natural heat to offer his healing body, so the comforter was essential. Really, if someone were to make a case that dragons hoarded soft things, Ravi would be the perfect illustration in this moment.

Good to his word, King Alric returned three hours after checking on Ravi, with Baldewin on his heels. Baldewin had a large blue stuffed rabbit in his hands for some reason, which he promptly tucked in between Ravi’s forearm and chest.

“You’re the only one who understands me.” Ravi sighed in pleasure.

Baldewin shook his head. “You, sleep without at least one cuddly thing nearby? We’d never hear the end of it. How are you, Ravi?”

“Sore, aching, but I have a hot male nurse. I mean, as a silver lining, it’s a damn good one.” Ravi grinned at Sora, who grinned back.

Such an incorrigible dragon. Sora would tickle him for the impertinence if it wouldn’t set off his multitude of injuries.

King Alric regarded his injured bodyguard with a twisted smile. “In good news, we’ve verified that the bomber didn’t bring an ally. There weren’t any boobytraps about, either. The Sonthofen police have come up and helped us investigate, and they’ve taken the remains of the bomb and the body away for processing. They said that, when you’re up to it, they’ll need to ask some questions about what happened.”

“Sure, it’s not like I’m doing anything else.” Ravi repositioned a little and winced. “But really, the police?”

“Since we’ve come out to the world, they’ve been more…forthcoming with us. I think they saw this as an amazing chance to not only get inside the castle and look around, but also foster good relations.” King Alric shrugged as if this were only to be expected.

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